Thursday, January 30, 2020
Debate on Indian Removal Essay Example for Free
Debate on Indian Removal Essay In the contemporary world the idea of removal of an entire people from its native land would sound wickedly and would perhaps be considered a genocide, yet in the XIX century this idea was quite permissible and corresponded to the ruling concept of civilized nations which were to rule those uncivilized and determine their existence. Therefore, in our estimation of pro and contra Indian removal arguments I shall attempt to evaluate the named arguments first and foremost from the point of view of the time and base my conclusions on such evaluation. The first argument proposed by Andrew Jackson to the Congress in 1829 is that that no new state may be established without consent of the people of that state, and since Indians are living on the territory of existing states and do not constitute a majority, they may not establish their own government and have to obey the laws of the state or immigrate. A harsher version of the argument is provided in the North American Review, January 1830, blaming that Indians are barbarous people â€Å"incapable of sustaining any other relation with the whites, than that of dependence and pupilage. †Francis J. Grund is even more acrid, as he claims Indian’s cruelty towards the Founding Fathers. A counterargument can be found in the Memorial of the Cherokee Indians, published in the Weekly Register vol. 38, and it is that a white man is a ruler of the land, and the red man is weak, yet there were times when whites were week and reds were strong, and the whites received warm welcome from the Indians. Also the Indians argued that previous treaties guaranteed their rights to land. The situation with the Indians is similar to the one with the colonists before the Revolution. The colonists appeared to be weak and Britain was strong, yet the colonists were able to gain their independence by force. However, the Indians were unable to win the war and they had to obey those who are strong. Therefore, the US Government argument was nothing but a sword law, not a just law. This is well confirmed by the Decision of the U. S. Supreme Court in Worcester v. State of Georgia (1832), where the Court has found that treaties between the Indians and the Government, as well as Indian self-government are guaranteed as long as the Indians obey the general laws of the state. Since the Indians did not obey, all they privileges have to be annulled. Yet the laws of the state themselves made the Indians chose between â€Å"becoming civilized†in other words not leading their traditional lifestyle and immigration. So, it may be concluded, that removal has logically followed from the previous relations between the Indians and the Government, in which the Government used sword more frequently than justice. The second pro argument proposed by Andrew Jackson in 1830 were advantages of immigration both for the whites and for Indians. For the US government is was an opportunity to protect the frontiers, for the states of Mississippi and Alabama these were new territories and opportunities for development, and for the Indians, under Jackson, it was an ability not to have contacts with the civilized people, follow their customs and live under the government supervision, gradually becoming a civilized community. A counterargument of the Indians is explained in the mentioned Memorial, as well as in the article published in the North American Review, October 1830 where they claim their right to stay on their land and continue their traditional life same as any nation has title over its land. In fact, we once more face the sword law: the Government determined what is â€Å"civilized†and what is â€Å"law†and the Indians had to obey or disappear. Another Indian argument may be found in the letter from John Ross: the Government was just willing to get rid of the Indians. This is an argument with no counterargument. Government’s desire to make away with the Indians was undisputable. Concluding my analysis I have to recognize that the arguments of the Indians look stronger even for the XIX century. An independent international tribunal of the time would perhaps take their side. Yet there was no such tribunal, but only the will of the Government which caused Indians to be removed.
Tuesday, January 21, 2020
Theory And Research :: essays research papers fc
Theory and Research Introduction This paper will focus on the quantitative correlation study method used in survey based researches such as the attached article entitled "Horatio Alger lives". Social research is a collection of methods people use to systematically combine theories and ideas to produce knowledge. Because of it's complexity, researchers must be able to carefully select a method or methods that will best suit their study objectives. Quantitative research method consists of: experiment, content analysis, existing statistics (correlation), and survey. The correlation and survey will be the two main methods that will be emphasized. In a survey research, people are asked questions either through the use of questionnaires or during an interview. Unlike the experiment approach, the condition and situation in a survey requires no manipulation. All the subject have to do is to answer questions. Good quantitative research is determined by validity and reliability of the research method used (Teevan, 1995:161). Therefo re, the straight correlation study method used in the survey research of "Horatio Alger lives" lack components of validity and reliability. News Article Summary This article entitled "Horatio Alger lives" is basically a survey correlation study done on two distinct social classes; sons of wealthy fathers and sons of lower income fathers. The goal in this research was to determine which sons of the two distinct social groups mentioned, were to likely make more money in the future. Therefore, they surveyed 400,000 males age 16 and 19 that was still living with their fathers. After the eleven year period the same groups of men were again surveyed, and their incomes was correlated with their fathers. The research revealed that overall sons of wealthy fathers was more likely to earn higher salaries than their dads. Based on this fact the researcher further generalized that sons of wealthy fathers was more than likely to obtain a higher income than those sons of lower income fathers. Despite the overall results a small percentage of sons of fathers in the lower income families made more money than their father. Class Discussion The class discussion evolved around two questions. The first question was; do you agree with the researcher's angle in which he derived a general assumption that, sons of wealthy fathers will make more money than sons of lower income fathers? Before allowing anyone to answer I quickly brought up the third variable which was attitude, in addition to the previous question. This question had two very interesting but opposing points of views brought to light by two very different opinionated classmates. One classmate (female) agreed with the researchers measures and assumptions, arguing on the bases that if your
Monday, January 13, 2020
Personal Response on Sexual Identity Essay
However, this has been an awakening although I do possess much about basic knowledge for my age in sexual issues there was still much I did not know (Rathus, Nevid & Fichner-Rathus, 2005). I grew up a Christian and certain high values were set my siblings and I, so high that moral values are predictable to assume on the subject of sex. Although I possess a European background my parents are primarily German-American. My siblings and I were with the ideas of spirituality is more important than religious views. However, this does not mean that we did not have set restrictions; never feeling shame or perfect knowledge of sexuality. That is why when wrapping up the last chapter of the text I realized that my sexual decisions were a positive influence and my family as-well-as myself. Prior to taking this course I unknowingly forgot some areas of my sexuality involving myself and my husband. When became married I took for granted our sexual relationship and forgot to nurture it along with our relationship. However, I was reminded that even being in a good relationship changes as-well-as our needs in that relationship. Developing and growing as a couple can avoid problems that can occur over years of neglect. Realizing, through reading the text information, taking care of our sexual needs instead of turning away from them brought both my husband and I closer together and improved our sexual relationship (Rathus, Nevid & Fichner-Rathus, 2005). Multiple sexual accounts of problems that concern couples were given in the text, which helped to improve upon and apply in my own relationship. One of those examples was Situational Ethics and the philosophy of Joseph Fletcher. This is a theory that I find most agreeable when supporting sexual behavior. The idea of supporting people because we love them or have experienced love for him or her makes sense. So by completing this course it has offered me a new perspective in critical thinking and value system in relation to sexuality. Also the material covered has assisted in becoming more aware in my son’s own sexuality and how to proceed in properly supporting a healthy sexual relationship of his own (Rathus, Nevid & Fichner-Rathus, 2005). Another important understanding is how the environmental and historical influences have shaped my life and ideas in my sexual experiences. It is my belief that both the environment and history brings important affects in molding our views as individuals on sexual orientation. The historical point of view influences how individual view sexuality, also it includes how he or she was reared by his or her parents. The historical and sexual viewpoints are different from one parent than another because of his or her own rearing. Therefore, certain sexual aspects were more acceptable for me when they were new for my parents to deal with. Case-in-point during my generation being a homosexual has become much more accepted by society than during my parent’s generation, and premarital sex was definitely prohibited. However, as a growing and mature individual I could develop my own ideas through experiences and knowledge, judging for myself what sexual preference I wanted to choose. Also there is the genetic predisposition, which contributes to the outcome and direction in which my sex is determined. So when adding the time, genetic predispositions, social environment, the way my parents reared me, and day-to-day environment influences together an individual will find the formula of a person’s sexual rientation. However, even with all of these pieces coming together to create a person’s sexual orientation none of them completely determine a person’s sexual choice. The determination of my gender identity was preset by my parents giving me the chromosomes XY, gave me an anatomic appearance of a female. Also being reared in a hetero environment had an influence in becoming a female as well. So the relation to the masculinity-femininity continuum is that I posses both traits fem inine and masculine. In some situations I tend to carry myself as a caring and soft-spoken female, is typical for feminine behavior. On the other hand I express more masculine attributes like aggressiveness and self-reliance, which is typical for masculine behavior. Both add in the development in determining and sustaining my gender identity. The biological perspective by the way was inherited from my parents and aided in the development of the characteristics in becoming a woman, gender role of nurturing and caring individual, and maternal tendencies in taking care of my child. Then the psychological perspective according to my mother to which she insists that I was a normal girl with particular behaviors toward feminine toys and clothes. As a final point, the social environment offers an insight into the typical social role of an American woman, which was predetermined at birth by my social surroundings (Rathus, Nevid & Fichner-Rathus, 2005). Attraction and love, the effects it has on a relationship is phenomenal and with whom the relationship involves can determine its outcome. Case-in-point my husband and I have nurtured and grown as a couple from a relationship to a marriage. Of course there are many aspects of love and attraction in one’s life and I think that the three most important components are Physical attractiveness, Similarity, and Reciprocity. When looking or meeting a perspective partner the first thing, I experience physically attraction, then similarity to make sure we have common interest, then reciprocity because I tend to express myself openly when a person is in agreement with me. Overall I have already experienced these characteristics in relationships for example the relationship I am currently in and any in the future. I think each phase is significant and reflect the process to which my relationships will develop (Rathus, Nevid & Fichner-Rathus, 2005). Furthermore, sexual dysfunctions are another course subject that I found interesting. Although, it is a delicate matter to most individuals I believe that dysfunctions should be addressed immediately by a doctor. People tend to postpone addressing issues concerning sexual dysfunctions when treated by a doctor it could become more manageable or cured. The reason for the lack of professional help in this area that people experience a feeling of shame, or uneducated in on the issue of sexual dysfunctions, there is however one very interesting sexual disorder I want to address the Orgasmic disorder. A man generally experiences an inability to delay an orgasm, which means he cannot control early ejaculation as for a women she experiences anorgasmia, is the lack of an orgasm even when stimulated. The Orgasmic disorder is a disorder in which being informed as much as possible is necessary to both partners and should my partner or I ever experience this kind of sexual disorder then we can acknowledge the disorder and seek treatment. Should this problem persist then my partner and I shale seek additional medical help in its prevention. However, the textbook offered knowledge in identifying and solving this problem by listing instructions to which a person may stimulate him or her prior to sexual intercourse or masturbation. Of course as men began to age he tends to experience complications from orgasmic disorders and this can lead to problems in a relationship. Moreover, if or when these dysfunctions occur many solutions are available such as talking to a medical doctor and seeking counseling to deal with the emotional stress of this disorder. Dealing with these problems in advance can improve a sexual relationship and offer a chance of a lasting marriage (Rathus, Nevid & Fichner-Rathus, 2005). When taking this course I first thought, it was unnecessary because I was confident and knowledgeable about my own sexuality.
Sunday, January 5, 2020
How to Make Silver Polishing Dip
As silver oxidizes, it tends to tarnish. This layer of oxidation can be removed without polishing and scrubbing by simply dipping your silver in this non-toxic electrochemical dip. Another big advantage to using a dip is that the liquid can reach places that a polishing cloth cannot. This is an easy experiment and takes mere minutes! Silver Polish Ingredients Sink or glass panHot waterBaking sodaSaltAluminum foilTarnished silver How to Remove Silver Tarnish Line the bottom of the sink or a glass baking dish with a sheet of aluminum foil.Fill the foil-lined container with steaming hot water.Add salt (sodium chloride) and baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) to the water. Some recipes call for 2 teaspoons of baking soda and 1 teaspoon of salt, whereas others call for 2 tablespoons each of baking soda and salt. Theres really no need to measure the amounts preciselyâ€â€just use a spoonful or two of each substance.Drop the silver items into the container so that they are touching each other and resting on the foil. Youll be able to watch as the tarnish disappears.You can leave heavily tarnished items in the solution for as long as five minutes, but otherwise, remove the silver when it appears clean.Rinse the silver with water and gently buff it dry with a soft towel.Ideally, you should store your silver in a low-humidity environment. Placing a container of activated charcoal or a piece of chalk in the storage area will minimize future tarnis h. Tips for Success Use care when polishing or dipping silver plated items. It is easy to wear away the thin outer layer of silver and cause more harm than good through over-cleaning.Minimize exposing your silver to substances that contain sulfur (e.g., mayonnaise, eggs, mustard, onions, latex, and wool) because sulfur causes corrosion.Using your silver flatware/holloware often and wearing silver jewelry helps to keep them free of tarnish.
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