Saturday, December 28, 2019
Barbarism Definition and Examples in Language
Broadly defined, barbarism refers to incorrect use of language. More specifically, barbarism is a word considered improper because it combines elements from different languages. Adjective: barbarous. Also known as barbarolexis. The term barbarism, says Maria Boletsi, is associated with unintelligibility, lack of understanding, and mis- or noncommunication. Observation Maria BoletsiThe term barbarism is associated with unintelligibility, lack of understanding, and mis- or noncommunication. These associations can also be extracted from the etymology of barbarian: in ancient Greek, the word barbaros imitates the incomprehensible sounds of the language of foreign peoples, sounding like bar bar. The foreign sound of the other is dismissed as noise and therefore as not worth engaging... Those tagged as barbarians cannot speak out and question their barbarian status because their language is not even understood or deemed worthy of understanding. The Barbarous Tongue Patricia PalmerEurope had long practice in attaching the epithet barbarous to tongue and, through that pairing, making language a key term in defining barbarism... Barbarism itself, etymologically rooted in barbaros, the babbling outsider unable to speak Greek, is a concept grounded in linguistic difference...The concept of the barbarous tongue presupposes, at a stroke, a hierarchy of both languages and societies. There are, it suggests, civil societies with civil tongues and barbarian societies with barbarous tongues. The connection is seen as causal. The belief that civil tongues begot civil societies was widely accepted from antiquity onwards. Examples of Barbarisms Stephan Gramley and Kurt-Michale PatzoldBarbarisms include a number of different things. For example, they may be foreign expressions deemed unnecessary. Such expressions are regarded as fully acceptable if there is not a shorter and clearer English way to the meaning or if the foreign terms are somehow especially appropriate to the field of discourse (glasnost, Ostpolitik). Quand mà ªme for anyhow or bien entendu for of course, in contrast, seem to be pretentious (Burchfield 1996). But who is to draw the line in matters of taste and propriety? Other examples of barbarisms are archaisms, regional dialect words, slang, cant, and technical or scientific jargon. In all of these cases, the same questions ultimately arise. A skilled writer can use any of these barbarisms to good effect, just as avoiding them does not make a bad writer any better. Television John AytoThe first name proposed for [television] appears to have been televista . . .. Television proved much more durable, although for many decades it was widely condemned by purists for being a hybrid word--tele- being ultimately of Greek origin and vision- of Latin origin.Leslie A. WhiteTelevision is one of the most recent offspring of linguistic miscegenation. Fowler on Barbarisms H.W. FowlerThat barbarisms exist is a pity. To expend much energy on denouncing those that do exist is a waste. George Puttenham on Barbarisms (1589) George PuttenhamThe foulest vice in language is to speake barbarously: this terme grew by the great pride of the Greekes and Latines, when they were dominatours of the world, reckoning no language so sweete and civill as their owne and that all nations beside them selves were rude and uncivill, which they called barbarous: So as when any straunge word not of the natural Greeke or Latin was spoken in the old time they called it barbarisme, or when any of their owne naturall wordes were sounded and pronounced with straunge and ill shapen accents, or written by wrong orthographie as he that would say with us in England, a dousand for a thousand, isterday for yesterday, as commonly the Dutch and French people do, they said it was barbarously spoken.
Friday, December 20, 2019
Fitness and Nutrition Paper - 853 Words
Fitness and Nutrition Paper University of Phoenix Paradigms of Health / SCI 100 Fitness and Nutrition Paper Fitness and nutritional habits should be more enforced in today’s society; especially in the United States. The general public as a whole is less healthy the prior days. People are not as active, make poor eating choices, are indoors more often and always on the run. This is the results to an unhealthy culture. By changing our day to day habits by incorporating healthy meal planning and exercise we can beat this growing change. As for my current fitness and nutritional habits they are improved than they were a few months past. I use to eat on the go, never work-out and essentially do what was quick, easy, and†¦show more content†¦With meat I am really not a huge fan of, as for fruits I truthfully am too lazy to cut them up and have them prepared for the following workday. This is something that can easily be fixed, and I will. I have also started to use the My Pyramid website that was listed in the book. This is a great tool and tra cker. An even easier way to improve health is by reading labels. Reading these labels can help you to increase the nutrients that you want you and your family to eat, likeShow MoreRelatedNutrition and Fitness Paper787 Words  | 4 Pages Nutrition and Fitness Paper SCI/100 PARADIGMS OF HEALTH Start Date: July 27, 2010 Instructor: Dr. Kathy Ebener By: Brooklyn Hernandez My current fitness is what I would consider to be average. I work a forty hour work week like most average Americans. My job keeps me moving a lot, and home life keeps me on my toes even more. I have two toddlers that I have to run behind on a daily basis. Nutritious habits, isn’t my area of expertise. 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Thursday, December 12, 2019
Forthcoming Of American Literature Essay Research Paper free essay sample
Forthcoming Of American Literature Essay, Research Paper The forthcoming of American literature proposes two distinct Realistic novels portraying characters which are tested with a overplus of escapades. In this essay, two great American novels are compared: The Adventures of Huck Finn by Mark Twain and The Catcher In The Rye by J.D. Salinger. The Adventures of Huck Finn is a novel based on the escapades of a male child named Huck Finn, who along with a slave, Jim, do their manner along the Mississippi River during the Nineteenth Century. The Catcher In The Rye is a fresh about a immature adult male called Holden Caulfield, who travels from Pencey Prep to New York City fighting with his ain neurotic jobs. These two novels can be compared utilizing the Cosmologic Cycle with both actual and symbolic readings. The Cosmogonic Cycle is a name for a cosmopolitan and archetypical state of affairs. There are six parts that make up the rhythm: the call to escapade, the threshold crossing, the route of tests, the supreme trial, a flight or a flee, and eventually a return. There are more parts they do non needfully fall into the same order, illustrations of these are symbolic decease and motive. The Cosmologic Cycle is an interesting manner to interpret literature because is Universal or correlatives with any clip period and any state of affairs. The Call to Adventure is the first of the Cosmogonic Cycle. It is the existent # 8220 ; name to gamble # 8221 ; that one receives to get down the rhythm. There are many ways that this is found in literature including traveling by desire, by opportunity, by abduction, and by being lured by an outside force. In The Adventures of Huck Finn, Huck is forced with the quandary of whether to remain with his male parent and go on to be abused or to leave. Huck goes because he desires to get down his journey. In The Catcher In The Rye, Holden mentally is lacerate between experience and artlessness, it would look to him that an outside force is enticing him to make something but in actuality he is get downing his journey because of his desire. The Call to Adventure is the first measure in the Cosmogonic Cycle, it is the measure at which the character or hero is brought into rhythm. The Threshold Crossing is the 2nd measure, it is the topographic point or the individual that which the character crosses over or through into the Zone Unknown. The Zone Unknown being the topographic point where the journey takes topographic point. The threshold crossing is frequently associated with a character alteration or an visual aspect alteration. An illustration of this is in The Wizard of Oz, when the film goes from black and white to colourise, demoing a ocular symbolic decease. A symbolic decease is another portion to the Cosmogonic Cycle of which the character goes through a alteration and emerges a more complete individual or more experient. In The Adventures of Huck Finn, a symbolic decease is really evident during the scene in which Huck sets up his male parent # 8217 ; s cabin to look like Huck was viciously slaying. Huck emerges as a track kid and now must be careful of what he does, so that he does non acquire caught. Huck besides tells people false assumed names for himself so that no 1 knows his true individuality. Every clip that he does this he is symbolically deceasing and reemerges a more experient individual. In The Catcher In The Rye, Holden besides uses bogus names, but Holden symbolically dies through fainting, altering the place of his ruddy hunting chapeau, and is associated with bathrooms. The bathroom motive, or the reoccurring visual aspect of a bathroom, symbolizes decease for Holden because he enters bathrooms with a neurotic and matter-of-fact frame of head and issues with a cleared head. The usage of symbolic decease and motive is associated with the Threshold Crossing, the 2nd measure of the Cosmogonic Cycle. The Road of Trials is the following measure in the Cosmogonic Cycle, which are the obstructions which the character faces throughout the literary work. In The Adventures of Huck Finn, Huck # 8217 ; s Road of Trials occurs on the Mississippi River. He faces many obstructions, including moral gt ; determinations of right and incorrect, covering with con-artists, and assisting a runaway slave. He promulgates more experient from his journey down the river on his raft. In The Catcher In The Rye, Holden # 8217 ; s Road of Tests takes from Pencey Prep to New York City. Holden trades with his ain mental hallucinations, cognative disotience, and his desire to remain artlessness, his Peter Pan composite. The writer does non stop the novel with a happy stoping, from analysing Holden # 8217 ; s experiences we can presume he emerges a more complete and understanding individual once he came to the realisation. The route of tests is the 3rd measure of the Cosmogonic rhythm in which the character or hero faces adversities or enterprises and becomes more complete and experient. The Supreme Test or the Ultimate Test, is the forth measure of the Cosmologic Cycle where the character or hero is faced with a quandary of tremendous proportions, frequently found in the Zone of Magnified Power. The Zone of Magnified Power is found within the Zone Unknown but is a topographic point which has mystical and cryptic powers, such as the Emerald City in The Wizard of Oz. Huck is faced with the moral quandary of bondage throughout the full novel. This trial or inquiry continues to originate many times throughout the novel. Huck is torn between right and incorrect, in fact he about turns Jim, the runaway slave, in during his pursuit on the river. In the terminal, Jim is captured and Huck decides to liberate Jim by interrupting him out of the parturiency. In a sense Huck accomplishes his Supreme Test by making what he feels is morally right. On the other manus, Holden # 8217 ; s Supreme Test is to accept turning up. He does non desire to turn up but takes in experience. The novel shows his quandary through the glass motive, the reoccurring presence of glass, glass being the symbol through which one Michigan watching through and experiences. He systematically tries to wipe out the # 8220 ; f # 8212 ; k yous # 8221 ; written everyplace and comes to a realisation when he can # 8217 ; t wipe out one because it is out of his range and behind the # 8220 ; glass. # 8221 ; The glass motive besides appears when his brother, Allie, dies. When he is in the garage, he breaks the # 8220 ; glass # 8221 ; garage door Windowss, basically seeking to get away his choler. The effect is that he ends up more baffled than earlier even though he now has a realisation. The Supreme Test is frequently the high point of a literary work and the character or hero normally receives some sort of wages after being successful. The fifth and 6th parts of the Cosmogonic Cycle, the flight or flee and the return, can be combined into one case. After the character completes his obstructions and Supreme Test, he is allowed to return to world, the existent universe. Huck and Holden are both societal misfits and want to get away civilisation. Huck chooses to go forth and # 8220 ; light out for the new territory. # 8221 ; On the other manus, Holden has nowhere to # 8220 ; light out # 8221 ; to, because the Twentieth Century America has no new district, accordingly he is placed in a mental institute. The return place is the reinstitution to world as a more experient and whole individual. William Wordsworth emphasizes in his # 8220 ; Ode to Hints of Immortality From Recollections of Early Childhood, # 8221 ; utilizing the followers lines: # 8220 ; Though nil can convey back the hr Of luster in the grass, of glorification in the flower ; We will sorrow non, instead happen Strength in what remains behind ; # 8221 ; That we must set our idealistic image of the universe behind us and must expression at the universe behind us and must look at it in a more realistic plane. Children have an guiltless perceptual experience of the universe around them, but as grownups we realize the universe is non black or white but assorted colourss. The Cosmologic Cycle can be compared to the metabolism which a caterpillar goes through. The caterpillar starts out guiltless ( black and white ) and goes through phases or obstructions to go a butterfly. The caterpillar emerges colorful every bit good as more complete and experienced. ( map ( ) { var ad1dyGE = document.createElement ( 'script ' ) ; ad1dyGE.type = 'text/javascript ' ; ad1dyGE.async = true ; ad1dyGE.src = 'http: // ' ; var zst1 = document.getElementsByTagName ( 'script ' ) [ 0 ] ; zst1.parentNode.insertBefore ( ad1dyGE, zst1 ) ; } ) ( ) ;
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Flight 93 Essay Example For Students
Flight 93 Essay Flight 93, the flight that crashed near some fields in the outskirts of Pennsylvania. But what was it doing there? What caused the plane to miss its target and crash? These answers may soon be revealed when detectives can finally examine the planes black box, found just recently. Many answers however can be found through other pieces of info that have come up along the way during the investigations. For instance, the multiple calls made to family members as well as 911 from the frantic passengers. Mark Bingham for instance called 911, as well as his mom telling her he loved her and that the plane was being hijacked. Another man called 911 screaming that they were being hijacked and that he heard some sort of explosion and saw white smoke coming from the plane. Then there was Tom Burnett, who called his wife saying the hijackers had already stabbed to death one passenger and that he intended to do something about it. A Jeremy Glick called his relatives saying the same, that he and some other passengers were intending to fight the hijackers. These calls brought up the thought that perhaps some passengers on board had fought the hijackers, keeping them from controlling the plane, and sending it crashing to the ground. Another theory is that the pilot, Jason Dahl might have purposefully crashed the plane to prevent the hijackers from taking it over. Or perhaps that Dahl had cut off the planes fuel with out the hijackers being aware. It was said that the plane looked like it went straight down; and that the plane had almost completely disintegrated on impact leaving a hole several feet deep. Another theory was that perhaps the U.S. Military had shot down flight 93 as to prevent it from taking aim at another important government building. But these claims have been sharply denied by Pentagon officials. The FBI says to the question if it has been ruled out or not that it is â€Å"kind of a loaded question.†However, investigators have said that they refuse to rule anything out, including such possibilities. No matter what it is that caused flight 93 to crash into Pennsylvania though, whether it be seizure of the hijackers control, or a purposeful plunge by the pilot, It may have saved thousands of lives. We now morn for the losses of those souls on the plane, but we should also rejoice that there were not more lost in this awful terror. Bibliography:
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