Thursday, November 28, 2019
What Courses Indispline in Schools Essay Example
What Courses Indispline in Schools Essay Causes within school; this might include the following, 1. The teacher taking the lesson is a supply teacher and so is not recognised by the pupils as a figure ofauthority, because he/she is only temporarily teachingthat class. Also the supply teacher may not know the individual names of the pupils this may give certain kids the excuse to ignore the teacher while he/she is attempting to communicate with them, for a time before they pretend to notice the teacher actually wants their attention. Name games might be played where the pupils assume the names of their friends for example during the register, to confuse the teacher. 2. A teacher is foreign and cannot speak good English the pupils can use it to their advantage by purposefully misunderstanding their teacher. Another way for pupils to shirk, is to engage in friendly conversation with the foreign teacher. Asking questions about his or her homeland is often a very successful way of enticing them to talk about subjectswith very little relation to the lesson. 3. The teacher may be late and so the first few minutes of the lesson werespent in an environment devoid of the basic classroom rules. This bad foundation for the lesson makes pupils more prone to rebellious behaviour 4. Its the last lesson of the day. For any teacher, sucha time of the day to teach is generally a misfortune. In anticipation of the end ofthe day, pupils take less care over their work and may lose commitment, as thoughts turn to what they have to do after the lesson, e. g piling up homework to deal with or an angry girlfriend who needs talking to. 5. We will write a custom essay sample on What Courses Indispline in Schools specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on What Courses Indispline in Schools specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on What Courses Indispline in Schools specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Of course the standard of discipline is likely to go down even further if a lengthy holiday awaits the end of a Friday afternoon lesson or indeed awaits the end of a school week. 6. Poor teaching. Usually a teacher who makes more ofan effort to connect with the pupils is more likely to gain their attention. But reading in a monotone froma text book before telling the pupils to get on with some task in their books isjust asking for the paper planes to take flight and shouting across the classroom. 7. Outnumbered. Teaching is a tough job, though not impossibly so. However, sometimes there may simply be too many rebels in the class to keep control. It might come down to ringing support stuff when a teacher has had it with a pupil who wont take out his earphones and needs to be removed. Although this may have solved a problem its ultimately wasted time as all the other pupils look up from whatever they are meant to be doing at the occurring confrontation. Playing for time, thats what its about. 8. Amongst higher ability groups, certain pupils may come to the conclusion thatthey are intellectually superior to the teacher and so taunt him/her, without feeling any incentives to do the work. Instead they talk to friends, chuck stuff about, knowing theyre able to conduct themselves in a reasonable manner should the teacher come round, and answer correctly any questions the teacher may ask them to check they aredoing the work. 9. Negative relations betweenpupils. There may also be unwelcome incidents that could occur between pupils at any time, causing tempers to occasionally flare. As you can probably guess, such emotions are likely to somewhat dim the awareness of school disciplines for the pupil(s) in question. Causes outside school; this may possibly include the following: 1. The parents of pupils may have no interest in education and so this encourages their children to assume a similar attitude, provoking rebellious behaviour. 2. Pupils may be abused at home. Its not going to be as easy for a pupil from anunstable background to focus on school work as one from a more secure one. After all, what is a pupil who is mistreated at home more likely to be thinking about, whats the formula for the circumference of a circle or , will my dad get drunk again tonight and threaten me with that knife? . Pupils may have found thatbeing tough is the way to survive at home, so why shouldnt they think otherwise whenever they turn up to school? 4. Home life for some might involve being overindulgedby parents and so pupils expect the same when theycome to school. 5. Again in the domestic context, pupils may not ever have been set clear boundaries at home and soits only natural that they are going to find abiding bya whole set of new rules atschool a suffocating prospect which limits their usual freedom immeasurably
Sunday, November 24, 2019
How successful have GATT and the WTO been in creating global free trade Essay Example
How successful have GATT and the WTO been in creating global free trade Essay Example How successful have GATT and the WTO been in creating global free trade Essay How successful have GATT and the WTO been in creating global free trade Essay The GATT, otherwise known as the general agreement on tariffs and trade was established in 1947. It started with 23 founding members including the UK, its goal was to establish free trade between nations, it would do this by eliminating tariffs, subsidies, import quotas and any other form that would restrict the freedom of trade between any given country within its membership. It would achieve this not in the short term but over a series of eight rounds of discussions between the member countries in which the strategies to dissemble such barriers to trade would be discussed. After the last round of discussions in Uruguay (1986-93) it was decided that clarification and strengthening of GATT ideologies were needed, out of this desire the World Trade Organisation (WTO) was formed. The WTO was a formal organisation with structure, opposed to the agreement that was The GATT. This meant it had much more influence and power, especially when it came to intervening in trade disputes and enforcing such rules and regulations it had set out in its attempt to move the World closer to free trade. The successfulness of these organisations has been widely disputed over recent years and in this essay I will be looking at their effectiveness in promoting Free Trade. Many people would argue that there is no doubt that the GATT/WTO has been relatively successful to an extent in creating global free trade. The figures over their existence have shown a massive movement towards the globalisation of markets and thus free trade. Between the introduction of The GATT at the Geneva round in 1947 and the completion of Tokyo round of talks in 1979 the average tariff on imports declined 92% in America1. The overall figure for average tariffs on imports in industrial countries actually fell from 40% in 1947 to just about 4% at the end of the 1990s2. This was an astounding result, a result to which GATT/WTO will have played a major role. This undoubtedly lead to an increase in the overall levels of trade between nations and moved the world as whole one-step closer to Free Trade. The statistics actually show that between 1953 and 1963 world trade grew at a rate of 6. 1% per year over that period, whilst World income grew at 4. 3% per year3. Whilst between 1963 and 1973 both World trade and World income grew at even faster rates, with World trade growing at 8. 9% per year on average over the period and World Income growing at 5. 1% per year4. This again shows that the freedom of trade between nations was increasing and that the falling levels of protectionism and barriers to trade were having a positive effect on economic growth. This growth meant nations were becoming more confident on letting down their barriers and investing in foreign markets, as they were now more confident of a positive return. I also believe that the increasing number of countries joining the GATT/WTO and the larger numbers applying to be incorporated into the group is testament to the fact that it was being relatively successful in promoting free trade within its members. Countries outside the GATT/WTO have found themselves at a massive disadvantage, often incurring large trade deficits. This is because companies/consumers within member countries are very unlikely to import/purchase vast amounts of goods from outside the group, as it is likely to be much more expensive due to tariffs still being in place on their goods. Therefore since the creation of GATT in 1947 in which it had 23 members, membership had risen to 120 at the end of the Uruguay round of talks in 1993. In 2000, 7 years after the formation of the WTO we see a membership list of just over 140 countries, with a list of 29 countries negotiating to become members. Most extraordinary is that of these 29 countries negotiating a place within the WTO China is amongst them. Still a country with communistic base it is ready to allow free trade to an extent within its borders, this shows that the GATT/WTO has been quite successful in promoting free trade around the globe. More importantly it shows the extent to which being a member of this organisation is important economically. Therefore the more countries that join the closer the World gets to Ultimate Free Trade, as countries join lower barriers and tariffs will exist in these countries. After the conclusion of the Uruguay round of talks in 1993 the GATT obtained a number of agreements which can only lead the World closer to free trade. This included developed countries reducing tariff rates on imported manufactured goods to fewer than 4%5, this is the lowest tariff level on manufactured goods in history, which goes some way to showing the effectiveness of the GATT. It also agreed that tariffs on textile goods were to be seriously reduced over the next ten years, this is quite important as in many lesser-developed countries this an important industry, therefore it will enable them to export more to the developed World, and thus increase income. Therefore again it shows that the GATT has lead countries to a level of freedom of trade not previously seen. I also believe that the GATT/WTO has been successful in tackling disputes caused by lingering barriers to trade. Therefore if a barrier has been apparent the GATT/WTO has been relatively efficient in dealing with such disputes. Of the cases brought to the WTO since 1995 over 3/4ths had been solved by 20006. This goes some way to show that the WTO is monitoring situations carefully, and in most cases the dispute is resolved on orders of the WTO, In general, the countries involved in a dispute have adopted the WTOs recommendations7. The speed at which these negotiations are completed is testament to its ability to unite countries in one morale goal. This shows that when barriers are put up the WTO more often than not has knocked them down, thus meaning that we now more than ever enjoy more freedom within international markets an that the maintenance work on ensuring it stays this way is greater than ever. There is despite the positive results over the past 55 years many claims that the GATT/WTO has not been quite as successful in creating free trade as it would appear. It has been argued that countries have found ways around the GATT agreement, ways to cheat the system. The main way to cheat the system appeared to be voluntary export restraints (VERs) defined as A quota on trade imposed from the exporting countries side, instead of the importers, at the request of the importing government8. This meant that a country would put a quota on the amount they could export to a country because the importer had asked it to, this was usually undertaken in return for something else (e. g. a VER on one of its own goods. . This meant that both countries had no reason to call foul play, thus they would not make a complaint, without a complaint the GATT was powerless to do anything. This meant that there were indeed certain restrictions between such countries. Although the governments may have been agreed on such quotas, this may have still had a major effect on companies within these countries. Therefore Free Trade was definitely not apparent in these relations hips. The most obvious example of this was the VER agreed between Japan and the U. S. in which Japan would restrict its imports of cars into the U. S. in order to ease growing unease and resentment between the two. This was due to a massive trade deficit in the U. S. and growing unemployment caused by cheap imports pre-dominantly from Japan. Also the major argument against the successfulness of GATT/WTO is that although trade figures have improved amongst the developed nation since its existent, the performance of the lesser-developed countries within international trade has not hit the dizzy heights of the developed nations. From 1950 to 1980 Africa has seen very little change in the levels of foreign direct investment moving into the continent, and certainly no change in the levels at which foreign direct investment is being exerted elsewhere. Also more worryingly a number of developing countries have expressed concerns over the development of the GATT/WTO over recent years of hidden barriers set by developed nations, such as Labour/ Environmental standards to trade. Therefore if a certain standard is not met, restrictions are placed on the amount they can export. They claim this as being a way of keeping out cheap imports. Therefore again we see that there is claims of getting round the system, begging yet more questions on the efficiency of the WTO. It could also be argued that even without the GATT/WTO we might have still found that there was integration of global economic markets. The figures used previously in depicting growth in World trade and World income were taken in the 20 years after W. W. I I. Therefore there is an argument which suggests there was obviously going to be a general increase in World Trade after such a horrendous World war, which virtually brought trade to a stand still, these were recovery years. Thus the end of end of the war itself lead to economic recovery and thus in both World trade and World output we saw an increase. Therefore it is hard to distinguish how much of a role the GATT really played in integrating economies, we may have found that after the war protectionism would have fell anyway, as people felt safer with others. There are also factors to which GATT and the WTO may have differed in performance over the years, despite the fact that the WTO is a direct descendent of the GATT. In previous years although GATT encouraged countries to exhibit free trade, as described previously, it was only a Gentlemans agreement, an agreement between countries in order to progress the international economy. But it had no real substance; there was no power within it, as depicted in the above paragraphs. Thus only the pressure of the members of the group could lead to real change, thus they could not enforce rulings upon countries, even those within the group. Therefore was GATT really responsible for total change with the international economy? Countries within the group may have placed extra tariffs on countries, which did not comply. But wouldnt this of happened regardless of the GATT, collusions would have formed eventually in the after-math of W. W. II, I would suggest. Therefore the success GATT actually had maybe minimal. Maybe in fact the GATT was merely an official formation of already colluded groups. This is merely an open view of the situation. The WTO on the other hand does have power; it does have the power to impose sanctions. This is a much sharper organisation. Whose power extends that of GATT? Although from the figures it is hard to judge the success of the WTO in the few years since its formation, except for the problems between countries it has already solved. There is no doubt that the organisation should prove in the long run to increase free trade within the nations. We could also argue that the improvement in free trade within nations could be the result of technological advances, in the years since 1950 we have seen the development of a world wide airline network, the internet, faxs, telephone communications, satellite and also telexs. All these advances in technology encourage free trade. These are not factors enforced by GATT, but they do have a massive effect on encouraging free trade. Countries could communicate with each other like they could never before. Ventures in foreign countries became less adventurous; there was less of a risk element. These new communication capabilities enabled countries to control trade away from home with much more efficiency. Therefore I believe this is yet another factor which runs alongside the development of GATT/WTO which would also have played a huge part in the development of free trade. It is very hard to trade with another country if you can not communicate with them. Also the fall of the levels communism in many countries including much of the Soviet Union and China would have also played a huge part in the development of free trade. Before the fall of communism in many of these countries, levels of protectionism were high, and receptivity was low. Therefore the fall of communism led to lower levels of protectionism and higher receptivity of foreign trade10 Drawing the subject to a conclusion. I think we see that it is very hard to determine how successful the GATT/WTO have been in creating free trade. As it is shown there are number of other factors which have also lead the world towards an era closer to free trade, such as the advances in technology, the improvement in the money exchange system and the fall of communism to name but a few. All of these factors would in some part been responsible for moving the world towards globalisation. The problem is determining the importance of each factor and this includes WTO and GATT. There is no doubt that WTO/GATT has been successful in reducing tariffs, barriers to free trade as the figures have shown. But are we really that close to total free trade, Im sure the developing world would have some comment on that matter. The WTO/GATT also seemed to find it very hard to halt the invisible barriers to trade, the ways of getting round the system11 Thus although GATT/WTO has now been existent in 55 years, I think that it is very difficult to determine its success over this period.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
SAM 450 UNIT 8 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
SAM 450 UNIT 8 - Assignment Example However, there are certain fundamental elements of corporate sponsorships that are worth noting. These include advertising and sponsored property. In this regard, whereas the sponsor agrees to sponsor an athlete or sporting club, the sponsor also benefits through television adverts, which are aired during the programme breaks. Accordingly, it becomes clear that corporate sponsorship aims to create a mutual benefit between the sponsor and the sponsored. However, before entering into a sponsorship agreement, there are certain fundamental considerations that an athlete or a sporting club and the sponsor should take into consideration. Firstly, both parties must ensure that the sponsorship agreement being entered into will create mutual benefit (Stier, 2011). In this case, the sponsored party must ensure that the sponsor is worth the money. Similarly, the sponsor must also ensure that the athlete or the sporting club to be sponsored can attract large audience viewing to enable its product brand reach many people. Secondly, the parties to the sponsorship agreements must ensure that they all the terms of engagements, including the sponsorship duration, circumstances that might result into termination of the agreements and renewal terms. Thirdly, it is critical for the parties to sponsorship agreements to agree on the sponsorship fees before entering into a written agreement. Lastly, the parties to the sponsorship agreement should ensure that the obligations of both the athlete or sporting club and the sponsor are clearly defined and documented to minimize chances of
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
- Art and Music Appreciation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 4
- Art and Music Appreciation - Essay Example Perhaps she is Lady Macbeth. The style is neo-classical but later than Goya. If I cover the dagger with my finger, the painting suddenly changes and could be a placid, ordinary portrait of a beautiful young girl with no malevolence evident on her face. C. I know that this is by controversial sculptor Daniel Edwards, who makes statements about social polemics such as alcoholism and public nursing of babies. Because of the black background this is probably installed in an exhibition. It looks as if the clay is fresh and wet: so the idea has ‘just occurred’ to the artist - but the tiaras on both the dog and the woman, and her careful hairstyle suggest a long consideration of the subject, which at first looks beautiful, but is then confronting because of her position. D. This is a chocolate box top. It is a pretty scene: very bland and without statement. It is photographically correct, and although there is contrast between the church steeple in the background that is bathed in light and the dark shack in the foreground, there is lack of meaning. Paintings without people such as this landscape can be hung quite high on a wall because they are not intimate. E. This immediately says ‘Dali’ - the recognizable moustache makes it a portrait of that famous surrealist. But it is signed Merello, so it is by Jose Merello, the modern Spanish expressionist. But even if I did not know this, I would expect the painting to be hung in a colorful room full of other modern paintings. The various shapes, objects and words around the figure make it interesting, making the viewer want to approach and inspect every detail. Mozart alternates very fast stretches with slow ones in this symphony. It makes you feel that the composer was in a furious hurry to put down the notes before someone interrupted his muse. His character is fully in the music, like the speech of a very precocious child: fast and
Monday, November 18, 2019
Final Strategic Plan and Presentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Final Strategic Plan and Presentation - Essay Example Strength includes all the positive factors of Dynasties Motors which will help in their future growth. Weaknesses are the shortcomings in the company. These are the internal factors which can be controlled easily. The external factors are the Opportunities and Threats. The opportunities show us all available opportunities for the company to grow. We need to utilize them. The threats are the dangers and the negativities that can harm us. We need to avoid them as we cannot control them. Our pricing strategy will be dependent upon focused Blue Book qualities (wholesale and retail) in addition to vehicle taking care of expenses. We wont surpass aggressive retail costs, and will endeavor to offer at wholesale in addition to a reasonable profit, for the most part 15-25%. Quality and value say a ton in regards to our vehicles. The vehicles that are uncommon or not promptly accessible to take care of demand will be estimated in like manner. The normal business imprint up for comparative vehicles is 20-30%. Sales payment is dependent upon a percent of profits. We will put satisfactory time and assets into preparing every part of the sales group and into great client relations. Salesmen will be paid a share of their pay dependent upon requisition. Great execution is compensated with expanded requisition and rewards. However honesty wont be relinquished for sales. Client fulfillment will keep on ing a top necessity. All potential sales will be attended to in a convenient manner and long haul salesperson-client relationships will overshadow sales conclusion. We anticipate that sales will build at a moderate rate for every month for every item in the first year. From June through September we need negligible development throughout our begin up period. October through December we anticipate that diminished sales due will chronicled patterns, and deterioration in quality dependent upon less request. February through August we want
Friday, November 15, 2019
The diversity of the leisure industry
The diversity of the leisure industry 1.0 Introduction For many people leisure to them might mean when one has free time or when one is unoccupied with duties or responsibilities. For some, leisure could be a luxury for their free time; this could be because of a number of reasons such as, they could be a workaholic where they work compulsively at the expense of their activities or they could be people who live in complex societies such as in robust towns and cities. For some, leisure could be a necessity because they believe in proper balance of social and family life. For some others, leisure to them might mean to just socialize and communicate with one another. For example going to the cinema with your friends is considered a leisure activity, but some people believe that leisure is all mainly active sports such indoor football or squash which means they all have their own definition on leisure. This would suggest that people define leisure on different terms depending on how their backgrounds are and other key factors such as culture, gender, age, economic status and social class. Leisure is defined as: ‘Time at ones command, free from engagement; convenient opportunity; hence, convenience; ease. (BrainyMedia, 2009) The Leisure industry has much diversity such as various activities and the many elements of it such as race/ethnicity, gender, age, sexual orientation and ability/disability. Some activities would be linked to a cultural and linguistically diverse background. There is a diverse range of activities available for your unoccupied time such as, your hobbies like gardening, shopping, spectators sport, holidays and gambling. There are three main types of leisure, active, passive and home based. All three include many diverse activities such as, hiking, home entertainment or even just reading could be considered as a leisure activity. Many school students can benefit from the diverse leisure pursuits because they get offered a range of after school clubs making leisure activities more participle and recreational. 1.1 Active leisure activities There are many active pursuits that we can take part in. Active pursuits can be high impact or low impact activities. Low impact activities like walking and yoga do not expend high levels of energy, usually have little contact or competition and does not require much equipment. In the other side there are high impact activities such as wrestling and rugby, which are competitive sports that require quite a fair amount of equipments. Active Pursuits: Indoor Badminton, basketball, squash, volleyball, athletics, gymnastics, hockey, bowling and boxing. Outdoor – Motocross, jogging, beach volleyball, golf, canoeing, cycling, skiing, snowboarding, rowing, sailing and handball Team- Rugby, water polo, netball, American football, cricket, baseball, soccer, rallying and korfball. Individuals Surfing, archery, triathlon, canoeing, barrel racing, snooker and pool. Countryside – Walking, mountain biking, sailing, hiking, cross country and climbing Urban Skateboarding, free running, wakeboarding, ultimate, parkour and BMX They are described as ‘active leisure because it requires some level of movement and skill for that particular sport. Some because of its competitiveness or some because of its high energy level input towards the sport. For it to be a high energy sport, the activity has to initiate a higher heart rate than normal, for example skiing because it involves a lot of focus, awareness and adrenaline rushes. Some sports such as sky diving, bungee jumping and base jumping are considered high impact active pursuits because it exerts high levels of adrenaline and elevates heart rates to exceedingly high levels. Those types of pursuits require a lot of motivation and some skills. Whether its for competition or for thrills and excitements they all share a common characteristic: theyre all dynamic; require high levels of motivation and some degree of skills; and are usually practiced outside our homes with other people. The benefits with all active pursuits are that it keeps us fit and healthy (physically and psychologically), it improves our general health, it helps us meet new people (psychologically and socially) and it can increase our poise and self-esteem (psychologically). Active Leisure activities however old we are and what motivation or skills we have, there is an active leisure pursuit to suit all our needs. The range of active pursuits is very diverse, from boxing to playing hockey and even to visit theme parks is considered as an active leisure pursuit, because they all involve some type active motion at high levels. Some activities dont even require much energy outputs such as chess and painting. The reason they are considered as active leisure activities is because they both require a substantial amount of mental effort and so cannot be considered as passive activities. Definition: â€Å"engaged in action; characterized by energetic work, participation, etc.; busy: an active life, being in a state of existence, progress, or motion: active hostilities†. (Dictionery, 2002) 1.2 Passive leisure activities Passive activities are as diverse as active pursuits; they both share similar amounts of motivation and skills. Passive activities mainly benefit a persons mental health; it is most commonly related to a source of relaxation or to unwind from daily stress. In terms of health, passive pursuits dont offer as many benefits as active pursuits but it is ideally reflected on the persons age, lifestyle and interests. Passive pursuits: Shopping ‘UK and Mintels research reveals that 84% of the UKs adult population enjoy shopping/browsing for goods in person, while 33%, or 60% of Internet users, enjoy shopping or browsing for goods online.(Mintel, 2009) The UK is arguably one of the most sophisticated retail environments in the whole of Europe. This data also states how popular shopping as a passive leisure activity really is among Great Britains population. Cinema Age has no relative effect on visiting cinemas as a passive activity but there have been many new releases of universal and PG movies for young people. There is a steady increase in the amount of young people attending cinemas but the large majority of visitors are still the adult group, as shown in figure 1. There are many reasons why there are a larger majority of adults over young people in cinemas. One because of age limits for certain films, where only the adults can benefit from this and not the young. Two because of the amount of free time the adults have against a stricter curfew for the young. Or thirdly because the adults have more spending ability than most young people. Eating out This relates to night time entertainments such as going to the pub and clubbing. The reason why people eat out more is because its a lot less stress to cook yourself, a lot cheaper and its more relaxing to order from a menu rather than have to get up and self serve again and again. This graph shows that people with a high income salary can buy more amounts of pizza than the other groups. The people with a low income salary prefer to have fish and chips over the rest, most probably because its cheaper to buy or it could be their pattern of food choice (interests). The people with an average salary buy more fish and chips than the other groups and have the occasional hamburgers and pizza. Passive leisure activities are mostly based on your free time and what you do with it. This means the person is away from any type of work or duties/responsibilities. Passive pursuits dont exert or expand your physical or mental energy. Most of our pursuits tend to reflect on our age, lifestyle, interests and spending power. An example would be figure 2 where it shows clearly how it affects peoples choices. Definition: ‘not participating readily or actively; inactive:being the object of action rather than causing action (opposed to ACTIVE);inert or quiescent.(Dictionery, Passive, 2002) 1.3 Home-based leisure pursuits Home-based leisure pursuits arent as diverse or dynamic as active or passive pursuits because youre confined to your home with fewer contacts to socialize with. The more money spent indoors the better the home entertainment but this would depend on the persons lifestyle, age, interests and income value. There has recently been a government initiative to get the UK ready for a digital revolution, so home-based leisure pursuits can increase in popularity because with the new additions people can expect changes in picture quality, variety, sound quality and the availability of channels. There are four main categories for home-based leisure and they are: Reading – There are many varieties of texts which anyone could read such as newspapers, magazines, novels, documents and short stories. There are many people who read these for their home-based pursuit. Reading has many benefits, for example it can develop a persons literacy skills and make the person more confident (psychologically). Reading is typically an individual activity, where if you prefer to read out loud than you relate to a form of intrapersonal communication. Reading can be done almost anywhere but its preferable to read at home than somewhere else, also people can read books and other texts online for free so there are more benefits by saving money If someone does read through the internet. House and garden – There are more and more people participating in improving their homes, mainly because of popular DIY related TV shows and magazines. This has lead to an increase in homes being developed for profitable use. The DIY market hasnt been recovering much with all servicing for the mortgage and securing employment it seems to be difficult for the DIY market to progress. Gardening is an activity which is popular amongst older age groups and is increasing in popularity. The increase in the demographic population could be one of the reasons why gardening has had its boost in participants. Home Entertainment There has been many new innovations in home technology such as with cable, digital, satellite TV, Blue ray players, DVDs and internet TV . The biggest increase in the market has to be with computers and computer games. Hobbies and past times There has been a recent trend to fuse traditional and modern concepts. Electronic toys are particularly popular, and keeping a pet as a hobby is ever popular despite increasing pet-care costs. They are described as home-based pursuits because they all involve the use of the persons home in one way or another. Whether its gardening, DIY or playing computer games it is directly stated as home-based leisure because its activities you participate in, while at home. 1.4 Regional variation Regional variations have impacts on certain types of sports or leisure activities. For example mountaineering would be more popular in Scotland rather than in rural parts of England and Wales. With variations come differences in sports, such as Gaelic football may be a local favourite in some parts of Ireland but in some other regions they may prefer flat green bowling. Some reasons for the difference could be because, various regions might have a high elderly age average and so prefer flat green bowling over other activities or it may be because Gaelic football might not be part of their history or culture, so it would not be passed down from generation to generation. Age and athleticism isnt the main factor in regional variations. There are many criterias which limit the popularity and importance of an activity in various regions. For example weather, skiing is far more popular in places like France and Sweden rather than in Great Britain mainly because the climate in Great Britain always changes, so snow can never be guaranteed. While places in France and Sweden can guarantee snow most of the year round. Equivalent with sailing, Great Britain would have a much higher participation rate in sailing compared to other countries such as Netherlands or Belgium because Great Britains coastline is around ‘12429 km'(Wikipedia, 2007) long and Netherlands is estimated to be about ‘451 km (Answer, 2008). Some regional variations could occur because of a lack of space. People who live in urban areas have to find other activities which best suit their lifestyles, such as indoor activities (where space is open and not limited) Parkour, free running and other urban activities. Participation rates are also affected by regional variations because people who live in built up areas are less likely to take up an active activity than other regions. ‘There are surprisingly wide variations in levels of participation. For example, sports participation rates in Moray are nearly twice those of Glasgow.(Sports Scotland, 2006) Landscape is also an important factor in regional variations. Hiking and mountain climbing would be much more popular in Scotland rather than in England because Scotland has many mountains and wilderness/countryside whilst England lack the mountains and wilderness. Demographic population levels also affect regional variations because countries with a high population level will take part in more well known sports such as rugby or football. Whilst countries with less populated people would prefer their home sports rather than most common ones such as bandy in Poland. 1.5 Summary The diversity of the leisure industry ranges from many criterias such as skydiving to spectator sports to working out to even just loving cars. It is one of the most commonly used aspects in our lives because it plays a key role in the economy, business, marketing and communities across the UK and Europe. This chart below shows the diversity and range of the leisure industry. 1.6 Scale of the industry The scale of the leisure industry is one of the largest and fastest growing industries in the UK and Europe. A good example of this criterion is the new development of Camberly town centre. The following data shows the scale of the Atrium, its developments, its participation rates and its plans for housing and employment. Original Development: The development of Camberley as an original development only had one shopping centre (The Mall) which is built around the Main Square in the late 1980s. The Mall hosts a large variety of high street shops such as H.Samuel, Argos, Primark, House of Fraser and many more. These shops today really have anchored the development of Camberley towards higher grounds for a much more efficient and entertain able Camberley. Multiplier effect stage 1: There was much debate and delays (plans having been discussed for over half a decade) on the construction of ‘The Atrium which started in May 2006. The new development includes ‘residential, leisure and retail facilities, as well as a 900 space car park. There are 217 design-led apartments divided into three areas within the complex (named Centro, Aspect and Courtyard). (Wikipedia, 2008) Multiplier effect stage 2: Month (2009) Unique Individuals Jan 42,774 Feb 47,250 Mar 45,997 Apr 42,971 May 39,756 Jun 40,124 Jul 39,451 Aug 38,500 After the development of ‘The Atrium many associated leisure venues were built soon after. These include Nandos, Frank and Bennies, Bella Italia, Starbucks and a Vue cinema theatre. Transport to the new attraction sites was predominantly important in the planning stages so they decided to build a convenient bus stop right outside the site for easier access to ‘The Atrium, ‘The Mall and the residential area. For this to happen there needed to be a new road built which would allow easier access for all convenient transport. (Surrey Heath Borough Council Leading for tommorow, 2009) The graph above shows the number of unique individuals who enter ‘The Atrium each month. The average amount of people who do enter ‘The Atrium is 36,731. The graph also shows that there were more people visiting ‘The Atrium in the earlier months from January towards April. Multiplier Effect Stage 3: There are also many sports facilities (old and new) around ‘The Atrium such as Windlesham Golf Course, Vital club, Fitness First Camberley, Golds Gym and many more. ‘The Atrium has many leisure facilities which include pool tables, arcade, bowling, bars and a lounge with monitors. Housing and Employment plans: Below are the set plans for the development of housing and employment in the Camberley district. It explains the availability of affordable accommodation for residents and its future plans. The employment development will include new offices, shopping facilities and some key schemes. 2 bedroom flats will be sold for around  £216,950 with kitchen en suite and outside parking. ‘The provision of residential units as part of mixed use development will be encouraged throughout much of the town centre. This will enable the current very low levels of residential accommodation within the Centre to be increased thereby enhancing its vitality and making it a more sustainable location. Higher density accommodation with an affordable element will be the most appropriate form of residential. Around 500 dwellings could be built up to 2026 around the town centre. This includes the 217 dwelling currently being built as part of The Atrium. Source: (Surrey Heath Borough Council Leading for tommorow, 2009) ‘New employment development such as offices will be allowed. The Town Centre needs to keep most of its offices its a good location for employment floor space being close to transport and shopping facilities. There is a high vacancy rate in the stock of offices in the Town Centre. For this reason, the loss of some offices will be allowed where it helps achieve some key schemes in the Town Centre. Source: (Surrey Heath Borough Council Leading for tommorow, 2009) Recent Economy: The graph below shows the properties in Camberley sold per month. As seen on the graph the most properties that were sold were the new residential flats near The Atrium, from May to July 06 the properties sold were at their highest, peaking at more than 100 flats sold in a space of two months. That would average about 2 flats sold a day. So as soon when The Atrium opened with the apartments the pattern in property sales rose significantly to a much higher level. Source: (Globrix Corporation, 2009) So the economical value for Camberley Town is at a high rate with new jobs being created and more leisure activities available and new apartments being built, The Atrium should show a significant rise in profit in a few years time, even when the recession hits hardest. 1.7 Importance of the industry Participation rates for the teen and adult groups Participation: Gymnastics ‘There has been a significant increase (from 0.1% to 0.2%) of 30,000 gymnastics participants between 2005/6 and 2007/8. 89,000 adults (age 16 and over) have participated in gymnastics at least once a week. Male participation has also increased from 0.07% in Active People Survey 1 to 0.10%. Overall participation in gymnastics has increased in England; there has also been a statistically significant increase in the South East, South West and West Midlands regions. Participation: Badminton ‘Participation in badminton has increased among the non white population from 1.7% to 2.1%, an increase of 25,000 participants. There has been no statistically significant change in participation within gender or disability sub groups such as the age groups 16-19, 20-24 and 25-29. Participation – once in the last four weeks ‘940,000 adults have participated in badminton at least once in the last four weeks. This represents 2.3% of the adult population, and there has been no statistically significant change in participation between 2005/6 and 2007/8. (Sport England Government, 2008) There has been no significant statistical change in badminton participation in any of the English regions recently, reflected by the static participation rates at a national level. Active Lifestyle: Sport England plan to encourage an active lifestyle by using sport and recreation as one of the building blocks of planning and delivery for sustainable and healthier communities. They Identify opportunities for delivering and enhanced quality of life for communities, in the short, medium and longer term. ‘Sport England seeks to engage with planners at regional and local levels to help ensure that the interests of sport and active recreation are well represented actively promoted and appropriately developed in the interests of all. (Sport England Government, 2009) Themes for Spatial Planning Outcomes of Change for Sport and Active Recreation Environmental sustainability Community safety Local economic viability Improving quality of life and well-being Health improvement Raising standards in schools Increasing participation on sport and active recreation Improving levels of performance Widening access Improving health and well-being Stronger and safer communities Improving education Benefiting the economy (Sport England Government, 2008-2009) Other benefits: Other benefits which could lead to inspiration and encouragement is different strategies such as respect of community, crime/disorder reduction, neighbourhood renewal strategies and corporate plans. Environmental Sustainability – sport and recreation can contribute to the sustainable use of natural resources. Community Safety – sport can help to directly reduce social neglect and participation. Quality of Life and Well-Being – physical activity contributes to peoples experience of well-being and sense of partnership with their surroundings. Health Improvement – physical activity should be a natural part of everyday life. Raising Standards in Schools – the foundations of life-long health and sporting excellence lie in early opportunities for taking part in sport and active leisure.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Brave New World :: essays research papers
I wrote this paper in my english class after reading 'A Brave New World': On the very last page of Aldous Huxley’s book, A Brave New World, he describes John as swinging slowly in circles after hanging himself (Huxley 259). It’s believed that Huxley’s main point of this ending to his story was to tell his readers that after all John’s effort of trying to change the brave new world, it was profoundly hopeless and the only thing left to do was to give up. This image creates a belief that Huxley was trying to warn his readers that the future was going to hold a extreme amount of advance technology in science, that would eventually turn into a dystopian world. When Huxley stresses the high amount of sex/drug usage and conditioning in his book, it was to show that these are highly used to help people live in a better society. The scary part is that most of Aldous Huxley’s predictions on the future were closely factual.      Although Huxley wrote many forms of literature, they all held the common theme of â€Å"meaning and possibilities of human life and perception†(Huxley 260). After the disease Huxley received when he was 16 years old that ended his dream of becoming a doctor, he also remained essentially scientific in his literature. Julian Huxley, Aldous Huxley’s brother, believed that â€Å"science and mysticism were overlapping and complementary realms in Aldous Huxley’s mind†(Huxley 262). This explains where Huxley came up with the idea of Hatcheries and Conditioning. Which was an excellent way he began his book in a utopian world.      The first chapter in A Brave New World starts out with the director and his assistant giving a tour to a group of boys of the Hatching and Conditioning Centre (Huxley 3). At the centre is where the boys learn all about the Bokanovsky process and how they’re conditioned into five different caste. The director then explains that this conditioning helps each person love what caste they are conditioned into, whether they become leaders or factory workers. Later, when Mustapha Mond and John Savage discuss the outcomes of conditioning, John expresses that he disagrees with it all. John explains how conditioning only manipulates peoples minds and how it takes away their right to make their own decisions ( Pradas par 11). In a way, Huxley speaks out a lot through John’s character in this chapter.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Drug Addiction in Bangladesh Essay
Drug addiction is not a recent problem in Bangladesh. But it has been rising. In recent years Drug Addiction has significantly increased in Bangladesh. This agent of human devastation has spread its tentacles worldwide and also in our country. Every intelligent and humane person in the world society and international organizations such as the UN and WHO are alarmed by the present rate of addiction. Nowadays nearly ten per cent of outpatients in our hospitals are cases of drug addiction involving heroin, ganja and phensidyl. These are generally youths and young men between 15-30 years of age and come from all strata of the society. But there are adolescents below 15 years of age and men and women over 30. Hospital surveys show that average age of drug addicts is 22. The addicts are students, professionals, businessmen, laborers, rickshpullers and from other professions. Students are the most affected and drugs have caused deterioration in standards of education and students have also given up going to schools and colleges. Even university’s professors are getting addicted recently. These addicts are turning to various criminal activities, in order to procure drugs. What are Drugs? World Health Organization (WHO) defines Drug; Drug is a chemical substance of synthetic, semi synthetic or natural origin intended for diagnostic, therapeutic or palliative use or for modifying physiological functions of man and animal. Drug impacts directly influence the economic and social aspects of a country and physically to a human body. What is drug addiction? The word addiction means getting habituated with something. In case of drugs when a human body gets dependent on some stimulating things, and after a certain period it creates a habit which means that the body has become dependent on the stimulant which is addiction. World Health Organization (WHO) defines it: Drug is a chemical substance of synthetic, semi synthetic or natural origin intended for diagnostic, therapeutic or palliative use or for modifying physiological functions of man and animal. Figure: drug addiction DIFFERENT STAGES OF ADDICTION: A drug abuser can undergo different stages of tasting apart from normal lifestyle. Drug abuse can decay normal human senses through deep feelings. It creates different types of excitement both in the body and mind. Finally, it makes a person passionate to drugs. In the long run the user has to increase the dose day by day. Addiction has some stages. a) Initial stage b) Pre-mature stage c) Mature stage and d) Dangerous stage a) Initial stage (starting): This is the first stage of drug addiction. At first, a person starts to take drug without concerning his body. At the early stage he takes it just normally, and gets the ordinary happiness, which makes him feel better. Sometimes, he wants to touch heavenly excitement and dreams himself as a floating constituent in the sky. This is the first stage of drug abusing. Amateurs are in this group. They take drug once or twice a week with their friends or seniors in their locality, who are already addicted. He collects it and processes it to take. b) Pre-mature stage (the real test of drug): In this stage, drugs become a habit, and the abuser wants more. Feeling better s/he tries to increase the dosage drugs. It is taken at least 4-5 times a week. This is the primary stage for abusers in becoming addicted. At the initial stage they can easily manage or collect the money for purchasing. They collect money from their family, and sometimes from other sources. They take drugs with their friends. After a few days they need to take more and become dependent on it both mentally and physically. The sudden need for excess money, involves them in criminal acts like hijacking, and they feel thrilled to do it. c) Mature stage: After the pre-mature stage abusers become seriously addicted. They have to take it every day, after a certain period. In maximum of cases it is taken from evening to night time. For that, they are busy all day long in collecting the expenditure of drug. They need much more money for it and sometimes they turn against the law. Many discontinue their education after failing to concentrate on any kind of discipline. They forget social protocol, always remain bad tempered and feel they are always in the right. They do not want to hear any advice and count themselves as very aware and competent. Sometimes they feel frustrated and even lose the will to live. e) Decaying stage: After mature stage most of the abusers stay on the verge of decaying. It means gradually their lives crumble. They can realize, how imbalanced they are. They lose taste for food. At this stage they become fully dependent on drug, gradually after a few hours they have to take it, otherwise their body system stops. In that situation the abuser loses human characteristics and behaves like a monster. They have no sense to evaluate good or bad, to enjoy anything, they lose interest in normal male/female yeamings. And finally one day they fully surrender to drugs, which lead them to their graves.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Personal Profile My Job at Panera Essays
Personal Profile My Job at Panera Essays Personal Profile My Job at Panera Essay Personal Profile My Job at Panera Essay During my work experience at Panera, I have had the opportunity to learn and experience firsthand many different skills. For example, how to deal with customers, different jobs and their requirements, and the details and effort involved in daily operations. Another valuable lesson I have learned during the months I have been working is the number of tasks a manager must be able to perform. This, in turn, has provided valuable insight into the variety of roles and responsibilities I would perform as a manager. Cogitating back to my first day at Panera , it was likely one of the most meaningful days of my time at work. After being introduced to everyone, I was assigned to my trainer, mentor me on the duties and responsibilities of a manager at Panera. Before I could do that, I had to participate in E-Learning. After E-Learning, I began the position I had chosen. With the support and guidance of my managers and supervisors who had years of experience in the workforce,I felt confident and empowered,knowing they would be monitoring my efforts and reviewing with me at the end of each shift. First thing you would see as you walked into Panera is the person standing at the register ready to take your order. If you look to your left, you with see our showcase of our bakery. If you look in the middle of the restaurant theres a wall on the backside of the wall is the rapid pick up area then on the front side is where the coffee counter is. On the left sided of the counter is where the teas, Honey, and cinnamon then in the middle is the coffees to the right side of the coffees is sugar, half and half milk,and Skim milk. There is two trash cans under the counter. Completing my tasks for the first few months was enjoyable for me as it allowed me to use all the practice I had learned from both my E-learning and my trainer. My position was the dining room. I had to make sure all the tables were clean, coffee and soda stations were stocked, bathroom
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
102 Causes and Effects Professor Ramos Blog
102 Causes and Effects Quick Write Quick Write What monster or category of monster are you thinking about researching for your Causal Analysis? Understanding Causal Relationships Causality: the relationship of cause and effect You should identify the types of causal relationships on your charts (you might use different types of arrows, different colors, or simply labels to show what kind of cause is being mapped). Necessary Cause: any factor that must be in place for something to occur. Sufficient Cause: is a condition that always produces the effect in question. Precipitating Cause: the proverbial straw that breaks a camel’s back. Proximate Cause: nearby and often easy to spot. Remote Cause: may act at some distance from an event but be closely tied to it. Reciprocal Cause: you have a reciprocal situation when a cause leads to an effect that, in turn, strengthens the cause. Contributing Factors: add to the causes to bring about the effect. Why is society so fascinated with serial killers? The Survival Of The Slasher Film 1. Emphasizing Causes Cause asks: Why did X happen? Why does X happen? Why will X happen? Example: Why did Ed Gein kill those women? Cause 1 ____________________________ Cause 2 ____________________________ Cause 3 ____________________________ Produced: Event ______________________________ 2. Emphasizing Effects Effect asks: What did X produce? What does X produce? What will X produce? Example: What impact did Ed Gein have in pop culture? or What is the lasting impact of Ed Gein? Event _______________________________ Produced: Effect 1 ______________________________ Effect 2 ______________________________ Effect 3 ______________________________ 3. Causal Chain Cause Effect 1 Effect 2 Effect 3 Example: Ed Gein Psycho novel Psycho movie Slasher Films Silence of the Lambs Developing your Essay Present a reasonable thesis statement. Make it logical Make it supportable Dont use absolutes, instead use may be a contributing factor main reason Limit your discussion to recent and major causes or effects. Organize your essay clearly. Use one of the formats above Convince your reader that a causal relationship exists by showing how the relationship works. Use specific details and examples to show the relationship. Phrasing the Questions All good research begins with a purpose and a question. For this next assignment, your question has to be clear and your topic needs to be clear. Once you have decided on a monster or monster category to study, it is time to come up with an appropriate question to help guide you. Monsters are a very popular topic in our society, what we are doing in this class is thinking of them in context with the culture that produces them. A clear research question will help guide your research and analysis. What monster are you going to research and study? Decide if you want to investigate the cause or the effect. Write your research question. Example: Vampires Causes What led to the development of the vampire myth? If you remember, we previously saw a TED educational video that addressed this question. Pick a monster we have not done at length in the class. DO NOT pick Dracula, or Ed Gein. Causal Analysis video
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Money and banking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Money and banking - Essay Example Many securities that were attached to the US property prices fell drastically as well which caused problems in financial institutions globally. The initial reason why people started buying as government encouraged ownership of homes and gave people better and easier access to loans and they over valued the bundled mortgages because they perceived that the prices of property would continue to rise. Trade practices on the open market were conducted that seemed underhand and questionable and there was a lack of capital in insurance companies and banks. As a result, bank solvency on the global market fell as well and securities held by foreign banks also suffered. A credit tightening policy and a decrease in imports was noticed. Governments tried to boost the economy by injecting money in the economy and bailout packages. The US managed to get out by 2009 however places like UK due to their strict measures of increasing taxes actually slid further into this recession. The crisis could al so have occurred due to the presence of a wide base of financial products that were risky to acquire and hold. Also there were interest rate conflicts, and lack of regulators in credit rating agencies. A failure to retrace the ownership or provenance or properties and stocks etc. was also one of the reasons the recession occurred and then was so hard to get out of. Some believe that the recession was a phenomenon that arose when the Maastricht Treaty was signed. The debt of the public was agreed about less than equal to 3% of the GDP but it didn’t hold. The euro was to be doomed as soon as it got started or even before because Greece and Italy helped the euro classify as the currency for the euro zone. The decision making at that point were the worst. France has been under debt since 2008 and the situation has worsened over the years and one of their banks along with their criminal reputation is also under massive debt issues and still asked to fund neighboring countries howe ver it cannot help the bankrupt countries since it is in a fix of its own. Germany fell under a similar situation. Sovereign banks are wrongly being separated from bank debt when the government clearly controls everything a bank does and dictates to them what is to be done. The euro zone is at stake. Credit default swaps also rose in all regions and in 2011 were being traded at 180 when they were being traded at 80 in 2008. In Brazil as well they went up to 152 from 35, and this was because of the crisis that started in Europe. UK as well was cutting loans to its business by 30%. (Gupta, 2009) Banks were also pooling in their loans and giving risky loans to others. Securitization came about in the 20th century as well because loans would take ages being stuck in banks. Rating agencies were paid for giving good rating so people bought products even though they were not good. Initiated in Wall Street banks and other financial institutions were adopting measures that they were not nece ssarily good at. Banks were borrowing more and more money to give out loans and bad loans were incurred. Lehman brothers got into the mortgage market, buying mortgages so that they could sell them after securitizing them. Banks also started running out of people who would take loans
Friday, November 1, 2019
Nature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Nature - Essay Example Seyyed Hossein Nasr, who is a renowned contemporary academician on Islamic religiousness, states that: â€Å"If virgin nature serves as support for recollection or remembrance of God, it is because it was created by the Divine Artisan, one of God’s names being al-Åžani’, literally the Divine Artisan or Maker.†Accordingly, one of the influences the secular ethnicities can make to the use, experience, preservation, and enjoyment of nature is an idea of delight, and admiration for its own sake. The western puritanical work ethic, and its meanings of wealth as the buildup of material properties, has overpowered the whole tenacity of human affiliation to nature. â€Å"If every creature of the world is for us look, picture, and mirror.†Our role is, somewhat, to yield joy in, and enjoyment in caring and preserving a world in which we can learn and grow in wisdom. Use, experience, preservation, and enjoyment of nature is not only a holiday commotion, or a one week ordinary trip. It is a way of life and undertaking that permeates normal life. Enjoyment, like praise, is one of the most beneficially healing and naturally occurring states. To introduce that kind of a state of imaginative farsightedness into our home and workplaces, institutes and homesteads, would definitely transform us from handlers into appreciators of
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