Monday, September 30, 2019
Careers in Psychology Essay
In Psychology there are so many different careers that have gained my interest because I love learning how people function, behave, and how the brain works. The first career that truly gained my full interest is Neuropsychologist. Neuropsychologists are the ones that explore not only the brain system but they also explore behavior and the relationship between the two. This is something that interests me more than I can put into words. One of the reasons I have so much interest in this type of career is because I myself have fetal alcohol syndrome, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder as well as learning disorder. Being able to study the cognitive functions of the brain such as attention, language and memory I believe will eventually help me to understand more of my disabilities and how to work past them. A Neuropsychologist is also able to evaluate people who have various types of nervous system disorders. They work closely with doctors including neurologists. Illnesses, injuries, and diseases of the brain and nervous system can affect the way a person feels, thinks, and behaves and some of the symptoms may call for a neuropsychologist. Those symptoms are memory difficulties, mood disturbances, learning difficulties as well as nervous system dysfunction. If other doctors are unable to identify the cause of a condition then they bring a neuropsychologist into help determine the diagnosis. In order to become a Neuropsychologist you have to obtain many different skills such as reading comprehension, active listening, critical thinking, social perceptiveness, complex problem solving, writing, speaking, science, active learning, judgement and decision making, instructing, service orientation, learning strategies, monitoring, system analysis, systems evaluation, time management, coordination and persuasion. Each and every one of these skills is just as important as one or the other. By having all these skills it will help To become successful in helping your clients. There is a lot of education involved in becoming an aspiring neuropsychologist. The first step is to earn a bachelors degree which is four years long, after that you complete a masters degree of another two years, then the last and final step is to earn a PHD or PsyD which can take another two to four years. So overall you are looking at spending 8-10 years in college if your heart is truly set on becoming a neuropsychologist. The duties and responsibilities of a neuropsychologist may vary depending on their specialties. Some Neuropsychologists, for instance work primarily as researchers. This might involve studying both healthy humans as well as animals, and those with brain injuries and or illnesses. Neuropsychologists might also work in clinical settings as well. This typically involves assessing and diagnosing patients. This can be done by observing symptoms and using sophisticated technology, such as brain scans. After successfully diagnosing a neurological problem, they can then often recommend a course of treatment which can include therapy, medication or even surgery. The neuropsychologists that are primarily concerned with research might work in private or government research facilities. Some universities might also hire these professionals to conduct research as well as teac h a class or two. Clinical neuropsychologists might work in a number of different healthcare settings. This can include hospitals, clinics, and physicians offices. Some neuropsychologists might also choose to open private practices and treat patients in their offices or work as consultants. The second career in Psychology which really grabbed my attention more and more as I researched it and read what they do is Rehabilitation Psychologists. Rehabilitation psychologists work with stroke and accident victims and people with mental retardation and those with developmental disabilities caused by conditions such as cerebral palsy, epilepsy and autism. I once worked with a gentleman who had a severe case of cerebral palsy and could not do anything for himself. I was always helping him from the time he woke up in the morning to the time he laid down in bed at night. The sad thing is that from one day to the next I wasn’t sure if he was going to remember me or not. If he didn’t remember me then he would lock me out of his house and he wouldn’t let me back in so most of the time I had to crawl through a tiny window. I believe I would be very good as a Rehabilitation Psychologist for many different reasons. The first reason is that those with disabilities have a soft spot in my heart because I know what its like to be looked at differently for one and for two the willingness to work past the disability is outrageous. Some people with disabilities you cannot even tell they have one because they have learned how to work past it and not let it show. This type of career works closely with public health programs to prevent disabilities including those caused by violence and substance abuse. Rehabilitiation Psychologists testify in court as expert witnesses about the causes and effects of a disability and a persons rehabilitation needs. Rehabilitation Psychologists are uniquely trained and specialized to engage in a broad range of activities including clinical practice, consultation, program development, service provision, and teaching and education training, amongst many others. I am always looking out for everyone else and trying to figure out how I can help them or do something for them to make their lives a little easier on them. In order to become a Rehabilitation Psychologist you need to have to same type of skills as you would if you were a Neuropsychologist as well as the same path of education. This goes for many of the careers in Psychology. As for where a Rehabilitation Psychologist can work, they can open up their ow n practices, work in healthcare facilities, or in government buildings.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Case Study: What Is Up with Wall Street?
NORTHCENTRAL UNIVERSITY ASSIGNMENT COVER SHEET Learner: Demetrice S. Campbell | | MGT7019-8| Douglas Buck| | | Ethics in Business| #3 Paper- Case study: What is Up With Wall Street? The Goldman Standard and Shades of Gray| | | Academic Integrity: All work submitted in each course must be the Learner’s own. This includes all assignments, exams, term papers, and other projects required by the faculty mentor.The known submission of another person’s work represented as that of the Learner’s without properly citing the source of the work will be considered plagiarism and will result in an unsatisfactory grade for the work submitted or for the entire course, and may result in academic dismissal. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢ €â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Faculty Use Only â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- lt;Faculty Name> Running Head: What Is Up with Wall Street? The Goldman Standard and Shades of Gray What is up with Wall Street? The Goldman Standard and Shades of Gray Demetrice S. Campbell Ethics in Business November 11, 2012 Abstract Case Study of Goldman Sachs What is up with Wall Street? The Goldman Standard and Shades of Gray was a case study focused on the company Goldman Sachs and the unfolding of a horrible decision that affected the economic structure of our bank ing system, stock shares, and the government.Their strategies to make a more successful business, ended with them being greedy for more money and success. These strategies lead to questions of their ethical standards in their business practices. The company was founded by Marcus Goldman and Samuel Sachs in 1869 (Jennings, 2012). The company was supposed to provide loans to small businesses, but instead Goldman wanted to do investments. Greed caused the company to turn a blind eye to what was really going on and this resulted in several downfalls for the company and others involved.The 1929 market crash was one result of the company’s practices. Rather than doing what was right, Goldman and Sachs just carried on running into many walls. The problem to be investigated is the ethical standards of the company in relation to their investors and the price they pay. Introduction The problem to be investigated here is the ethical standards of the company in relation to their investor s and the price they pay. In the corporate world, business ethics are very important and can be costly. Sometimes ethics can be over looked to motivate people.Ethics should be important elements of our day to day functions. It is important to realize the importance of business ethics if you want your business to grow. This could have a positive or negative impact on the productivity of the company. Business ethics are made up of a lot of subjective topics. Some people think that business ethics are comparative. There are many things that businesses take part in that can be seen as gray area. Gray areas are situations in which the rules are not clear, or you are not sure what is right or wrong.Key items include lying and false representation. Goldman may have committed both these behaviors just to have greed and a successful company. Things that Goldman did that would be in the gray area include: a. Sophisticated Investor–by definition, it is to escape full disclosure to its c lients. Goldman made offerings to sophisticated investors, but failed to tell the whole story and their position in the investment or the market. Since then, the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act has better clarified the definition to prevent firms from withholding information b.Analysts and two opinionsâ€â€He failed to follow the rules on the consistency between the analysts’ internal conversations and their communications and the external recommendations of the SEC rules require because it was for a particular group as strategists. The rules did not apply if their name did not have the word analyst in it. c. Auction rate securitiesâ€â€it took state law to come up with a settlement of these problems. The SEC had difficulties applying regulations and laws to this behavior of bidding up the price and then not buying.The clients were not aware that Goldman was bidding on the securities. Goldman’s response as well as some others was that there was always investmen t houses bidding in such auctions. d. IPO allocation and structure of the marketâ€â€this also was eventually settled, but not without the insistent small fines and new rules on IPO allocations and agreements between the clients on second-wave agreements to buy more. e. IPO profitability changes prior to IPOâ€â€Goldman failed to share that the steady drift from three years of profit to one year then down to one quarter.This was sort of a unique legal problem in regards to the profitability standard to one quarter because the financials were available on the dot-coms for the investors to see. Nothing was being disclosed. f. Partnership to corporation structureâ€â€When Goldman decided to change from partnership to a corporation, this shielded them from being liable, where as being the principals, you put it all on the line. The move to a corporation with limited liability resulted in riskier practices taken by the firm.Goldman was guilty creating a company and buying 90 per cent of the shares with its own money. This practice made the public want in on the deal not knowing they were being misled. This allowed him to sell the shares he bought for more money; while he buys more shares on the secondary market and causes the share prices to increase. He then turned around and used his money to create another corporation. (Jennings, 2012) Goldman was also engaged in laddering, which is an agreement between Goldman and its best clients for the distribution of a portion of the IPO at a reestablished price.However, under a laddering arrangement, those clients also had to agree to purchase a certain number of shares later during the IPO rollout at a price of $10 to $15 higher. (Jennings, 2012) Goldman also participated in auction-rate markets. He gave loans to executive members in exchange for shares. Many of the issues included the nondisclosure of facts that an investor would have deemed very important in making their investment decisions. Goldman and Sachs w ere guilty of false impression, simply because the investors were not aware of their position in the market.There is also the point of moral vulnerability and how allowing AIG to be bailed out provided a cover for Mr. Goldman and his sneaky business practices. Then there is the â€Å"too big to fail†issue, this is important because the investors were the one who lost money, not Goldman. He was protected. The front page of the newspaper test was a winner in this case because the headlines did not prove to be flattering for Goldman. The Senator’s questions reflected the struggle of the people who were trying to understand how and what Mr.Goldman had done complied to the law, but still come across as a deceptive practice. The law is only one part of the ethical analysis. Goldman failed to think through the consequences of additional regulations, the fines that would be involved, and the clients because of the perception that he could not be trusted and may not always be acting in the best interest of the client. There areas affected by the Goldman model and gray areas include: investors, the market, the U. S. conomy and the global economy, AIG, AIG investors, employees of AIG and other companies and investment banks that had to be dissolved or acquired or reduced in size, employees of dot-coms, beneficiaries of donations by companies and investment bankers, nonprofits also were affected because they had their endowment funds invested, real estate markets because of the impact in value, all those affected by a slump in the real estate market including real estate agents and brokers, contractors, furniture and window covering companies, decorators, landscapers. A little of everything was affected by these strategies and gray areas.Some of the people that were effect by Goldman’s decisions were his clients as well as some of the top employees, such as Lloyd Blankfein. (Jennings, 2012) Investors thought they were going to receive money on their purchase. No employee or officer should take unfair advantage of anyone through manipulation, concealment, abuse of privileged information, misrepresentation of material facts, or any other illegal trade practice. (Jennings, 2012) The main factors that contributed to the way that the employees, executives, traders, and advisers made their decisions were money and political power.The idea of being â€Å"Filthy rich by 40,†and the enticement is what produced so many millionaires so early in their lives. Many companies are cutting back on their financial-incentive programs, but there are many things that can be used to motivate employees. Goldman worked â€Å"toes to the line†culture, always looking to find the next big loophole available. The culture was also, â€Å"If it is legal, then it is ethical†; which is not always the case. (Jennings, 2012) Goldman’s behaviors are a typical image of Carr’s theories. (Jennings, 2012) Could it be bluffing of Goldman to not reveal their positions or were they just tricking innocent people?Not everybody is aware and knowledgeable of the rules of the Wall Street. The larger investment bankers clearly were aware because of their own involvement in IPOs to auction securities to their structuring of the CDOs. However, these investments made their way to the retail level where the knowledge base was nonexistent. Goldman and others believed them to be sophisticated investors by definition and it was unnecessary to share. However, that definition has now changed and more disclosure is required because they obviously did not understand the double positions.This is saying that the culture that existed at Goldman before will stay the same. The drive to be successful and the fact that Goldman does not feel that its client base will be affected is why things will go on as business as usual. In other words, Goldman emerges with a fine but little remorse and a plan to go forward with the status quo. It does not seem as if any lessons were learned. Compare & Contrast Senator Collins has made clear that there was no legal fiduciary duty, but she questioned whether Goldman needed to act in its clients’ best interests as an issue of good business practice.The discussion states, Goldman struggled with that answer and could only come to the conclusion that it was â€Å"an interesting idea. †Goldman had a mentality that only the strong can survive in the markets. However, he did not take into account that with new regulations and the changes in the market; he could no longer engage in those legally gray areas and would be obligated to compete on a different foundation other than his normal loopholes Conclusion Business ethics are very important to have but sometimes they can conflict with personal ethics.Owning a business can be a risky task. You have to make the decision of what is more important to you, is it the money that drives you or the will to do what is right and ethical. Goldman was not producing but he trick the investors into giving money without every showing anything. This is a very common thing that most investors never realize until they have lost millions of dollars. References Jennings, M. (2012). Business ethics: Case studies and selected readings. (7th Ed. ). Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Gap Analysis Global Communications Essay
All business ventures are associated with the occurrences of risk. This is a s a result of the unstable conditions that exist in the labor market and therefore an organization that thrives we’ll at one particular time can be caught in a fold in at another particular time. It is therefore, through the realization of this noble fact that the leadership as well as the management of any organization with a goal of a bright future to be keen about the advances in the technological advancements as well as new services that concurrently occur for the purpose of remaining competitive in the market. The simple practice responsible with keeping pace with the existing competition is just not sufficient for the purposes of the relevant results that are essential for the purposes of the maintenance of a position in the industry. It is of vital importance that for a company to remain at the top of others, the creation of an edge that is responsible for the separation of the company from competition should be cultivated (Ulijn & Judith, 2004). There has been a recorded trend in the increase in the level of competition in the telecommunication industry as a result of a continual advent of services as well as technologies in the field of telecommunication. The companies using cables for the purpose of offering services in the communication sector have been in advantageous position in as far as the provision of complete solutions to communication problems to the customers. For a period of about three years in the past, Global Communication was thriving very well in the market, having to trade at $28 for every share of the company. However at the current the company has been adversely affected by the issue of competition. In the consideration of the financial distress which has had the consequences of competition of a standard that is overwhelming, the senior leadership of this particular company are subjected to some developments that are responsible for the plans responsible with the restructuring the company for the purposes of its re vitalization. There is a need for the consolidation of the company’s standards of ethics with excellent implementation due to the level of the risk that has been posed to the integrity of the company. The new plan has brought about some ethical dilemmas which requires some evaluation in line with the competency with which the senior leaders of the company are cable to communicate to the stakeholders matters related to the plan, the groups as well as individuals with a positive interest with respect to Global Communication and the perception of other individuals in as far as the plan is concerned (Andrews, 2000). Analysis of the situation: The identification issue as well as opportunity There has been a drastic depreciation in the stocks of Global Communication to a tune of 50% that has been recorded for a period three years back. At the same time the company has been exposed to a very high degree of competition. For the purpose of the future survival of the company in the industry of communication, there is a requirement for completely new as well as attractive services that aim to seek ways to reduce the costs of operations while at the same time increasing the profits of the company (Hoft, 2002). The consideration of the relevant motives that are responsible for the resolution of issues and the best decision making is a requirement. The process of decision making, the management of the knowledge, the consideration of the needs of the employees as well as the coordination, and lastly the communication in the workplace are all significant for the best performance of the organization. The potential abilities of the individual employees to work in coordination for the purpose of the achievement of the goals of the organization are of crucial importance with regard to the success of the organization. Economic issues of importance are confronting Global Communication thus requiring collective efforts towards the restructuring of the company. The plans that are at hand also face some difficulties with regard to their communicating to the employees. The reputation of the company with regard to the treatment of the employees is quite favorable and therefore ruining this reputation is not to the interest of the company due to the value imputed to them as a vital component in as far as the company is concerned (Hoft, 2002). The concern of the stock holders of the company is the speculation of the possibility of the company returning to the initial status since the company is locally marketed and therefore this is an issue of paramount importance for consideration. It therefore implies that the best choices possible are a requirement for the purpose the achievement of the best solution (Ulijn & Judith, 2004). Conclusion There are great changes that are taking place in the industry of telecommunication. The cable companies with the potential use of the computers the television as well as the telephone services have moved into the market offering complete packages of solutions to the customers with the effect of the reduction in the margins of profit as well as the market of the old companies in the industry.This requires the application of creative as well as drastic solution, a situation that Global communication is facing today. References Andrews, D. (2000). Business and Communication. New York: McMillan. Hoft, L. (2002). International and Technical Communication. New York: John Wiley Ulijn, M. & Judith B. (2004). Communication and Business Technology. Switzerland: Peter Lang.
Friday, September 27, 2019
Modern Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Modern Economics - Essay Example The basic assumptions of both of these models is that even if a country can produce goods at a cheaper cost than another country, the most effective means of production will be to concentrate on the goods they produce to the greatest advantage. The understanding is that by exporting these goods and importing goods that are the key product of other countries the nation will gain its greatest productive wealth. One of the most recent remedies of this situation is New Trade Theory. This theoretical perspective shifts the focus from the comparative advantage paradigm to one more internally focused. While comparative advantage largely neglected nascent industries in favour of established industries of greatest advantage, new trade theory considers the importance of establishing networks or clusters among industries. Through this process the country is encouraged to impose tariffs as a means of allowing emerging clusters of industries to grow, as the understanding is that these clusters wi ll ultimately lead to a significant competitive advantage. The notion of free trade has long been a notion that has sounded good among individuals, but when considered both in practice and theory has a number of prominent drawbacks. Indeed, there are a number of arguments justifying exceptions to free trade. As noted above the establishment of nascent industries oftentimes necessitates tariffs be implemented. Another reason against free trade is the general support of industry in the country, as tariffs protect against foreign competition.
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Doves Campaign for Real Beauty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words
Doves Campaign for Real Beauty - Essay Example In doing so, women are unaware that what this conformity to such a cruel standard is crushing their ego, shifting their focus on more important matters such as relationships, spiritual well-being and others to the more trivial things such as physical appearance. Dove is aware of the negative effects of today's concept of beauty to women of all ages. As a company with such an esteemed reputation as a global brand and a conscientious seller of beauty products, Dove wanted to look into these issues that women are dealing with. Together with a team of experts in their respective fields, Dove developed "The Real Truth About Beauty: A Global Report". This aimed to look deeper into the connection between women and their idea of being beautiful. Furthermore, this study intended to find out how women feel about themselves. This includes how women define their own concept of beauty, their degree of contentment in relation to their appearance and the impact of their views on their sense of happiness. (Campaign for Real Beauty). In every era, the concept of beauty changes; likewise, for every culture, there are also different standards to define beauty. Women, depending on their age, racial background have their own concepts and standards of attractiveness. Fashion spreads and television ads more often than not feature reed-thin models with flawless skin and picture-perfect features. This concept of beauty has led to most of the young women, most even in their teens to worry that they are not tall, blonde, pretty, or thin enough to measure up to this hyped up idea of loveliness. A majority of women nowadays feel that they don't hit the mark as far as physical beauty is concerned. Many young women and girls have developed issues with their body, certain facial features, skin tone, and this has paved the way for them to seek acceptance through other avenues. As a consequence, many have been lost to eating disorders, abusive relationships, substance abuse and other physical and psychological disorders. This is too hefty a price to pay for a girl who just wants nothing more than the world to accept her just the way she is. Review of Literature Dove believes that "every girl deserves to feel beautiful just the way she is". With Dove's supremacy in the business of beauty, it is a big deal that Dove has come with the "Campaign for Real Beauty" advertising campaign series. This is a revolutionary take on traditional advertising efforts as it borders towards social responsibility. Speaking of social responsibility, Dove is aware of the consequences of the impact that a company's advertising campaign may have on the people that it will reach. Dove is also conscious that with the way the world of advertising portrays beauty nowadays, peoples' views of beauty have become misrepresented to such a great extent. The launch of "Campaign for Real Beauty" is Dove's way of serving the public by attempting to correct
Harrod-Domar Growth Model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Harrod-Domar Growth Model - Essay Example According to the research findings, it can, therefore, be said that in the closed economy, saving equals to investment, and saving is some proportion of income as well. Thus we find that saving equals to saving rate times income equal to investment (St=sYt=It). The last one is that we can write the capital-accumulation in the form of Kt+1=(1-d)*Kt+It, where K is capital stock and d is the rate of capital depreciation. Based on all assumptions and according to the mathematics, in order to simplify all equations and use Log method, we can get the growth rate of GDP is gY=s*A-d, where d is the depreciation rate of capital. This is the main idea of the H-D model. Based on the result, the growth rate of an economy, therefore, depends on the saving rate. It means that saving rate will promote economic growth. However, it must be satisfying the assumptions, otherwise, the result will be different. Here is an example to prove it. The data source from Gapminder World; as indicated in the grap h below proves that there is no relationship between investment and GDP/capita growth in 1970 and 2010. In summary, the H-D model cannot completely explain the fact that the rate of saving can prove economic growth. The model has to satisfy all the assumptions otherwise the results obtained will be different. This paper also illustrates why developing countries are developing faster than western countries. There are two sets data from World Bank. The first one is about Canada which is developed the country and the second one is about China, which is developing the country. According to the table, one can see that China’s GDP is much great than Canada’s, and all the percentage value larger than Canada. This is, therefore, an indication that China growths faster than Canada. Solow model can play a significant role in explaining this phenomenon. One assumption of the model is the constant return on the scale. This means that all input is increased by the same amount the o utput. The assumption, therefore, yields the aggregate production as follows; Y=F(K, L).
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Civil rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Civil rights - Essay Example Not until the 1960s did a considerable significant number of youth of America join and add their efforts to the movement. The scholarly works of Lawson and Payne have led them to contradictory opinions of the riotous years from 1945 to 1968. However both provide a gleaming, deviously nuance summary of the period. Charles Payne has thoroughly worked on the definitive study of the civil rights movement in the Delta. Payne divulges the bravery, infatuation, absurdity, and perseverance of thousands of black women and men who worked, against irresistible odds, to take charge of their destiny through his outstanding use of verbal interviews of past. This is the most ample and enlightening study of organizing on the grass-roots echelon that we have, and will be of importance to scholars, students, and activists alike. Lawson captures what is said "the view from the nation," in conflict that "it was the federal government ... that played an indispensable role in shaping the fortunes of the civil rights revolution. It is impossible to understand how Blacks achieved first-class citizenship ... in the South without concentrating on what national leaders ... did to influence the course of events" (p. 3). Explanation of Lawson argues that still after Birmingham and the March on Washington the nation had not been stimulated to crack the "legislative logjam" (p. 29) over an all-inclusive bill of civil rights. Lyndon B. Johnson's congressional wizardry and ethical dedication made it happened. It was as functional as the Selma demonstrations were in getting passage of Voting Rights Act 1965, Lyndon B. Johnson had inculcated the Justice Department to set up the bill "even before the Selma campaign had begun" (p. 32). "Throughout the history of the civil rights struggle, the national state played a key role in determining its outcome" (p. 40). Payne is piercingly critical of the "top-down" (p. 109) theory, asserting that top down approach falls short to value and understand the function ordinary people performed in changing the state, spotlights approximately exclusively on large-scale spectacular events to the disadvantage of "the real and authentic social infrastructure that continued the struggle on daily basis," and highlights only legislative modifications at the cost of perceiving the civil rights movement "as a changing experience for persons" (p. 110). Above all, conceivably, in Payne's opinion, the top-down elucidation promotes a triumphalism that marks off black fundamentals as a fringe anthology of ingrates, overlooking that by the end of their lives, "the gap between Martin Luther King's thoughts" and that of Malcolm X was "less than one might imagine" (p. 133). Payne's logical admiration for great organizers like Ella Baker guides him to view with evident commiseration their diverse feelings about "relatively short-term public events" (p. 125) like Birmingham and Selma that were highly influential in the civil rights revolution. Steven F. Lawson and Charles Payne scrutinize the persons who made the movement an achievement, both at the uppermost level of government and in the grassroots channels. Designed exclusively for college and university courses in American history, this is the best elucidation about the glory and agony of these
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Current Legal Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Current Legal Issues - Essay Example ( ) The society and government in today’s world have racially discriminated the Gypsy and the Traveler community because of which, these communities even today remain ostracized from the main stream public and society. Though there are several laws like the Race Equality Law and Race Relations Acts that have been passed by the government for providing justice to these communities, still it has been seen that in the majority of cases relating to equality, justice has not been provided to them because of which most of these communities remain in the dark. ( Issue of proper Accommodation: Indeed it has been centuries since such inequality has been meted to them, as well as to the people working in close contact with them. The Gypsy and Traveler communities have their own lifestyles as well have their own culture. Among them the Romani as well as the Irish Travelers are considered to be quite distinct due to the traditions that they follow . The rest of them are classified and identified based on how they move about within the country, which could be circus type of families or as travelers. ( ) Most of these Gypsies and Travelers maintain a nomadic kind of life, while the rest of them live in brick houses. Thus the lack of suitable and good housing sites is the biggest problem that is experienced by the Gypsy and Traveler communities today. Due to the inequality meted out to them by the rest of the society, this community presently are socially deprived and discriminated widely. The following is a brief study of inequality, which is being meted out to the Gypsy and Traveler community, in terms of the aspects regarding their accommodation. ( ) Lack of proper and permanent houses has been cited by most experts, as the primary reason for most of the problems, which these communities are facing across the world as well as in Great Britain. Most of the experts believe that non availability of su itable housing sites; have turned as a serious problem for allocation of housing sites to these communities by the government. As a result lack of proper housing facilities has been considered as one of the biggest and worst type of inequality, which has been shown to this community by the respective governments. The lack of good accommodation always causes a sense of insecurity among the Gypsy and Traveler Community alike and this has been stated as the root cause for all other problems, that the community experiences. ( ) The main flaw that has been caused in this case has been directed towards the government, whose planning policy itself seems to falter, since they have moved away from the public sites to the system wherein, such communities themselves provide sites for construction of houses. It has been seen that whenever the Gypsies or the Traveler communities try to develop their own sites through private purchase, the local residents tend to oppose such a move. Because of this quarrel and disputes often occur between local residents as well as the members of these communities. This is a common scenario that has been noticed, whenever the members of the Gypsy and Traveler community try to submit applications regarding the plans for construction of house on lands, which they have privately purchased. Often such disputes and
Monday, September 23, 2019
Internet Censorship classical arguments Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Internet Censorship classical arguments - Essay Example The problem of censorship of internet can only be solved if it is distributed according to the location. However, most of the people have positive arguments about the censorship of the internet, as it can restrict the exposure if the pornographic material to children. Filtering the web content is an effective way to control the accessed information on the internet. However, it may require the constant control to limit the utilization of the information and a prevention method to deny the access of new pornographic content. Another method is to blacklist such websites that are providing the information that is socially or culturally irrelative. However, as the internet is growing day by day and every day new websites having some kind of restricted material are launched, thus blacklisting is the perfect solution. Many governments like the Islamic and the Asian countries have the certain level of restriction employing both blacklisting and other methods to avoid the exposure of pornogra phic as well as such contents that depicts unfavorable comments about the governments and leaders. Islamic Countries like Saudi Arabia, have adopted a higher level of filtering the content as they have the view that the censorship would not endanger the Islamic rules and regulations. However, it is not possible to fully control the web content. The father or the internet â€Å"Vint Cerf†argue that it is not possible for the government to fully control the internet as it is owned by the private sector (Fonseca, n. pag). However, many people argue that censorship of the internet is only to crush the freedom of the public and everyone has the right to attain the information he would like to attain. Censoring the internet is only to restrict the information that is against the freedom of humanity. If the restriction is only imposed to the pornographic web content, the restriction would be considered as a righteous act. However, it is not only imposed to the web content that is p romoting porn but also imposed to the content that has views against the government or against the culture of certain region like in majority of Iran, and are also banned due to the reason that the websites are promoting the western culture and are against the Islamic culture (, n. pag). In this way, the information on the sites is also restricted in these areas. Annotated Bibliography Bidgoli, Hossein. The Internet Encyclopedia. Volume 2, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, , 2004. Print This book helps the students how they can use the internet with the restriction by government. These restrictions are for the betterment of society. In this book classical definition of censorship is also clarified, that how much things are included in censorship which should be restricted from the teenagers. Schultz, David Andrew. â€Å"Encyclopedia of American Law†. New York: Infobase Publishing, 2002. Print. This book describes the American Laws regarding th e censorship of the internet. The common use of the internet and resources has to apply some restrictions on the content to avoid the exposure of the adult content to the children. Fonseca, Pedro. â€Å"Cerf Sees Government Control of Internet Failing†. Nov 14th, 2007. Web. The site describes the ideas of the father of internet Vint Cerf’
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Wil Haygood Paper Essay Example for Free
Wil Haygood Paper Essay On September 12th, I attended the talk with Wil Haygood discussing his new movie â€Å"The Butler. †It seemed that the entire community came together to see Wil Haygood speak that night. The entire gym was filled to see Wil, and you could tell that he was very appreciative. I am really glad that I chose to go to the talk rather than the movie because I got to hear about Wil Haygood’s life and how the movie really came to be. I can always go and see the movie whenever I want, but this was a great chance to see what Wil has to say and listen to him talk about his inspiration behind the book and movie. ODU’s manager of communications, Thomas Brockman, introduced everyone that was a part of the event. First, Don Davis was introduced because she made the Butler book possible. Davis was the publisher of â€Å"The Butler. †Next, Steven Reece came to the podium. He had a 22 year career at the Washington Post and edited Haygood’s original article. These two people were extremely significant in the success that â€Å"The Butler†has had. Finally, the author, Wil Haygood, was introduced. I was excited to hear about his journey and his perseverance in making all of this possible. Wil Haygood was born and raised in Columbus, Ohio, where his career as a writer began. He attended Ohio Dominican University as a high school student and received his bachelor degree from Miami University of Ohio. It is inspiring that someone as successful as him has roots from ODU. In high school he was accepted into the Upward Bound Program and it remained the greatest moral movement in United States history. It is great that Haygood was getting involved at such a young age and trying to make a difference in our country. Haygood had become successful during his career as a journalist. His success as a writer had only developed more when he received a call from a lady that told him about Eugene Allen. This call is what started it all. He relentlessly pursued to get a hold of Allen and had to make 57 different phone calls until he finally reached him. Haygood was not going to let anything get in his way of getting to talk to Eugene. Eugene worked as a White House butler for 34 years and never missed a day of work. He served as a butler from Harry Truman to Ronald Reagan. Allen agreed for Haygood to come over and speak with him. However, before he said anything Mrs. Allen had to make sure Haygood was a good person. Finally she gave Eugene permission to show Haygood the basement. The basement was dedicated to the presidents and his life. All of this gave Haygood critical information to be able to write about Eugene. I always commend people that go out and find these stories because without Haygood we would not know about Eugene Allen. Many obstacles got in Haygood’s way where he could have called it quits, but he kept moving forward. Once the book came out it was an instant New York Times Best Seller. It is considered one of the best political books of the year. I have not had a chance to read the book yet, but after hearing from Wil Haygood it is definitely a book that I want to read. History can tell us so much about our country and this book can tell us more in depth about the history that Eugene Allen was a part of. I am glad I attended this event because it showed me that if one really wants something, then he should go after it. Failure is always going to happen, but if one never goes out and tries, he would never know if he could actually achieve his goal. Haygood made a name for himself by putting himself out there and making a difference. I want to be an individual that makes a difference and Haygood has given me inspiration to go after what I want.
Saturday, September 21, 2019
General Strain Theory (GST) Application to Rehabilitation
General Strain Theory (GST) Application to Rehabilitation Abstract A staggering number of African-Americans are incarcerated for a variety of criminal offences. Without having to review criminal statistics, African-Americans appear to lack the ability to adapt and/or become productive members of society compared to other races incarcerated. This is more than a stereotype and coincidence, other countries besides the United States have documented this phenomenon. Applying Agnews (1992) General Strain Theory (GST) to the emotional and social psychological development of African-Americans, society may better understand the motive, causation, and circumstances of crime pertaining to the African-American criminal thought process. I hypothesize this thought process to be a psychological condition requiring identification and intervention by the criminal justice system and correctional facilities. Investigation started by analyzing strains upon the African-American culture detailing afterwards the treatment of mentally ill African-American inmates as observ ed by the General Strain Theory and current physiological testing. A variety of social programs is available with positive interpersonal exposure and rebuilding of social skills/mindset, rehabilitating inmates to recognize, understand, and cope with strain. General Strain Theory and Rehabilitation of Mentally Ill African-American Inmates A staggering number of African-Americans are incarcerated for a variety of criminal offences. Without having to review criminal statistics, African-Americans appear to lack the ability to adapt and/or become productive members of society compared to other races incarcerated. This is more than a stereotype and coincidence, other countries besides the United States have documented this phenomenon. Applying Agnews (1992) General Strain Theory (GST) to the emotional and social psychological development of African-Americans, society may better understand the motive, causation, and circumstances of crime pertaining to the African-American criminal thought process. I hypothesize this thought process to be a psychological condition requiring identification and intervention by the criminal justice system and correctional facilities. Investigation started by analyzing strains upon the African-American culture detailing afterwards the treatment of mentally ill African-American inmates as observed by the General Strain Theory and current physiological testing. A variety of social programs is available with positive interpersonal exposure and rebuilding of social skills/mindset, rehabilitating inmates to recognize, understand, and cope with strain. Literature Review Kaufman, Rebellon, Thaxton, and Agnew (2008) produced an informative article that applied Agnews General Strain Theory to analyzing the motivational processes of African-Americans, beyond age, sex, or community, which leads them to criminal activity. This article evaluated the lives of African-Americans in totality and hypothesized a lack of coping mechanisms and outlets for daily and unrelenting stresses or strains. A considerable amount of statistical information contained herein was gathered from various web sites and journals. The U.S. Department of Justice (2006, 2007) and the U.S. Department of Labor (2008) collected facts pertaining to crimes and the races in which they occurred within. While Elliott Voss (1974), Williams Gold (1972) did not find significant racial crime connections, Kelley, Huizinga, Thornberry, Loeber (1997) with Snyder Sickmund (2006) showed juveniles were prone to violence. Broadhurst and Tonry (1997) with Doone (2000) confirmed that other countries besides the United States experienced elevated criminal and correctional issues with indigenous populations of African-American decent. African-American plight can be traced back to mid-19th century by Du Bois (1899, 1904), Hawkins (1995). Without the contributions of Hirschi (1969), Akers (1998), (Cohen Felson, 1979) and others, theories such as the lifestyle theory, Walters (2005, 2007) Criminal Thinking Styles, and Dolls Ajzens (1992) theory of Planned Behavior, a comparative analysis would be incomplete. Credit must also go to Scobbie, Wyke, Dixon, (2009), Birgden (2004), Fallot (2001), Condelli, Bradigan, Holanchock, (1997) for contributing their knowledge and research utilized in this report exploring mentally illnesses. Criminal Statistics African-Americans have excessively represented a majority of the criminals in the U.S. since the mid-19th century (Du Bois, 1899, 1904; Hawkins, 1995). In 2006, the U.S. population was comprised of approximately 13% African-Americans, however they accounted for 28% of all offence arrests, 39.3% of violent crimes, 56.3% of robberies, and 50.9% of homicides (U.S. Department of Justice, 2007). The U.S. Department of Justice (2006) reported that victims perceived 25.3% of singular criminals and 33.9% of criminals in multiple offender victimizations to be African-American according to the most recent statistics from the National Crime Victimization Survey. In robberies, offenders were perceived as African-American 47.7% of the time and 22% of the time with assaults (U.S. Department of Justice, 2006). Disregarding the fact of perceived or speculative information obtained under the high stress of a criminal act by a victim, victimization data continued to parallel current arrest data. Early self-reports did not convey significant findings between race and crime (Elliott Voss, 1974; Williams Gold, 1972), but recent reports show youths prone to violence (Kelley, Huizinga, Thornberry, Loeber, 1997; Snyder Sickmund, 2006). Canada, New Zealand, and Australia also report abnormally high offenders from indigenous populations and African-Americans decent (Broadhurst, Tonry, 1997; Doone, 2000). Accounting for bias and discrimination, the overwhelming statistics of African-Americans to other races incarcerated do not coincide. General Strain Theory The GST offers an exemplary causation explanation of social and environmental factors contributing to African-American delinquency. The GST examines disproportional stressors/strains upon African-Americans as causations of criminal behavior whereas similar theories only provide for negative sociological (Hirschi, 1969) or poor acquaintance associations (Akers, 1998). Typically, hypotheses focus upon one factor as the causation of delinquency, the GST accounts for multiple strains upon an individual to explain criminal behavior. A broad range of strains, according to Agnew (1992), can occur from failures or removal from positive outcomes, or the anticipation of negative stimuli, could possibly result in a criminal action to pacify the emotional trigger. Recent empirical testing showed strain and anger influencing violence (Agnew, 2006; Mazerolle Piquero, 1997; Mazerolle, Burton, Cullen, Evans Payne, 2000). African-American may experience higher levels of strain compared to other races, but it does inevitably conclude in crime. Variables such as coping skills, social support, and mental conditioning of an individual allow for escape from and defusing strain. Individuals whom possess exemplary social control (Hirschi, 1969) or whom do not associate with delinquent social circles (Akers, 1998) will be less likely to utilize criminal activity to cope with strain. Predominate Strains Agnew (2001) recently clarified strain is most conducive to crime when it was viewed as unjust e.g. excessive discipline, criminal victimization, and unpredictable parental supervision, particularly when combined with economic, educational, criminal, and discriminatory strains. These types of strains create the conditions for coping to occur through criminal activity. Economic strains are prevalent amongst African-American communities with African-Americans likely to be of lower class income employed in the secondary labor market or unemployed (Conley, 2000; DeNavas-Walt, Proctor, Smith, 2007; Gittleman Wolff, 2004; Sullivan, 1998; U.S. Department of Labor, 2008). Robbery is the highest crime disproportionally observed among the African-American culture (U.S. Department of Justice, 2006, 2007) and possibly explains the situational need for supplemental income. Economic strain can be potentially interrupted as unjust, blamable upon society, and other external factors beyond an individuals control, contributing to the continued plight of the African-American culture. Family, educational, criminal, victimization, discrimination, and community strains rank amongst the top stressors of the African-American culture next to economic strain. These strains are so prevalent in occurrence it is understandable and reasonable to conclude there is little escape or relief from these strains. Family strain is contributed to residency in impoverish areas, economics, secondary labor employment, and diminished family bonds contribute to the probability of poor parenting practices e.g. inappropriate/inconsistent discipline (Agnew et al., 2000; Patterson Fergatch, 1990; Patterson, Reid, Dishion, 1992). This breakdown can contribute to diminished parental bonds with children with juvenile delinquency becoming the strain relief mechanism (Agnew et al, 2000; McLoyd, 1990; Patterson, 1982). U.S. school systems contain a percentage of educators with low expectations of lower class student success (Cooper Moore, 1995) with the placement of students, according to race, in lower educational programs without consideration of the individuals academic ability (Irvine York, 1993). This is a considerable strain upon developing African-American youths. Low rate educational programs alone effectively lessen mental development. These educational programs contain inferior curricula (Epps, 1995; Oakes, 1985). Associated/resulting from substandard educational practices of African-Americans are poor grades, unfair discipline, and poor/negative interpersonal relations with educators and students contributing to strain. These strains are observable with white students attending minority-segregated schools as their academic scores reflect substandard grades compared to white students in predominately-white schools (Bankston III Caldas, 1996). Criminal victimization pertains to crimes committed against African-Americans as compared to other races. Victimization amongst African-American compared to whites was 37.3% higher (U.S. Department of Justice, 2006) with 49.5% accounting for murder and non-negligent manslaughter (U.S. Department of Justice, 2007) of which 58% of murders occur before the age of 30 (U.S. Department of Justice, 2006). African-American children between the ages of 12-19 experienced violent crimes such as murder, rape, or robbery, 48% higher than white children of the same age (U.S. Department of Justice, 2006). The burglary rate of African-American households was 22.4% higher than whites (U.S. Department of Justice, 2006). Regardless of location, inner city or suburbia, the levels of victimization are consistent among African-Americans (Logan Stults, 1999). Discrimination is a strong negative that African-Americans experience frequently compared to whites and on many levels such as buying a house, car, seeking employment, education, or walking down the street (Ayres Siegelman, 1995; Farrell Jones, 1988; Feagin, 1991; Forman et. al., 1997; Kirschenman Neckerman, 1991; Yinger, 1995). African-Americans reported discrimination 34% greater than whites with 70% of African-Americans discriminated against at least once in their lifetime (Forman, Williams, Jackson, 1997). Discrimination may be the most conductive of strains eliciting negative emotions and crime-provoking behavior (Agnew, 2001). Homicide rates, at the micro level, were related to discrimination (Messner, 1989) with high rates of crime amongst African-Americans in racially segregated locales (Messner South, 1986; Shihadeh Flynn, 1996). At the micro level, positive associations existed between discrimination and juvenile delinquency (Simons et al., 2003). Negative experiences with law enforcement officers include discrimination (Miller, 1996), with frequent contact in high crime locals with unfavorable experiences (Parker, Onyekwuluje, and Murty, 1995). African-Americans were shot and killed more often by police officers compared to whites (Walker, Spohn, DeLone, 2000). While this fact showed negatively upon police officers, it also showed the high frequency in which African-Americans have extreme negative contacts with police officers. General Strain Theory and the Mentally Ill The Encyclopedia Britannica (2010) defines a mental disorder as, anyillnesswith significant psychological or behavioral manifestations that is associated with either a painful or distressing symptom or an impairment in one or more important areas of functioning. Disregarding recognizable mental illnesses such as schizophrenia; cannot a majority of the African-Americans incarcerated be classified as having a mental illness? African-Americans, over years of mental strain, may suffer from and require support rebuilding and coping skills with coping resources and social support (Agnew, 1992). Problem solving competences with self-esteem and self-efficacy guidance may help to reduce and recover from the effects of strain (Agnew, 1992). Utilization of tests such as the Psychological Inventory of Criminal Thinking Styles (Walters, 2005) or the Theory of Planned Behavior (Doll Ajzen, 1992) may help in determining emotional distress, worldview, and criminal thinking methods of African-Americans. The state of New York utilized the Wilcoxon test to assess psychological changes (Ward, Bradigan, Holanchock, 1997) finding intermediate care programs containing professionals such as clinical psychologists, social workers, and occupational/recreational therapists served to avoid hospitalizing inmates via therapy (e.g. group recreational therapy, skill training, educational/vocational instruction, and crisis intervention). Religious recovery described by Fallot (2001) utilized spirituality as a potentially positive role in psychiatric rehabilitation. Scobbie, Wyke, and Dixon (2009) reviewed goal-setting theories to identify those that offer the best potential results in clinical practice. Scobbie, Wyke, and Dixon (2009) concluded five main theories of social cognitive theory, goal setting theory, health action process approach, proactive coping theory, and self-regulatory model of illness behavior showed results in patient outcomes. These theories can overlap and intertwine to help identify issues and aid in rehabilitation. The common theme pertaining to rehabilitation of inmates, mentally ill or not, starts with recognizing a mental illness. While prisons are for punishment, the treatment of psychological illnesses starts with recognition by the correctional facility or guards. Birgden (2004) stated the use of correctional staff is instrumental as potential therapeutic agents (p. 283) with rehabilitation programs depending upon correctional officers support. The chance to deter future criminal activity depends upon the criminals will to succeed with the guidance of councilors and therapy. Seriously mental ill inmates account for 8% to 20% of state prison inmates costing approximately $245 million with county estimates placed at approximately 7.2% to 15% with a cost of $58.4 million. Conservative overall estimate of approximately $1.2 billion to $1.8 billion went towards the care of inmates in the state of California in 1993-1994 (Izumi, Schiller, Hayward, 1996). The number and costs associated with the care of mentally ill inmates could be considerable lowered with the proper application of intermediate care programs to recognize and rehabilitate criminals. Conclusion Theorists typically suggest inadequate socialization as one of the overall causations of deviance behavior (Bandura, 1969). There are a number of theories psychologists consider when classifying and diagnosing mental illnesses e.g. psychodynamic theories, operant conditioning, moral development, and social learning theory. The rational choice theory states criminals make a conscious, rational, and at least partially (Schmalleger, 2006, p.118) while the lifestyle theory states criminal thinking is hierarchically organized and that certain features of an individuals general world view should correspond with specific criminal thinking styles (Walters, 2007, p. 184). The general choice theory utilizes many factors aforementioned, evaluating strain specifically upon the African-American culture. Care of African-American mental illness, while incarcerated, requires substantial emotional and possibly professional treatment and support. Correctional guards are the first step in recognizing and referring strained African-Americans requiring professional guidance, and to aid in the rehabilitation process with positive interactions and socializations. Realistically, lesser needs may go untreated due to priority inmates with severe psychiatric needs. Cases with lesser, treatable, mental conditions can go untreated (Olley, Nicholls, Brink, 2009). While severe patients take priority, the needs of lesser cases should be the primary focus of correctional facilities. The breaking of the criminal behavioral cycle is the focus of such rehabilitation programs. Currently there is no catchall racial explanation for the causation of crime or mental conditioning amongst African-American; Kaufman, Rebellon, Thaxton, and Agnew (2008) suggested the GST offered an additional and complementary explanation that highlights the importance of emotional and motivational social psychological processes (p. 432).
Friday, September 20, 2019
The Hilton Hotel, Heathrow
The Hilton Hotel, Heathrow the objective of this assignment to shows the how the organisations in hospitality use the marketing strategies. This assignment presenting evaluation of the marketing introduction about Hilton Heathrow hotel, their loyalty programme, their public relations, e-marketing, viral and guerrilla marketing, segmentation marketing, network and customer relationship marketing strategies porters five forces. Definition of marketing as following: According to Philip Kotler:- marketing strategies are the combinations of all important marketing goals into a comprehensive plans, it should be from marketing research and its centre of attention should be right marketing mix to achieve maximum profit and sustainability for the organisation. Hilton Hotel and resorts is a Hospitality industry founded by Conrad Hilton in 1919 in Cisco, Texas (U.S) and has 540 hotels in 78 countries. Its first brand was opened in Business travel and leisure travel are the two marketing emphasis the company is focusing on. Hilton Hotel and Resorts are mostly located in city centres, near airports etc for the easy access for the customers. This assignment is on Hilton Hotel (HHonours) near Heathrow Airport; within Heathrow area they have three branches. Easy access from all terminals Heathrow central and terminal 5. It has partnership with different airlines and car rental companies. It just 6 minutes walk away from T4 and 10 minutes away by courtesy shuttle bus from T5. Hilton London Heathrow Airport hotel Exterior ( Marketing: marketing strategy plays a vital role to success for business. Marketing in Hospitality industry is one of the main elements to increase profits and success of the business and it is playing very important role in hospitality. It helps the organisation to get success through understand their customers, what they want, their needs; priorities and demand from the organisation and what are their expectation level from customer service point of view, leisure and infrastructure etc. It is really easy these days through internet. The organisation can also put surveys on internet, blogs, websites, social media, etc. For example Hilton hotel is available on face book where anyone can like, comment and post their views and also customers can check their updates, offers etc. ( Marketing Mix Marketing mix is a mixture of four fundamentals product, price, place and promotion. That actions used to satisfy the wants of an organisations target market and at the same time achieve its marketing objectives. (Stanton) 1994. Product- this feature of marketing mix is including planning, developing and producing the right category of products and services in the market by an organisation. In short words what is the quality of the product, size of the product? How is it looks like, design of the product, value of the product, about packaging, testing and range etc? At Hilton Heathrow hotel they have swimming pool, twenty four hour fitness centre then for relaxation they have sauna bath and steam room and beauty salon as well. They have artificial beach terrace. They have contemporary spacious room, executive lounge, executive rooms and suites. Hilton is the foremost globally friendliness company spanning the housing sector from luxurious full services to extended stay suites hotel. They mostly attract to business people as a luxurious hotel in the market. Price- To fix a right price of product is a most difficult task. Price of the product should be reasonable and affordable so organisation can sell their product easily and successfully in the market. There are lots of steps between set the right price for example: determination of unit price of the product, pricing policies and strategies, discounts, credits, cost, terms of delivery, payment, competitive price credit policy etc. Hilton hotel is quite expensive and luxurious hotel, their prices are high but still flexible according to the seasons. They give some discounts on special occasions. Place- It is called distribution channels, storage and warehousing, coverage channel, inventory management, selection channel, distribution logistics etc. Management of organisation is responsible to choose and deal with distribution channels so customers can get the product at right place at right time. They should develop physical distribution. Wholesalers and retailers are most important channels which are used for physical distribution of goods. Hilton hotel is near London Heathrow airport which is only give direct acees to the terminal 4 airport by walk and shuttle bus to terminal 5. This hotel offers fully equipped business centre of 2,590 square metre banquet hall for special events. Business conference for up to 300 guests of 30 meetings rooms. Promotion- the fourth p is promotion it does include determination about direct marketing, sales promotion, advertisements, publicity, exhibitions, public relations activity etc. Most important tools are advertisements and sales promotion which are used to promote the sale of products of organisations. The best way for advertising strategy, organisation should recognise the competitors what are they providing additional to customers. This will help to an organisation to do improvements into their values and to set marketing strategy. Promotional activities are free distribution of sample of product, contests etc. These types of tools are expressive which does help to beat the competition in the market to organisation. Advertisements are used to communicate and pass the information to customers and consumers about the features of product through television, internet, newspapers and magazines, radio, billboards, banners and posters etc. Limitations Doing advertisements or promotion is expensive tool but there is lots of advertisements on the television and internet so people can get fed up thats why mostly people ignore the advertisements on television they just skip the channels when the advertisements comes in front of them. Some people do not read the advertisements on newspapers and magazines. Now a days Hilton Heathrow hotel doing promotion by giving offer to customers because Christmas coming they are giving offer to celebrate Christmas at Heathrow with their attractive cuisine and enjoyment traditional or bollywood themed parties. Their coordinator will do the help to customer to organise party for superb occasion. At Hilton hotel in terms of the marketing mix model definitely the people, process and physical evidence are very important components of the marketing mix for service providers such as hotels. Marketing strategy to use by Hilton hotels as following: They give 20% off on advance booking on their best available rate. They do offer bed and breakfast on the weekend package. They give 1000 reasons to customers to love Hilton and earn thousands points on every Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday night stay. They are offering for Christmas party at Heathrow They are providing exclusive airport parking packages for up to 8 to 15 days. So customer can enjoy hassle free on their door step parking at London Heathrow airport Branding- branding is a unique name and identity of the company. It is a procedure of mark and stamp to the product with identify look, design and logo etc. So customers and consumers can get idea about the features of product from the name, look, logo, mark and design. Brand name or design should be attractive, which can attract to the customers. From brand name customers can recognise the product. When they give a symbol or name to the product organisation should always keep in mind there is lots of competitor in the market. Brand should be like that which is no one can copy it easily. Hilton hotel have very unique name. Hilton Hhonors have ten different brand which are as following: Waldorf Astoria hotels and resorts, Conrad hotels and resorts, Double tree inn, Embassy suites, Hilton garden inn, Hampton, Homewood suites, Hilton grand vacation and home 2 suites by Hilton. They have every type of hotel for example budget hotel luxurious hotel, business hotel etc. Customers can get know from the name about hotel for example Hilton hotels and resorts are quite luxurious and business class hotel. It is expensive. Customer loyalty- it is about to encourage the customer, attract towards brand, buy the product often and in extra amount. It is about satisfaction level of customers, confidence, and their needs and wants. Organisation should build relationship with customers using e-market via email, messaging on mobile phones, so customers can stay keep in touch with them. Organisation should give points to the customers on loyalty cards. They should show to customers to care for them what are their choices and what they do not want. Hilton hotel they have point system to attract the customers and encourage to stay with them. They have guest loyalty programme and they have membership level as following blue, silver, gold and diamond. First of all blue, which is just for enrolling. Second one is silver which is for four stays at hotel and 10 nights and then they have gold 36 nights or 16 stays and 60000 base points and the last one they have gold for 60 nights, 28 stays and 100000 base points. Customers can earn points on all their different brands in 91 countries and at nearly 3900 hotels. They can earn bonus points at airline for the same hotel stay. Customers can use their points on hotel stays, buying and receiving, on travel and transport, exchange with family and friends at dining. Customers can donate their points to supporting charities for non profit. Network and customer relationships marketing strategies- networking is an important factor for an organisation. Stakeholders and employees with employers and staff of an organisation should inter connect with each other. Marketing take place in public relationship. For an organisation should have good and strong relation with society to fight the competition in the market. They should build strong network into the market with stakeholders. Now a days every organisation have customer care department to sort out the problems of customers and they have call centres as well as they have online customer care facility via internet so customers can call them or email them regarding their problems. In an organisation network and customer relationship is how does effective staff deals with customers and employers with employees. Hilton hotels have network and customer relationship strategy to using point system and social media. Customers can earn points with them and they can use their points on lots of things with them on travel transports etc. They are using digital technology for example electronic media Customers can stay keep in touch with them using social media. Hilton Hotel Company appreciates the value of its staff and uses internal marketing to retain them and make them feel valued. At the Hilton organisation management realises that the companys team member added value and quality to the business. In fact it is the people working for the organisation that makes the Hilton hotels corporation such an international success. A hotel is an actual physical product, but a lot of the experience of visiting a hotel relates to the service offered by its staff to the customers. At Hilton hotel organisation management realises that staff treat customers with about same degree of respect as they themselves are treated by their employers. If staff are not treated and valued well they in turn will not respect or treat customers very well. Obviously this is very bad for an organisation. The Hilton hotel corporation invests a lot of time and money in its staff. It takes training and staff development very seriously. It involves staff in all aspects of it s marketing plans and strategy so that everyone knows what is going on and how they make contribution. Organisation gives rewards to its staff for effort with awards and promotion. It includes its staff by allowing them access to extranet which is also share with its business partners. Management offers a comprehensive befits packages to its staff, including: medical, dental and vision care coverage, life accident and disability insurance, the Hilton stock purchase plan, the flexible work arrangement. Other benefits including vacation and holiday pay plus and special privileges when staff stays at Hilton hotels. At the Hilton group management really try to retain good staff and do everything possible to make working for the Hilton hotel organisation rewarding and satisfying experience. Marketing communication activities and strategies-marketing communication is a way which is used by an organisation to change the behaviour of stakeholders towards product. They present to product into the market in such way, people can get information about the product from designing, promotion, exhibitions, advertisements, newspapers, magazines, mobile phone marketing etc. Marketing communication can be develop by direct marketing and indirect marketing. Personal selling, sales promotion, advertising, public relations these are all marketing communication. Those all tools are used for communication about product, which tells to public about the features of product. Organisation use marketing communication to achieve the market objectives and target sales. Communication is messages between one person to other person and in marketing it is between seller and buyer. With Hilton hotel customers can stay keep in touch with them using social media. E-marketing- e-marketing is an internet marketing, which is also called as an online marketing, web-marketing. Now a days every organisation use electronic technology for advertisements to gain the objectives. Technology plays a vital role for an organisation such computer based technology. Organisation create their websites, they send information about products online. Internet offers unique opportunities for organisation and customers to communicate with each others. It is a good way to build relationship with each other. Companies do promotion by direct email, advertisements on internet, by text messaging on mobile phones as well. People can know about the organisations and their manufactured goods to visit on their websites through internet. Organisation can do advertisements through social media for example: face book, twitter etc. On other hand some people do not trust on online information. These types of people prefer to go to the organisation personally so they can get information about the product from someone face to face. Hilton hotels and resorts have their own website so people can get easy access with them using internet. They have join in option on their webpage so people can create their account over there. Hilton hotels have account on face book as well so people can follow them using social media. They do their updates on their website and on social media regarding their discounts, offers, whats new at hotel etc. Thus people can get information through online using internet. Guerrilla marketing activities and strategies- this type of strategy is a weapon for marketers and it is not very expensive it is low cost strategy. Guerrilla marketing is a unusual methods of promotion. This type of marketing does not focus on sales just focus profits, on primary success. It does expect highest results from minimum resources. But sometimes these methods of marketing represent the false image of brand, which is not good to get success for an organisation and survive for long time in the future. Viral marketing- it is blog marketing, forum marketing, email marketing and article marketing. This type of marketing is passed from one person to another person for example messengers are used for viral marketing. Social media is the best way for viral marketing. People can join to Hilton hotel to create an account on their website so Hilton organisation can send them direct email regarding their products, promotions, discounts, new packages etc and they can follow them using facebook and tweeter as well. Public relationship strategies:-Public relation strategies are one of the promotional Mix (advertisement, personal selling, sales promotion, corporate image and Exhibition). According to Bill bernbach:- People cant believe you if they dont know what you are saying and they cant know what you are saying if they dont listen to you, and they wont listen to you if youre not interesting. Any news, planning, presentation, job advertisement etc organisation wants to give to public and any feedback organisation want from public different media such as speaker opportunities (conferences, seminars, public forums), trade show support (press appointments, private demos), public launch, magazines, newspaper, (articles, report), TV, internet, PR blogs (such as face book, twitter, online Pr) etc. Public relationship is a relationship of sharing information relation to organisation not only between organisation and customers; it is also with employees, staff, consumers, general public, competitors etc. Public relation plays a very important role and its essential to make public aware and up-to-date about new policies, procedures, jobs, vacancies etc. Hilton hotels to create public relation they promote their organisation through media news on the news papers, television, internet, magazines, articles etc. They share their information there. So people can know about them. Hilton global media centre users stand for 85 languages English, French, Spanish, Turkish, Chinese, and Japanese etc. Segmentation marketing: segmentation of marketing is a procedure which is focus on a group people whose have common expectations, needs and wants. Market segmentation is first action to apply the strategy of marketing. When segmentation applied, then organisation recognized the groups of customers with appropriate marketing mix so as to arrangement the product , brand, place, promotion, physical evidence and environment etc. Market segmentation aims at one or more homogeneous groups of customers and the marketers try to develop different marketing mix for each segment. The purpose of this segment is to satisfy them all. There may be different demands in different market segments. Marketers may produce higher sales in markets where they have monopolistic conditions by segmentation. The step towards developing a segmentation is to locate base for segmenting the market. There are different variables which are used for this purpose. The variables relates to consumer demographics, geographical, psychographic and behaviour. Bases of market segmentation as following: Geographic segmentation Demographic segmentation Psychographic segmentation Behavioural segmentation Value based segmentation Geographic segmentation- this segmentation focus on the area, the capital size, its majority whether town, city, or country and the (type of weather warm, cold, muggy, dry, windy) because it does matter a lot in segmenting the market on the basis of geographic segmentation. The most important benefit of this segmentation basis that is reflects physical location of the market. Demographic segmentation- it divides the marketplace on the base of period of time, era, gender, marital status, earnings, education, culture, family unit, family life cycle, profession, religious conviction and ethnic group. Demographics as a base for segmentation is working as a proxy for finding similarity in behavioural patterns. Psychographic segmentation- this base of segmentation is widely used by marketers. A persons life style, social class, cultural and personality rest at his mind. But this basic instinct can be tapped by marketers when they appeal for their products. However the geographical or psychographic segmentation is mind level. It might not click for marketers. Behavioural segmentation- here the geographical, demographical or psycho graphical boundaries do not approach jointly but become more relevant for marketing. The clients and customers are segmented on the base of their behaviour in the course of require inspiration, awareness, knowledge participation, attitudes, events, profit, user position, usage charge, loyalty rank and consumer willingness period. Behaviour segmentation is based on the consumer response to his requirements. Value based segmentation- the promotion idea prescribes that segmentation have to the result of competition connecting the goods quality and the needs or wants of the customers or clients. The marketers have to in actuality segmenting their clients so as to separate persons who give the for the most part to their profits. The marketers are required to compute total lifetime value of their customers and discount it to arrive at the net present value. Michael porters five forces: with porters five forces marketers can do strategic analysis of an organisation. They can find out the way how organisation attracts to different industries. Porters five forces does work as a guide to an organisation before enter to market. Michaels five forces are as following: Industry rivalry Power of buyer Power of supplier Threats of substitute Threats of new entry Industry rivalry- if enter into the market is very easy it means there is very high competition. Then customers can change their mind easily to go one from another. When competition is high in the market then there is not much difference into the products which are customers getting from the companies. All competitors using same strategies, and they have same sizes of product. If situations are like this as mentioned above then it is very hard to leave the industry for an organisation because they have been already spent lots of money. Hilton hotel has number of competitor near Heathrow which are as following Marriott hotel, Renaissance hotel, Ramada hotel, etc. They are also big organisations, but Hilton hotel has his own unique identity and popularity in the market as a luxurious hotel. Power of supplier- to get success for an organisation bargaining power of suppliers is a most important side. Supplier provides raw material to an organisation. If they are the only supplier for firm and there is no power of substitute of that raw material and there is no alternative option, they can refuse to provide raw material to an organisation. In that case supplier has much power. Power of buyers- customers can change their mind easily if they have another offer in same price and they go from one to another to get the product. Customers have the power to give pressure to the firm to change the price of product. Power of buyers come when there is not much difference between the product and they can get same product with low price. When customers buy the product they are very possessive about price of the product and they do comparison as well. Mostly business people, couples, and families are customers of Hilton hotel. Threats of substitute- if organisation provides such products which is already have in the market so there is threat of substitute is high. Because customers have another option. They can get another product. Threats of new entry- for an organisation to enter into new market are a bit risky because there are some barriers for entrance but for big organisation it is not much risky. When an organisation enters into the market looks at following points: do they earn profit or how fast, will government give them approval to do business, do they have enough supplier for outputs of their products. Recommendation As we know around Heathrow airport there lives mostly Asian community Indians, Pakistanis, Bangladeshis etc. it is suggested to Hilton Heathrow hotel they should give them some discounts and offers on their special festivals and occasions. For example to Muslims on their special festival Eid they should offer them discounts on their parties. To Indians they should also give offers and discounts on their special occasion diwali like Christmas they offer special packages and discount for special event. Conclusion As everyone knows hospitality is a huge industry in the market and Hilton hotels have their own unique name and identity in the market. According to the above mentioned strategies in the assignment marketing mix, branding, loyalty programmes, network and customer relationship marketing strategy, marketing communication activities and strategy, e-marketing, public relations, guerrilla and viral marketing, marketing segmentation and Micheal porters five forces, which were applying to the Hilton hotel they are doing best things to beat the competitors and they are doing their promotion in best ways such as their loyalty programmes. Hilton hotel is a luxurious and expensive and they mostly attract to business people and families so mostly customers of Hilton hotels are business people, families, couples and this hotel doing everything to do their best in the market. They are using digital technologies for example electronic media according to the demand of modern era.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Essay --
GAAP principles have received a lot of support from substantial authorities. The AICPA’s code of conduct directs that its members should prepare their financial statements based on GAAP guidelines. For example, AICPA Rule 203 forbids a member from articulating an unprofessional opinion on financial statements that have deviated from adhering to GAAP principles. GAAP principles come from the several organizations. It is composed of a combination of more than 2,000 documents that have been used for approximately 60 years or so. It incorporates such items as FASB Standards Staff Positions and interpretations; APB inputs; and AICPA Research reports. A differing format in the documents that comprise GAAP, inconsistency and difficulty in interpretation make financial preparers to be unsure whether they have the right GAAP. This makes it hard for them to determine whether what they have prepared is authoritative or not. These facts led FASB to develop the FASB accounting standards co dification or The main goal of codification is to bring together all the reliable literature linked to a particular topic. The main purpose of codification is to change GAAP documentation, presentation and updates. Codification simplifies access to GAAP. FASB project of codifying GAAP was completed in 2009 and released the same year. During the codification period, all existing GAAP literature was officially withdrawn. Generally, codification does not change GAAP but it introduces a new, organized, more accessible and user-friendly structure. The accounting standards codification is important because it eliminates the multi-level hierarchy in order to bifurcate the authoritative and non-authoritative guidance. Codification incorporates all the relevant SEC g... ...category of related guidance such as assets. Most research using the Codification uses the browse function and it is done by selecting specific topics. In browsing, the possibility of having the same guidance in two places is eliminated (Raabe, Whittenburg, Sanders & Sawyers, 2011). The Codification structure comprises of â€Å"presentation†where the reporting aspects of GAAP are covered; â€Å"Assets†where assets such as investments, intangibles and receivables are covered; Liabilities where all types of liabilities such as contingencies are covered; Revenue which includes products such as services revenue; Equity which cover topics such as stock dividends and stock, and treasury stock; Industry for specifics such as real estates, entertainment; and â€Å"master glossary†which includes a compilation of terminologies from GAAP original documents (Espstein, Nach & Bragg, 2011).
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Viking :: essays research papers
Subject: Explain how World War II is a total war. Total War By 1939 France and Great Britain had declared war on Germany. Germany had invaded Poland and was working towards European domination while on the other side of the globe Japan had launched a massive attack on China and Korea and was steadily moving over the Pacific in an attempt to gain complete control over Greater East Asia. Italy was attempting to conquer the Mediterranean and was, thus far, triumphant. All was being broadcast globally on the radio. This was becoming a war unlike any in the 20th century, even the First World War couldn’t compare to this gruesome fight against fascism, communism and world domination. For the first time ever there was a war on nearly every continent and ocean as well as every head and heart. This essay will examine how the media, economic and militaristic mobilization as well as the ideological opinions contribute to the view of the world being engrossed in what has now been called "the last noble war". This war characterized itself by the complete mobilization of man and his resources. Governments are soliciting the public for money: raising taxes, requesting the buying of war bonds, using every reserve they have including colonies, for soldiers and textiles, for example: coal, steel etc†¦ Also there are strategic bombings of large cities, for the first time civilians fall victim, in great numbers, to the destruction of war. 50,000,000 people died in WWII, approximately 17,000,000 were civilians. With the help of the Nazis the term "genocide" was defined in this war. No genocidal attempt had ever achieved the same amount of success as Hitler’s racial cleansing. This along with Communist Russia only fueled the war time propaganda. "Lebensraum", "La Grande Croisade, Là ©gion des Volontaires Franà §ais contre le Bolchevisme", "Battle of Germany-Join an Air Crew". All of these are slogans or captions of posters propagandizing the war effort on the home fronts. Radios all over the world were broadcasting speeches from world leaders encouraging everyone to do what they can in support of the war effort. Posters and flyers everywhere were distributing the country’s propaganda, urging the public to buy government war bonds and, at least in the US, requesting that women sacrifice their pantyhose to be used for gun powder sacks and other nylon materials. Because of the radio publicity the war is being broadcast into every home around the globe and the soldiers are no longer the only ones to be involved in the war.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Chacter Sketch Miss Brill Essay
Katherine Mansfield illustrates in the story the protagonist Miss Brill as a middle aged women with no family that believes she has a social life, which consists of watching other people interact with each other. Mansfield parallels Miss Brill with the fur she keeps wrapped up in a box until Sunday. She demonstrates a dynamic character that receives a reality check from the â€Å"real†world where she belongs rather than in a chimerical world she made up. Mansfield creates a colorful character who symbolizes her old, worn fur and lacks the reality of the outside world. Mansfield’s parallelism between Miss Brill and her fur shows the reader that Miss Brill stays in a box in a dark closet until Sunday when she â€Å"acts†in the play of the outside world. Mansfield describes the fur’s eyes asking â€Å"what has happened to me?†as Miss Brill had to â€Å"rub some life back into its dim little eyes †after it sat in the box for some period of time. Just like the fur Miss Brill stays bottled up in box in her apartment until Sunday when she goes to watch the band play. Both the fur and Miss Brill have aged and do not leave their perimeter until Miss Brill’s cue to enter the stage of the world. The outside world helps to sculpt Miss Brill into a dynamic charter. The realization of the outside world and her view change on the world around her allows her to wed the name of a dynamic character. Miss Brill forms a world of her own that she lives through. She sees all of the people she observes as â€Å"just coming from dark, little rooms or even- even cupboards. †In reality Miss Brill is the one that hides in the cupboard from the outside world until Sunday when she liberates herself from the dark room. She lives her social life through the lives of the people around her. She believes she interacts with the outside world and that she had a vital role in the play that the world undergoes. Miss Brill soon learns that her presence does not have a great impact on her peers as their presence does on her. During the performance of the band Miss Brill pays more attention to the conversations of the people she sits next to then the performance. As she ease dropped on a young couple she over heard them mocking her. Miss Brill realizes that she does not have the same importance to them as they do to her. Her chimerical world bursts as she becomes exposed to the real world and the realization of her importance. The comprehension of the real world has a severe importance to Miss Brill. If Miss Brill did not come to a realization of the outside world she would follow the footsteps of Willy Loman from A Death of a Salesman. Willy Loman lacked realization of the real world just as Miss Brill did. His delusional behavior and lack of connection with the real world lead to his suicide. If Miss Brill did not understand her mirage of the world she might have landed in the grave just as Willy Loman had. The protagonist Miss Brill faces the antagonist of reality. She comprehends that she has lived in a fantasy world that revolved around her having the same impact on everyone as they do on her. If she did not come to an understanding she would have followed in the footsteps of the delusional Willy Loman who committed suicide. Mansfield parallels Miss Brill and her fur because both have aged and do not leave their boxes until Sunday. The story informs the reader that sometimes elderly and lonely people live in made up world and when welcomed back into reality have a hard time cooping with it.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Trends in American Pop Culture
Today in America, much of our lives is defined by popular culture. Traditions and patterns handed down from generations have been influenced by popular culture in society more today than of yesteryear. Trends are changing in regard to convenience, communication, and personal gain. In this essay, I will speak on the trends of social, political, personal, and religious. When I think of social trends, I am reminded of the new technology that exists today. Technology has change the way we communicate forcing us to stay abreast on the latest version and gadgets to remain functioning actively. Computers and cellular telephones, once accessories, but are necessities today. The Internet is a tool that has changed the way we live when shopping, paying bills, even doing research. Gone are the days of land lines and pay phones. Those gadgets are replaced by cellular phones with text messaging capabilities that allow instant messages to be received faster than voice messaging. Electronic mail, also known as e-mail, whether used personally or in the workplace, has replaced postal bulk mail in some instances. Social networking websites of Twitter, Facebook, My Space, YouTube, and eHarmony are very popular today. Users of these sites can share a personal profile, make new friends, date online, post a video and daily messages. Also, Fortune 500 companies use the internet to advertise to increase sales and business. A popular trend in politics during the 2008 Presidential Election was voter registration. Many community websites drew subscribers to register to vote. Volunteers across the country supported their candidate of choice to get the message out to vote, by going door to door, holding community rallies, and voter drives. Also, celebrity endorsement in the election became a popular trend. Many celebrities did television commercials, and group songs in support of their candidate of choice based on their belief of important values. I believe both trends will continue in future elections as they proved to be key factor in winning votes. From the aspect of personal trends in American popular culture, tattoo and body piercing are the happenings. Both genders of young adults including celebrities, athletes, and singers are following this trend of displaying visual art and design on their body. Also, young adults are influenced today with rap and pop music, urban clothing lines, team sportswear, video games, and iPods. By way of education, online universities are offering classes to earn degrees. This trend is convenient for many working adults with families. While living in the digital age, the digital/video camera is a common personal item that is used to capture memories of special events that is recorded on digital video disc (DVD) to view with family members and friends. Also, movies are now recorded on DVD, while music is recorded on compact disc (CD). Lastly, I will speak on the religious aspect of popular culture in America. The Scientology and Kabbalah religion are popular among celebrities in Hollywood. In the catholic religion, not much has changed by way of traditions. However, there are reports of priest sexually abusing alter boys, that has resulted in convictions and various lawsuits against the Vatican. This action may be called a trend, but the abuse happened years ago that is now visible on the forefront in today's society. In other religions, there are trends of many church leaders under scrutiny for using church funds for personal financial gain as they live lavish lifestyles. Some are also involved in sex scandals, committing adultery and accused of domestic violence. Some trends have spoiled us in becoming impatient for instant gratification, while forgetting the traditions handed down to us. American popular culture is exposed through the mass media every day in areas of social, political, personal, and religious. We are affixed to tuning in to hearing the latest to keep up with the happenings in American society to get us through the day, which is a trend in itself. References Wilson, J. R. , & Wilson, S. R. (2001). Mass Media, Mass Culture, (5e).
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