Saturday, August 31, 2019
The main threat to the stability of Weimar Republic in the years 1919-1923
There are many people that would agree on the statement above due to the Consul Organisation and the Kapp Putch , these were political violence of the extreme right and indeed created instability in Germany however other people would disagree and say that the extreme left (spartasis) and other factors such the economical and constitional issues which had caused the Weimar Government to be unstable. Overall this essay will argue that the other factors such as economical and consitional issues were the main threat to the stability of the Weimar Republic.The extreme right created a new threat in a form of a political assassination also known as â€Å"consul organisation†between the years 1919-1922 resulting to 376 politicians being murdered , 22 of which left winged while the remaining 354 were right winged politicians. This organisations had targeted key republican politicians such as Matthas Erzberger who was the finance minster during the years 1919-21 , he was assassinated b ecause he had signed the Armistice , there are other factors to consider for Erzberger such as he was a catholic and a member of the centre party.Another key politicians that was assassinated was Walther Rathenau who was the foreign minister between 1921-22 , the foreign minister was assassinated because he was Jewish , committed to democracy and had contributed to the Rapallo Treaty1 with Russia. The fact that this organisation had assassinated key republican politicians had caused the government to become unstable , by removing talented politicians it meant that there the replacements wouldn’t be as talented and driven as the previous member , there’s also a fact that politicians would be scared to replace the people that were assassinated because they know they would be killed to.Another effect the consul had caused was the public criticise and lose moral the government in a sense because if the government couldn’t protect its own politicians , how would it p rotect its citizens, therefore consul was indeed a threat to the stability of the Weimar Republic. The Kapp Putch was another extreme right which had caused instability for the Weimar republic . Wolfgang Kapp and General Lutttwitz had assembled 12,00 troops to march Berlin with intention to over throw democracy .The government had called the army in-order to crush the threat as agreed in the Erbert – Groners Agreement however the army refused to go against the right wingers . General Von Seeckt the defence ministry stated â€Å"troops do not fire on troops†this states that there is instability within the German government because the army which is supposed to go enforce the government’s actions had actually gone against it and enforced its own interest hence the government had to call for a general strike which paralysed the capital therefore after 4 days Kapp realised he cannot run Germany and fled the city.Hence the Kapp Putch was a threat to the stability of the German Republic however compared if compared to the consul , it wasn’t as big threat to their stability . However the Kapp Putch was described as poorly lead and un coordinated therefore it could be argued how could a unorganised and limited demonstration cause the government to become unstable. However it could be argued that the extreme left was a bigger threat then the extreme right .The spartacist was led by Karl Liebknecht launched an armed uprising in Berlin , aiming to overthrow the provisional government and creating a soviet union . The government feared the a communist uprising therefore was seen a major threat and the army and freikorps were sent to crush the threat . if the spartacist were not a major threat then there would be no need to send the army as well as the freikorps therefore highlighting what a major threat the spartacist were to the German Republic .On the other hand it could be argued that demonstration was badly coordinated , poorly lead and wi thin the party there were divisions . when the demonstration had taken place the extreme left were not able to handle the governments unified attacked therefore leading to the spartacist downfall this enforces that the extreme right were indeed the main threat to the Weimar Republic . It could be argued that the constitution was actually the main threat for the Weimar Republic .Germany was using a PR system which resulted into coalitions because it meant that there were more parties in the Reichstag therefore in-order to receive a majority and pass legislation through they had to receive 50. 1% of the votes leading to coalitions with parties that don’t want to compromise an example of this is a coalition had broke down because they couldn’t agree about what colour a flag should be .This enforces the fact that it was extremely hard to actually make the government agree on a certain topic therefore the constitution would be seen as the biggest threat because the public c an see that the government is not actually helping them but bickering about small thing which are less important , leading to loss of faith/moral in the government which ultimately would lead to the downfall of the Weimar republic for the reason that if the public has no faith in the system then everything goes downhill , because democracy is ultimately for the people and if they rise against it , it means that the system is not working .However it could be argued that the PR system had given all German people a voice which is the ultimate aim in a democracy on the hand it could be argued by using the pr system it is a allowing extremist such as Volikish Nationalist a platform to herd from which would only lead to trouble in the future.The economy was also threat to the Weimar Republic stability, during this period Germany was undergoing hyperinflation2 an example of this is the price of 1kg of bread , in 1913 this loaf of bread cost 0.29 , in the summer 1923 the loaf of bread cost 1,200 by November it cost 428,000,000,000 . Because was due to the terms in the Treaty of Versailles, Germany was made to pay back repartitions to Britain and France , this meant that government had to print more money in-order to pay back the reparations which were due , because they had to pay back the reparations it meant that they couldn’t fund companies and boast there trading , there was also the fact countries refused to trade with Germany leading to Germany importing more goods than exporting .Eventually the government had stopped paying the reparations therefore Belgium and French troops occupied the Ruhr , with fuelled the inflation more because the government had called a general strike and had printed off money to in-order to compensate the workers . Because the money wasn’t backed up by gold it meant that the value of the money decreased leading to prices of goods spiralling out of control.The fact that the government was not helping with people during thi s situation caused mass discontent and made the German people lose faith in the currency and the government altogether so when extremist parties said they would be able to provide them with bread and work , the people would support those parties therefore resulting into the downfall of the Weimar republic.Overall it can be argued that the extreme right indeed was the biggest threat towards the Weimar Republic because the army had refused to go up against them however as mentioned above there were flaws within the demonstration which represent that they were no infract the biggest threat to stability the Government had faced .The extreme left was also a threat to the stability to the Weimar republic and mentioned above was not the main threat as to the stability of the Weimar Government. Overall the economic and constitutional was the biggest threat to the Weimar republic for the reason that both of these issues had caused mass discontent which ultimately would lead to a uprising aga inst the government .
Friday, August 30, 2019
Mary Ellen Mark
The term ‘photography’ originated from the Greek words â€Å"drawing with light†(Grundberg, 2005). None could be a more apt name for this human creation. Indeed, when it flourished in the early 19th century, we have finally discovered a way to draw upon light and use it to freeze the ups and downs of our curious race. The photographers among us have taken pictures of scientific advancements and artistic marvels, of the great men and women that had greatly influenced our society, of sleepy villages and breathtaking vistas, of family life, and of anything else that appeals to our desire to immortalize the parts of our existence. We have realized that photography is a useful hobby.But others find photography more than just a pastime. They are the ones who not only capture a moment, but also, more important, shed light to those few living beneath the cracks in society. Such photographers, for instance, would go to any war-torn country, where they will document the st ruggles of child soldiers and the people trapped in war, so that hopefully politicians would lend a sympathetic ear, or a sensitive heart.And still other photographers would go to any undocumented region around the world to erase the bigotry and scorn with which so-called social outcastsâ€â€like prostitutesâ€â€are treated. Diane Arbus, a renowned American photographer, once said, â€Å"There are things nobody would see if I didn't photograph them†. We have much to learn from the kind of societies we, as a whole, have madeâ€â€and through photography we could make a difference.Mary Ellen Mark, a photographer herself, embodies the same guiding principle in her line of work. She believes in the richness of humanity, no matter where it is found. Despite the lucrative promise in her kind of work, which some of her contemporaries enjoy, Mark often gets out of the corporate world and plunges into a more intimate one, to the kind of places where even taking a picture of a bystander might endanger her own life.Yet she is willing to trade her safety for the story she gleans from the people around her. Many times, in 1978, while attempting to photograph the prostitutes of Falkland Road, Bombay, Mark have had to endure verbal insults and cascades of garbage thrown by people who felt threatened by her (Long, 2000). Others might call her style of photojournalism reckless, if not suicidal, but Mark trusts people, and they to her in return. She has had a great journey so far, and she’ll definitely not stop.More than thirty years had passed in her noble career. But, like every altruistic person who had chosen to get out of the rat-race, Mark’s career started somewhat ordinarily, her revelation still at a distance. In the 1960’s she began the long climb upwards to building a career, working for distinguished magazines such as Look and Life. A somewhat glamorous job compared to what she is doing right now. Yet even at that time she was alre ady perfecting her photojournalism as she composed rich photo essays for both news and fashion periodicals. And her clients was impressiveâ€â€Esquire, Holiday, The New York Times, Magazine, Vogue, and many others.1965 was the year in which she finally got the chance to get out of the restrictive office space. Mark received a Fulbright Scholarship, which she used promptly as a stepping stone to travel for two years in various countries such as Greece, Italy, Germany, Spain, and England (Long, 2000). She was slowly removing the chains that bound her to just one place, a kind of freedom that would serve her later on.Within the same decade Mark began using her camera to illuminate the unseen-forgotten-neglected-prejudiced parts of society. Her viewpoint of things was changing. This time, instead of wallowing in glamour and news, she was immersing herself in the troubles of othersâ€â€the transvestites, pro-women and anti-war demonstrators, and others which have often got less fro m the same society to which they give much of their empty cries for equality, justice, and understanding, and acceptance.She was in the frontlines, and she documented it all using her camera. â€Å"What I want to do more than anything is acknowledge their existence,†she once said. One is considered a courteous host if one acknowledges the presence of another. But Mary Ellen Mark, even as she was building a career, was more than just a courteous person. More than that. In fact, by acknowledging the existence of those around her, she was actually empowering them, putting them in focus and perspective, in the same way that a microscope examines the germs on a crucibleâ€â€although in this case she was examining the wounds in society. Her camera became her metaphorical extended eye, one that opens her understanding. And with understanding she would also discover compassion.Production stills, used in Hollywood movies, came next in line for her. The work itself suited her photo journalismâ€â€on one hand she was taking pictures; on the other hand, telling the meaning behind the pictures. When she took stills of Milos Forman’s One Flew over the Cuckoo Nest, a film that was shot in an actual mental hospital, Mark delved deep into the minds of the deeply troubled. The year was 1973. Eventually, to bring herself closer to the patients, Mary Ellen Mark befriended the hospital’s director (Long, 2000).â€Å"I've just always been interested in mental health, mental illness,†she once said. But her interest didn’t border on a morbid fascination; she just did it out of her passion for her line of work. And instead of portraying the patients as an insane collective with no cure, Mark valued their individuality, their unique personalities that still hide beneath the deranged mask (Long, 2000).That is one of her styles, her believing that not all things appear exactly as they are in photographs. She believes something will appear aside fr om what she believes to be real. Her belief is itself a style, for she incorporates it into her work. She may take a picture of a smiling child, for instance, and yet not know what the child really feels; she might not know that the child may be hiding a sadness deep within. Nevertheless, she still takes pictures because part of her seesâ€â€whether consciously or subconsciouslyâ€â€a certain kinship with strangers, a human being seeing herself in others. And if that were the case, then perhaps one could even say that her style is more spiritual than personal, a way to find a place for herself in this world.To her, every person in the picture is a raconteur. A rodeo cowboy may appear masculine, but deep inside he tells a story of his struggles to maintain that machismo image, if only to bring food on to his family table. Or a female patient in a mental hospital may appear incapable of focusing on to anything and is merely limited to mumblings, but the clarity in her eyes or th e pose at which her photo was taken suggest otherwise. Storiesâ€â€each of us has a story to tell, and one of the ways to telling it is through photographs.Mary Ellen Mark knows this well. Therefore, another of her style is to let her subjects tell their own stories, the attention away from her. â€Å"There's nothing much interesting about me; what’s interesting is the person I'm photographing, and that’s what I try to show,†she once said. The end result, of course, is pictures that show vividly the stories of people, who seem to leap out of the paper, telling â€Å"Look at my story†to viewers. Mark’s photographs show the humanity in every human being, no matter where the photo was taken (Fulton).Mary Ellen Mark also loves showing the ironies of life and its participants. Yet another of her style, which she has applied when she made a photo-essay of 8 different traveling circuses (Long, 2000). She focused on the outfits’ characters, the runners of the showâ€â€the animals and the bizarre attractions such as the dwarf and the contortionists. For the first time in her life, she felt young again, a woman transported into a magical world. She beheld everything as though she were watching it through the eyes of an infant. She described it aptly: â€Å"It was full of ironies, often humorous and sometimes sad, beautiful and ugly, loving and at times cruel, but always human.†Life is full of colors, each unique unto itself. A painter or photographer blends these rich colors to great effect, oftentimes combining the real with the surreal. But even some painters and photographers do put away their color palettes at times. And why shouldn’t they? After all, is it not true that the richness of colors can cause a sensory overload, too? Ellen Mark is such a person who thinks so. By using a black-and-white palette in her pictures, she enlarges the parts of life and reality that are often overlooked. In most of he r pictures, for instance, everything is made clearer by the lack of a rich palette, like a brief pause in life. The viewer then sees things that were once buried under colors.It is akin to the Zen concept of less is moreâ€â€in this case, the lack of too many colors tells more story about the place, things, and people in the photographs. Mark once took pictures of the kind of life that goes on inside a home for the sick and the dying. Here, she stripped all the salient information brought about by clashing colors, and instead brought out quite extremely the shocking details of the metal cots, the emaciated bodies, and the human fancies in agony (Long, 2000).Mary Ellen Mark is as unique as the characters in her photographs. But some couldn’t help comparing her style to that of Diane Arbus. Both women enlarge life by reducing the colors to black-and-white; both sympathize with those living outside the accepted circles in society. But perhaps the thing that separates Mary Ell en Mark from her predecessor is her love of life, her constant looking forward to living. And it is perhaps for this same reason that she will continue acknowledging the existence of othersâ€â€whereas Diane Arbus had already surrendered, after committing suicide in 1971 (Grundberg, 2005). Mark is now continuing where Arbus had left off.Fulton, Marianne (2000?). Mary Ellen Mark: Some Thoughts.Retrieved on May 30, 2007, Andy (2005). â€Å"Diane Arbus.†Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2006 [DVD]. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation, 2005. Microsoft  ® Encarta  ® 2006.Grundberg, Andy (2005). â€Å"Photography.†Microsoft ® Encarta ® 2006 [DVD]. Redmond, WA: Microsoft Corporation, 2005. Microsoft  ® Encarta  ® 2006.  © 1993-2005 Microsoft CorporationLong, Andrew (2000). Brilliant Careers.Retrieved on May 30, 2007 from
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Some commentators have argued that the credit crunch has resulted in a Essay
Some commentators have argued that the credit crunch has resulted in a shortage of funds being made available to small firms - Essay Example It entails changing ones course towards new things that are considered more creative in generating ones desires. Growth of medium and small businesses encompasses an increment from a low level of business to an advanced level, covering operations over a large scope. There is a wide variety of business forms depending on their size, management, as well as proprietorship; and ranging from public corporations, private companies to the smallest businesses that are singly owned. The operations of each form of a corporation may take several courses where some come together to operate as a group, while others remain singly operated (Smallbone, 2008). For successful enterprises operations, valuers and policy makers or even the proprietors always find it necessary to value companies according to the prevailing operations. Valuation is crucial for it assists the concerned parties in making appropriate decisions as well as laying the corporations on a scale, a factor that helps predict the futu re direction of the companies. More so, different techniques and approaches are employed in the companies’ valuations, which are carried out depending on the form of the company at hand. Private company valuations are thus deemed very important in the day-to-day running of the corporations. There is a need for employment of different techniques in the valuation processes to enhance a comprehensive cover, since each technique yields distinct Results. This paper is aimed at investigating into the valuation of private companies and several valuation techniques in details. Additionally, it will be crucial to establish the advantages and disadvantages of the several methods herein discussed as well as the other alternative methods that could as well be used in the valuation processes in regard to private companies (Bridge, et al., 2003). Valuation of private companies Company valuation is a process that entails the utilization of a sequence of procedures in estimating its value. T his process is mainly carried out by valuators, who come up with a comprehensive report concerning the company’s assets and liabilities. Financial participants in the market mainly use the valuation as a basis for price discussions when the company is on sale. Earlier research has not established a professional method or approach that provides an actual value of a particular company, but numerous approaches and techniques are considered important in determining the value of a company. The current available used techniques only provide an estimate of what the company is worth. Various factors are always considered when valuing a company depending on whether the company is privately owned or publicly owned. Valuation processes are carried out with a lot of caution, considering the company’s assets quality, the nature of its liabilities as well as the intangible assets. It is beneficial to value a company’s assets since it helps the investors in making sound decisi ons concerning their company. Additionally, it is often important in giving prospective buyers some confidence due to the full awareness of the
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Define empathy.Include what the text says Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Define empathy.Include what the text says - Essay Example The beginning of empathy is being aware of feelings of another person. It is easier to know about other people’s feelings by asking them how they feel, guessing, making personal judgments and interpreting of non-verbal clues. After figuring out about another person’s feelings, the next step is showing empathy through acknowledgement of the emotion (Adler, 2011). I have used empathy severally in my communication; however, I remember this particular instance that I did not use empathy. I was addressing a friend of mine who seemed to have difficulties adjusting to his new school because one of his new teachers was extremely hard on him. It was affecting him to the extent of not concentrating in his studies well. I remember passing through the same ordeal some time back, early in my education, but, with time I managed to adjust because I had a strong character. I did not refer this to my friend, and, hence, I did not seem to be of help to him. If I had mentioned that I had been in the same ordeal, my friend would have felt much better, and it would have helped him with his adjustment process. I once told my teacher that I did not finish his assignment in time because there was a power shortage in our area. The teacher came from my neighborhood, and I expected him to understand me since he was in the same situation. However, he rubbished my excuses and still punished me by asserting that he does not care whether there was power or not. I did not feel good about the experience since I expected him to empathize with my situation. Empathy is necessary in life as it enables others to feel well even when faced with difficult situations. When empathy is applied in people’s professional and personal lives, it ensures that there are noteworthy relations between people and that people faced with difficult situations are able to adjust
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Hazardous waste Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Hazardous waste - Assignment Example The United States Environmental Protection Agency is the governmental organization acting with a purpose to ensure: that all Americans are protected from significant risks to their health and environment where they work, live, or learn and that the federal laws protecting the environment and human health are effectively and fairly enforced (EPA, n.d.). The purpose of this research is to provide an overview of US-EPA’s definition of the hazardous waste, the types of hazardous wastes and solid waste. As well the paper is aiming to analyze critically whether there are any discrepancies in the regulations and what effects on human health and environment have hazardous wastes. US Environmental Protection Agency defines hazardous waste as a waste that is dangerous or potentially harmful to human health or the environment (EPA, n.d., n.p.). To this category of wastes can be included sludges, liquids, gases, and solids. There are two ways of identifying solid wastes as hazardous based on the EPA’s regulations. The first way is to check whether it is included on a EPA’s list of wastes, and the second way is to identify whether the waste exhibits certain hazardous characteristics (EPA, n.d.). EPA has formed a list of hazardous wastes which is comprised of four different classifications: the F-list, K-list, P-list, and U-list. The F-list of hazardous waste includes the wastes identified as â€Å"non-specific source wastes†– wastes from common industrial and manufacturing activities. These hazardous wastes can be produced in different sectors of industry or manufacturing processes and that is why their sources are not specified under the F-list category (EPA 2008, 5). On the contrary to the F-list, the K-list of hazardous waste include particular solid wastes coming from specific industries (EPA 2008). The P-list as well as the U-list includes the wastes from commercial chemical products. Commercial chemical products have the generic
Monday, August 26, 2019
Technology management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Technology management - Essay Example It should link to other business processes that the firm supports. In this case, it is called Business Service Catalogue. For it to be considered as a Technical Service Catalogue, it should provide a technical view of services. This view is not provided to the customers, and is linked with the configuration items which are necessary to deliver the service. SCM makes sure that the customers agree with the terms and conditions of the IT services, and understand their usage. Hence, SCM establishes a strong relationship between IT services and the business. Brewster et al. (67) write in their book that SCM makes sure that the service is aligned with business needs â€Å"by providing clear and consistent information on services in a language that the customers will understand and in a format that customers will want to use, thus enabling a constructive dialogue about IT services where all parties have a common understanding of what is being discussed.†This means that SCM is a customer-oriented administration of IT service delivery. A Business Service Catalogue simplifies, for the customers, the ordering of standard services, because it simplifies the terms and conditions so that the customers may be able to understand them; makes the process of ordering easy enough for them; and, offers them a lucid and dependable self-service mechanism, which they can avail for ordering of services. Likewise, a Technical Service Catalogue is an efficient source of all technical knowledge that the service provider needs in order to make the deli very of services well-organized and more reliable. Hence, the service provider can have a better idea of all risks, vulnerabilities, strengths, and weaknesses, of the process of service delivery. This idea is important to make the services better aligned with business needs. Service catalogues need to be managed regularly, so that it is
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Summarize the Article Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Summarize the Article - Essay Example population. These results support the notion that those with exceptional longevity may interact with environmental and lifestyle factors differently than others. Lifestyle factors play a larger role in human lifespan than due to genetic factors. The presence of longevity genes in people with exceptional longevity counters the presence of disease-associated genes. To live long and to live a healthy life is the normal expectation of a human being. Two significant factors have been identified for the important role they play in longevity and they are lifestyle and genetic factors. The relative contributions of these two factors are a matter of conjecture. But the scale tilts more in favor of genetic contribution to a healthy life span in those with exceptional longevity may be greater than that in the general population and several genes have been found to be associated with longevity in these individuals. But in studies the lifestyle of this population has received less
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Argument Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 4
Argument Analysis - Essay Example Lipsky-Karazs article is based on the premise that everyone wishes to know how Vera Wang went from fashion designer for Lothars on 57th street to the almost a billion dollars a year fashion power house that she has now become. She provides factual information to help her theme along by interviewing those whom she feels knows Ms. Wang best. These would be the people who saw her get her start in the business. People like fashion leader Michael Kors talk about seeing her when she was getting started in the business. Fashion editor Polly Allen Mellen also shared her insights into how Vera was shaped into the person she has become. Part of what makes this article an excellent and insightful read is that Ms. Lipsky-Karasz never tried to interpret her interviewees point of view. She simply told the story ad verbatim. No comments or suppositions. However, she did have an early â€Å"The Devil Wears Prada†moment at the the start of the article, giving the reader a sense of fear for the little woman that was never to be given reason within the article. By using Ms. Wangs personal interview tidbits whenever applicable, the writer gives credence to any assumptions that she has made about Ms. Wang. Thus making her interpretations pertaining to the actions of the fashion goddess acceptable and effective in an overall sense. The author has obviously targeted the fashion conscious women of the world who look to Vera Wang fashions as part of their lifestyles. The article tries and succeeds in pulling its target audience into the frenzied and often crazy world of fashion that Ms. Wang thrives in and excels the most. Much as the article places a highly positive spin on Vera Wang the fashion designer and personality, it became quite obvious later on that the interview was turning into a fluff piece, without a negative comment ever being said about Ms. Wang. It is hard to believe that Ms. Wang had not made any
Friday, August 23, 2019
Strategies to Build Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Strategies to Build Culture - Essay Example Lastly, a discussion on how this strategy benefits culture within a workplace or school shall be critically analyzed. Teaching becomes monotonous in a learning setup especially in the mid semester. Effective communication is an essential tool to learning and teaching. Inappropriate communication makes listeners to be confused, disinterested, and frustrated (Barnard, 2008, p. 5). Communication in the effective manner helps and guide teachers to engage students in the learning process. Effective communication in a classroom set up involves the use of, group discussion, feedback, and visual aids. Visual aids are used by instructors to drive a point to the learners. Verbal communication is a proper way to articulate ideas and thoughts and educates, nevertheless, devoid of visual aids, learners may not get the whole information. Visual aids capture the attention of the audience who then is capable to keep the information taught. As well stated, through seeing, one is able to believe the i nformation on vision. Group discussion implementation helps learner to own information being instructed upon. In class, the instructor can preserve some 15 minutes to divide students into small groups where they choose a leader, and provide a hand out to each group with questions to be discussed. Feedback is when learners are given powers to put across their opinions. Feedback enables students to effectively process the information, and interact among themselves during the process of learning. Instructors use provoking questions to allow a feedback session continuation. Instructor asks questions that steer up the conversation among learners so as to arrive at conclusions to be taught (Schneeberger, 2008, p 6). Effective communication is a strategy applied at work place to compliment a person for a job well done. This can be done through non verbal communication. In school, effective communication strategy provides students with morale to work hard. For instance, a manager may compli ment the junior staff by use of gestures. Such gestures can be either a handshake or patting on the back for a task well completed. Nonverbal and verbal communications apply in the working setup to emphasize or accent a responsibility. Nonverbally, it is manifested through powerful actions, and verbally through the voice of the tone. In school, the manager can compliment instructors for their hard work. This enables a teacher to work hand in hand with students for the sake of excellence in the school, thus meeting the educational foundation goals. Effective communication strategy benefits cultures within workplace or learning institutions to improve instructions. Cultures are traditions guiding actions of individuals, or the adaptive way of living of folks. Rules and regulations are policies formulated within any institution. In a school set up, rules govern the behavior of learners and ethics among instructors and learners. In order to familiarize learners on such rules and regulat ions, effective communication should take a centre stage. Learners should be informed on what is bad or good in accordance to the school policies. At work place, effective communication benefits culture and improves the working environment. Effective communication builds trusts in the work place. Employees feel motivated if the team leader communicates on any
Immigration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 2
Immigration - Essay Example To name a few, high wages, enhanced social mobility and raised social status are the important ones. The readiness of the employers to hire undocumented workers is a guarantee to the prospective illegal immigrant for the life he/she aspires. Throughout the history of America, people of differing ideologies have generally agreed on immigration controls. Public opinion polls have continually shown an overwhelming opposition to illegal immigration as well as for the concept of amnesty. The most persuasive rationale to be in opposition to this latest bill again does not respect the rule of law. There have been controversies regarding the political loyalties, work habits and moral values of the immigrants. Amnesty for illegal aliens is the cornerstone of both John McCain and Barack Obama’s immigration policy. Amnesty is merely a reward for law-breaking and by whatever name, causes ever escalating future illegal immigration. â€Å"No system depending on a strict regard for the rule of law can treat law-breaking so casually†(Erler, 2004). Those who favor amnesty for illegal aliens, specifically those crossing the southern border do not seem to realize that a crime has been committed and not, as they might have you believe, one without a victim. A cluster of criminal activities exist in order to make illegal immigration possible. Since the deportation of illegal immigrants is not a criminal activity, it is more of an administrative function than a judicial one. Therefore, an efficient executive branch is central to the right handling of the issue of illegal immigration. The executive branch is charged with enforcing the law pertaining to illegal immigration. Nevertheless, none of the Presidential candidates has pledged to make the executive proactive against illegal immigration. It is often noted by many an observer that the number of illegal immigrants is outpacing the number of legal ones and it is a rapidly growing
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Ice Cream Making Essay Example for Free
Ice Cream Making Essay Some may call it a comfort food, others a family tradition, but we all know sweet potatoes pie is delicious. This pie is common around the colder holidays such as Thanksgiving and Christmas. Sweet potatoes pie common ingredients are of course sweet potatoes, butter, eggs, sugar, milk, vanilla extract, nutmeg, cinnamon, and pie crust. The pie color can vary from light orange to dark orange. The flavor of pie is sweet with a combination of different spices. The texture of the pie is usually smooth, but it is not uncommon to have small pieces of sweet potatoes in it; also some sweet potatoes pies have nuts has toppings which makes it not smooth. The smell of sweet potatoes pie is one that brings up memories to people, the smell of sweet potatoes with various species has a sweet smell. The ice cream mix is liquid, it is thick and creamy; it is tasteless similar to milk and is white in color. After the sweet potatoes mix, which consist of, cinnamon, butter, sugar, nutmeg, pecans, and sweet potatoes was added to the ice cream mix. The mix turned a light orange color. The color adds to the appeal of the product because it is orange just like sweet potatoes. The texture of the ice cream is not smooth because of small pieces of sweet potatoes chucks and walnuts in it. However, we didn’t want it to be too smooth because sweet potatoes pies aren’t smooth and the nuts add texture to it. The different spices are also seen and tasted in the ice cream. The pecans were coated with cinnamon, sugar and nutmeg. This added a sweeter flavor to the ice cream as well as additional spices. The group did a very good job of maintaining the sweet potatoes flavor with ice cream. It has the spices and taste similar to regular sweet potatoes pie. The smell is similar to the smell of sweet potatoes pie; it smells sweet and has a smell of spices like cinnamon and nutmeg. We first made an unhealthy recipe, added 60.2g of butter to sweet potatoes to make it creamy which also made it easy for it to be smashed. After the sweet potatoes were smashed until the texture we desired, we added 2g of cinnamon, 12g of sugar, 1g of nutmeg, to the 308 g of sweet potatoes mixed. After the ingredients were mixed the 25g of pecans were added to the mix. Then the sweet potatoes mix was added to 900mL of the Mayfield ice cream mix gradually. It was then churned for 20 minutes. Then the ice cream was taken out a placed in a blast freezer for storage. Then we made a healthy version of the ice cream, the recipe for the healthy version is 308g of sweet potatoes, 1g of nutmeg, 2g of cinnamon, 30.1g of margarine salted and 5g of Splenda.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Launch Of Green Tea In UAE: Marketing Plan
Launch Of Green Tea In UAE: Marketing Plan A marketing plan provides a sound framework for developing the marketing strategy for a product. It has a list of action items like sales objective, budget requirement, resource requirement etc. It is a very important part of the overall business plan. In the first submission, we had already talked at length about the cultural and economic analysis of the market and features of the product. This submission will carry forward from where we left in the last assignment. We will take a closer look at the intricacies of running a business like understanding the target market, designing a suitable promotion strategy, having an overview of distribution and production process etc. The last part explained in detail the benefits of the green tea. It also explains how it protects the body against the most important carcinogens or tumors that can attack the body which is: indirect chemical carcinogens, physical carcinogens and direct chemical carcinogens. We also analyze how to market the product and how will it work in the UAE. Such as: Culture analysis in the UAE, economic analysis in the UAE and competitive market analysis in the UAE. Traditional approach to look at any product based marketing involves understanding of: Financial data- Factors like what will be the estimated product cost, distribution cost, expenses etc. Product data- It involves understanding of product pricing and other formalities like packaging etc. Sales and distribution data It involves what should be the sale targets and associated costs and revenues. Advertising and sales promotion data which caters to promotion strategy for the product. Thus preparing a good marketing plan can be a very complex process. But in a nutshell the aim of any marketing plan is very simple, which is to understand the factors and situation which have an impact on successful running of the business. We have looked at the complete marketing plan from the perspective of our product-Green Tea hp. This will be a new product in UAE market. As a result the challenge with this product is to start afresh with all marketing strategies. This project deals with various aspects of a marketing plan. To begin with it addresses the marketing objectives. Marketing objectives encompass setting realistic sales and profit expectations. This involves analysis of the total market for the product and the share for our product. Besides it also involves understanding the target consumer. Next section talks about marketing strategies. Marketing strategies outlines programs which will help us reach the expected sales and profit targets outlined in marketing objectives. This involves how much and when to spend on advertising and other promotional activities. Next we have discussed the implementation intricacies for our business. Tasks such as distribution from USA to UAE and price determination for the product are dealt with in this phase. These tasks are closely related to the financial statements and budgets. For any new business, it is very critical that a close check should be kept on the budget allocated and required. It is always good to have a planned budget before embarking on any new venture. Last but not the least we have also looked at the resources required to sustainably run our new business. Understanding the mode of generating financial resources, personnel resource and production capacity have been dealt in great detail. Marketing Plan Marketing Objectives Target Markets A target market is a specific group of people which a business thinks as their potential customers. They have similar characteristics like age, demographics, income etc. They also have similar buying patterns and can be classified as a separate category. The business tries to target this category when developing marketing strategies for its products or services and all of its marketing messages and campaigns are dedicated towards the target market. To develop a powerful marketing plan, we should answer following questions regarding the target market: How well do we understand the needs of our target market? Can we relate to what our target consumers need and what we have to offer? Are there any ways by which we can offer highly customized products for different groups? What product should be made generic and what should be offered to a broad set of consumers? A well defined target market can build the success of any company. While making products available to a huge market looks attractive, we would like to target specific customers to make ourselves known in the market. This is because green tea is new product in UAE and is not well known. In our previous submission, we had highlighted that we would specifically target the age group of 15-50.This was based on the consumption pattern of this group. Demographics As we know UAE has a large foreign expatriate population. The total population of the UAE is estimated at 2.3 million people. Only about 20 percent which represent 460,000 people of these are UAE locals. The rest are foreign workers. We would target all the people for our product. The Age breakup of UAE is as follows  0à ¢Ã‹â€ ’19 years: 27.4% (female 40,328,895, male 42,667,761 😉 20à ¢Ã‹â€ ’64 years: 60.1% (female 90,813,578, male 89,881,041 😉 65 years and over: 12.6% (female 21,991,195, male 15,858,477) The above breakup highlights the huge proportion of working age group population in UAE. Lifestyle Lifestyle is one important key factor used in determining which segments are used to target customers. Some important information in this section is there which includes how the Emirates market lives, their hobbies, their interests and their extracurricular activities. Emirates are living in extremely hot climate and they use tea as part of greeting to their guests most of the time. Frequency Its important to try and find out how frequently target segment will use the offered product or service. Specifically, businesses should always determine if theyre looking for on time sale and be in premium segment or to target more customers more often through new and innovative marketing techniques. Emirates have decent per capita income and they usually prefer the large packs and try using new products that come in the market. One of the major factors which contributes to their type of behavior is the diversity in their population. Exposure to various cultures makes them easily accept and experiment new products more often. Desires / Needs Business should be surely discovering the general need of the country they are planning to enter with new product. They should be aware of the basic desire and need of the emirates before launching Green Tea Hp here. Another point is that UAE development taking care of health sector is participating in the general issue by health and is making awareness campaigns about the importance of using the green tea and replaces the unhealthy food habits by using the healthy products. This will lead to decrease in the obesity and the diseases in the country. Therefore we can say that there is desire and need of Emirates which is developing towards this product of Green Tea hp. Expected Sales and Profit Expectation Sales and Profit objectives define the projected amount of goods to be sold. Thus it is very important for the success of any business that realistic objectives should be set. Once the sales objectives are set, everything else like marketing budget, channels to be used, number of sales personnel to hire etc. is based on these objectives or expected sales figures. For our product i.e. green tea we would look to cater to different tastes of the expatriate population. According to our research, we found that total UAE tea sales volumes showed a growth of 9% in 2009, or at 4,472 tons. ( Thus the change in tea sales from 2008 to 2009 is 369 tons. The below table summarizes the sales figures for the next year. Expected Sales Table  Growth in Sales in 2009 4472 Percentage Growth in 2009 9% Sale in 2009 49,688 Sales in 2008 49688/1.09=45585 Change in Sale from 2008 to 2009 4103 Projected Sales in 2012(assuming same growth rate) 49688+(4103*3)=61997 This market is primarily controlled by Lipton (, 2009). Most of the new players like Green Tea Hp would aim at getting a minor market share to begin with. Based on the estimates from other new players like entering into this segment, like wagh bakri from India, we would look to target at least 1 percent (, 2009) According to people in tea industry, UAE is looking for new and fresh taste in the tea segment. Already available products do not cater to the expectations of the people. Since the migrant population comes from different backgrounds, they have different tastes. Thus our green tea with many flavors would be able to fulfill this need to some extent. Thus we can hope to hit at least 1 percent of the market share. Thus 1 percent of projected sales in 2012 is 620 tons (approx). To calculate the profit margin we would take industry standards for gross profit margin and cash profit margin. We would take conservative estimates by assuming values lower a leading player in this industry. For our purpose we have taken Tata Tea data ( and calculated accordingly for green tea. Market Share Average Price of tea in last year Total revenue 620 Ton 3451.5 dollars/ton 620*3451.5=2139942 dollars We have assumed the market price of tea at 3541.52 dollars per ton Company Gross Profit Margin Cash Profit Margin Profit Dollars Tata Tea Beverage 10 Percent 9 Percent NA Green Tea Hp (UAE) 8.7 percent 8.7 percent 2139942*.087 = 186174 Promotion Mix Advertising Objective Objective of advertisement will be to attract health conscious customers towards the green. Since the green tea belongs to premium segment therefore more stress will be given to attract urban area consumers who are willing to try something new. Actually if we try to segment people of UAE, we can segregate people into two categories. One who prefers to try new products available in the market and they are usually called experimenters. Other category try to retain their own family retained brand which will bar them from experimenting any new product. Our work, as a green tea promoter, should attract these early experimenters and make a mark among them. Because the late buyer or safe buyers usually change their buying decision only when are too much exposed to any new product and when they really get to know that product is fine and can be used and have superior benefit as compared to their already using product. Hence, we are going to keep our target consumers to the premium family product thing. It will include kids, teenagers, fathers and Mothers. But the main target will be the teenagers who really care about their health. Teenagers generally have the tendency to experiment with totally new product. They try to use whatever there is in fashion. They want to be different from old generation and there they try every new thing which makes them different from their previous generation. That is why it is suggestible to make them a target customer and make our ad strategy as per their symbol of change. Therefore to target teenager and people in their twenties is be our prime strategy target. We need to position our product as youth icon thing. We have to make its image to look as fashionable and belonging to premium class. To make this we will be using some Hollywood star as an endorser which is youth icon in the eyes of Emirates. Media Mix We are going to use the media mix in a way to reach every single people in Emirates in order to make them of this new product in the market. Since ours is the first company launching this product in UAE therefore it will be our tough task to educate and inform consumers about the health benefits and differentiation from the entire existing product available in the United Arab Emirate market. Therefore we need to use following promotion media mix: Advertisement in magazines, newspapers and television. TV program. Kiosks. Billboards. Banners. The way we going to use this are to make this promotion in various phases. In first phase in which product need to be made aware in the UAE market is to use the media which is most widely used in the United Arab Emirates. Therefore we are going to take the initial advertisement through the use of the maximum reach basis. Since we all know that television is the best mode to reach to maximum population in minimum time. This will accompanied with the Message Message which green tea should be cashing is to convey a royal brand Image and keep a youth icon associated with product. Idea is to convey the health benefit and Premium product category among youth. Message should be something like conveying New and Young: Tried me!!. Cost Advertisement Newspaper Advertisement  20000 TV Advertisement  30000 Kiosk Advertisement  10000 Magazine Advertisement  10000 Billboard  10000 Banners  10000 Promotions 10000    Advertising Expense  $ 100,000.00 Sales Promotion Objective Objective of sales promotion will be to attract more and more customer in very first year. This should be done with the help of affordable small packaging of size as small as 100g. This should be the smallest package that should be available to the customer because smaller than this package will affect the brand image which is the last thing company want to do. Premiums Gift with purchase is the very common promotion techniques used by marketers for promoting the product. It is used in a way to associate our product with something of real use to the segment we are targeting. Since here we are targeting the youths therefore we can say that if we need to give some goodies free with our green tea product we need to offer something which is of real use to the teenagers and adults. A small teddy bear or a fancy branded pen with the 1 kg pack will attract consumer towards our product. Coupon Other way to attract the shopper towards our product is to let them buy the product with some free movie coupon. This thing which is really famous among the teenagers is to offer them free movie tickets on lucky draw to some consumer. Something like free movie coupons to every 5th shoppers can create a magic. This is cheap from the point of publicity and can work a lot in gaining momentum for the product. Cost Cost allotted to all this promotional strategy will be very less compared to advertisement expense we are incurring on the product. The main reason for this is because our main aim is to achieve more of awareness and less of selling. We want to do marketing rather than selling. We are going to produce what is needed there not we will sell whatever we have produced. Total Cost allotted to promotion will be $10000 annually. Personal Selling At this stage personal selling will be avoided by Green Tea HP. This is totally new product in the market. Surely personal will help in sale but we are avoiding this to check our brand image deterioration. We are planning to use this in B2B strategies but not in the business to customers strategy. Other Promotional Method All promotional strategy which we are planning is already described in above. As of now Green Tea hp product will not be experimented with some strange promotional technique. It can work but we dont want to take risk for this totally new product in United Arab Emirates market. Distribution: From Origin to Destination Port Selection United States is bounded by sea on both sides. In the west, it has Pacific Ocean whereas on the east side, it has Atlantic Ocean. UAE on the other hand lies northwest of the Arabian Sea. Origin Since the manufacturing of Green Tea happens in Utah, we are interested in looking for major trading ports near Utah. Utah lies towards the western side of US. Thus two major ports nearby are Port of San Francisco, California It lies on the western edge of the San Francisco Bay with a total trade capacity of 2,654,714 short tons. This is a major port with high amount of export trade. Port of Coos Bay .Oregon It is located on the Pacific coast, with major cities nearby. E.g. It Washington to the north and California to the south. This port too has high trading volume and is a good option since it had many logistics operator in nearby states. Destination UAE has seaports throughout the region. The major ports are Port Jebel Ali, Port Khor Fakkan , Port Rashid, Port Saeed ,Port Khalid and Port Zayed. Packaging Packaging is required to protect the products from damage during transit and also during storage. Packaging also plays a crucial role in information transmission and sales. Marking and Labeling Regulations On any package, many types of labels are used. These may include trademarks, product certifications and food authority approvals etc. To make full use of packaging, we intend to publicize the health benefits of green tea through labeling. Approvals from health authorities and results of study on green tea can be highlighted through package. Containerization During shipping of containers, one needs to take care of identification and bar codes and RFID numbers for easy tracking and shipment of goods. Another important aspect to consider is the container standards. There are many container system standards worldwide. It is essential that the same standards are used by both the trading partners for easy identification of goods. Costs Packaging represents a significant portion of the total cost on a product. For example, in tea industry, it is estimated that the cost of packaging can be as high as 30% of the total cost. This is primarily due to special type of packaging required to keep the tea fresh and increase the shelf life. Another cost consideration in packaging is that it is extremely expensive to create a new packaging design including graphics and structure. Thus the choice of packaging should be a very thought out process. For our product, GreenTea HP, we would make investments in generating a stable packaging system. We would restrict our packaging costs to 10 percent over the long term. This includes the countrys industrial, agricultural, and animal products. The competent ministries and departments approve the bill and issue a certificate of origin for all national products meant for exportation. A copy of these documents should be submitted upon processing an export application. The customs authorities employ the temporary deposit system in order to simplify and facilitate the procedures for the importers. A deposit is an amount of money that the customs collects pending payment of the customs duties or presentation of the original documents. Price Determination Transportation Cost Transportation Cost will be there but that will be borne by wholesaler only. The wholesaler needs to have enough margins as commission in order to bear this cost and still not make any losses. After the wholesaler the further transportation cost will borne by retailer. Because of all this, both the retailer and the wholesaler are getting hefty commission. Handling Expenses Handling Expenses will be borne by company itself as most of these handling charges are there as freight cost are from factory to onboard travelling. Custom Duties Custom duty is paid by company only as it is importing the raw tea leafs from elsewhere. The amount of custom duty generally depends upon the amount of import that is done. Company is paying $50000 as custom fees for the product for very first year on annual basis. Whole and Retail Mark Up and Discounts Final Price Product Cost  $ 2,020,000.00 Selling price (Profit Margin 8.7%)  $ 2,195,740.00 Selling Quantity we are targeting (Ton)  620 Company Price   Selling price per ton  $ 3,541.52 Selling price per Kg  $ 3.54 Selling price per 250g Pack  $ 0.89 Selling Price per 100g pack  $ 0.035 Wholesale Price (@13% WS Commission)   Selling price per Kg  $ 4.00 Selling price per 250g Pack  $ 1.00 Selling Price per 100g pack  $ 0.04 Retail Price (@12.5% Retail Commission)   Selling price per Kg  $ 4.50 Selling price per 250g Pack  $ 1.13 Selling Price per 100g pack  $ 0.05 Pro-formal financial Statement and Budget Marketing Budget Advertisement/Promotion Expense Advertisement Newspaper Advertisement 20000 TV Advertisement 30000 Kiosk Advertisement 10000 Magazine Advertisement 10000 Billboard 10000 Banners 10000 Promotion 10000 Advertising Expense $ 100,000.00 Distribution Expense Distribution Cost Store Payroll 20000 Store Management 10000 Rent 10000 Utilities 10000 Depreciation 10000 Repair 20000 Maintenance 13000 Total Distribution Expense 93,000.00 Product Cost Processing Raw Green tea cost Raw product (1000 ton) 1,000,000.00 Processing Variable Cost 230,000.00 Processing Fixed Cost 270,000.00 Final Green Tea product (620 ton) $ 1,500,000.00 Product Cost Percentage of Selling Cost Green Tea Product Cost(620 ton) $ 1,500,000.00 74.3% Custom expense $ 50,000.00 2.5% Packaging Cost $ 200,000.00 9.9% Selling Expense $ 73,000.00 3.6% Advertising Expense $ 100,000.00 5.0% Distribution Expense $ 93,000.00 4.6% Misc Expense $ 4,000.00 0.2% $ 2,020,000.00 Selling price (Profit Margin 8.7%) $ 2,195,740.00 Final Price Product Cost $ 2,020,000.00 Selling price(Profit Margin 8.7%) $ 2,195,740.00 Selling Quantity we are targeting (Ton) 620 Selling price per ton $ 3,541.52 Selling price per Kg $ 3.54 Selling price per 250g Pack $ 0.89 Selling Price per 100g pack $ 0.04 Other Cost Misc Expense $ 4,000.00 Pro forma annual profit and loss statement (Profit year) Profit And Loss Statement Income Revenue  $ 2,195,740.00 Expense    Cost of Goods Sold  1,000,000.00  Processing Variable Expense  230,000.00  Processing Fixed expense  270,000.00  Custom expense  $ 50,000.00  Packaging Cost  $ 200,000.00  Selling Expense  $ 73,000.00  Advertising Expense  $ 100,000.00  Distribution Expense  $ 93,000.00  Misc Expense  $ 4,000.00  Total Expense  2,020,000.00    EBIT   $ 175,740.00 Interest   $ 25,000.00 EBT   $ 150,740.00 Tax @ 20%   $ 30,148.00 Net Income   $ 120,592.00 Resource Requirements Finances In a product life cycle, different financial needs arise at different points in time .The funding stages of a business are as follows: Seed capital It is the amount you need initially to set up and plan your business activities. Start-up capital It is the amount of money required to maintain operational activities like buying raw material, processing etc in the first year. It is also called working capital Mezzanine (expansion) capital It is required to expand the current facilities. e.g. to upscale the production to full installed capacity or to buy a new larger business. For our product, Green Tea, finances will be required to start business operations, logistics and distribution, to pay for customs, for setting up packaging facilities and so on. We need a sum of around 500,000 dollars as calculated in above sections, of which 230,000 is variable cost and 270,000 are fixed cost. Capital funding can be of two types Debt Capital and Equity Capital. Debt capital means taking a loan which can be paid back over a period of time. This gives an easy way to maintain control over the company as well as get funds. The most common type of debt funding for a new business like ours is secured loans. To start any business, the first and foremost option that comes to mind is to avail business loans. A business can also avail secured loans from banks by keeping some property as collateral with the bank. Amount of secured business loans depends on value of the security kept with the lender. Generally a secured loan can fetch an amount of 50,000 to 100,000 dollars. It can be paid back in a period of 5-30 years depending on the terms and conditions. Equity capital is another way of funding in which people or firms become a part of the company. In this way they earn a portion of your profits in ways of dividends or can make huge money when the company goes public. Thus to determine the type of funding, we need to ask, that whether we are comfortable paying monthly installments or we would like to give up ownership rights in our company. Along with this, we need to ask following questions: Does my business qualify for debt financing? Am I willing to lose the secured collateral if the business fails? Am I willing to share the confidential financial information of my company? Some of other choices for funding a business include: Personal savings. Borrowing from family and friends. Making a partner and using his personal funds. Approaching a commercial finance company. Getting venture-capital fund. Thus to raise the funds of 1500,000 dollars, we can make following arrangements. Funds Breakup  Seed Capital 500,000 Dollars Secured Loans at 5 Percent 500,000 Dollars Equity Capital for 10% stake in Company 500,000 Dollars Personnel Every organization should be clear about its human resource needs. Thus planning can help in getting the right number of people at the right place. This kind of planning is largely dependent on the organizations overall goals. Forecasting of personnel depends on the following factors: Mission of the organization. Projected Turnover. Quality of employee skills. Technological advances in production and packaging. Personnel can be acquired from any of the following two sources Internal External Internal recruitment refers to promotion of employees from within the organization to fill the gaps. This involves listing of an employees education and skill set and based on that making recommendation for promotion. A company also considers performance levels of employees over past years. External Supply of qualified candidates refers to getting the required personnel from outside the organization. This involves having a good knowledge about the supply conditions in different occupations and awareness about the general business environment. The information about such conditions and availability of personnel can be found in: Monthly updates of national bank. Publications of various associations. Publications of various employment agencies. Since ours is a new product, we would primarily be focusing on external sources to fill our personnel needs. Also we would like to estimate the number of personnel required on the basis of ratio analysis. It involves forecasting the employee numbers based on the ratio of some factor like sales volume to the number of people required per unit of sales. Our product has sales of 620 ton. Production Capacity It refers to the volume of products which can be manufactured in a plant or factory with a given amount of resources. Production capacity depends on the efficiency of machines and workforce. It is essential that highly efficient processes should be put in place for the same. Another important concept to consider while deciding on the production capacity is capacity utilization. It gives a relationship between the actual production that happens in a plant with the total installed capacity and potential production. For Green Tea HP, we would be targeting an actual production capacity of around 650 ton in the first year. But we plan to have installed capacity around 1500 ton. We would scale up the production in a phased manner. Good production planning will help make better decisions in terms of sales, profit, expenses etc. To calculate production capacity, we should consider various factors like number of facilities, number of employees and equipment etc. Also number of employee required (discussed in previous section on personnel planning) plays a crucial part in the same. We need to determine the number of hours per week for employees. For our product, we assume an industry standard of 40 hours per week. The time spent in breaks, lunch time etc would be deducted from this time to calculate actual time spent on the production. Once we have actual time spent on production and the number of employees employed, we can calculate the actual production. Actual Production = Actual hours spent in production * Number of Employees Sources Tea Processing Article Retrieved May 15, 2011, from Tea Manufacturing firm inputs Website: Technology Trends in Tea Manufacturing Article Retrieved May 15, 2011, from Tea Manufacturing firm inputs Website:
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The Benefits of Studying Abroad
The Benefits of Studying Abroad Knowledge can be gained in many ways. One of the ways is to study abroad. Studying abroad gives students an experience of a life time for students to gain such invaluable experience. It is an excellent opportunity to come into close contact with a distinct culture in their day-to-day life and return home with plenty of cherished memory. For instance, students can experience four seasons in abroad wherever they choose the country that have four seasons, where it will be the most cherish moments for students that never experience the seasons. Study abroad had many benefits. First and foremost, it is a great growth experience. Study abroad challenged students to live among different types of peoples in different condition. Gilbert Keith Chesterton says â€Å"The whole object of travel is not to set foot on foreign land; it is at last to set foot on ones own country as a foreign land.†The lifestyle and social be different, forcing the student to expand their social skills in order to get assistance from lectures, school staff classmates, as well as to make friends among their peers. In addition, â€Å"students will also derive much benefit from expansion of their communication abilities later in life†. As a result, these students will eager to know more knowledge as they able to cope in the situation. Stated by Laurence Sterne, â€Å"The desire of knowledge, like thirst of riches, increase ever with acquisition of it†. Moreover, this experience will cause them to mature, increase of confidence and self-esteem, and ultimately make the student a more â€Å"well-rounded person†. Furthermore, the students will â€Å"having a greater perspective of the world around them to appreciate societal differences†. Second, study abroad provides the opportunity to travel. Students can venture out and check their surrounding during weekends or academic breaks. Study abroad is not all about being a book worm; it is about getting to know a new and interesting land. Being in a new place, get to know people who have different way of living, and becoming familiar with new cultural and urban environment. Addition to, students have opportunities to confront the realities of people and cultures coming together around tourism. In other words, they able to see the reality of life, that are consists of many differences peoples and cultures by naked eyes. Furthermore, there are lots of interesting places to be visited. Students should appreciate their time and use their time to explore the world more as well as learning the world itself by venture out while academic break. In fact, â€Å"the beginning of knowledge is the discovery of something we do not understand†says Frank Herbert. In particular, k nowledge is something to be earning by not knowing the meaning but it is something to seek by exploring the world. Consequently, students should travel around while there in abroad to seek for more knowledge. Besides that, study abroad will help to develop personal skills. Being immersed in an entirely new cultural setting is scary at first, but it is also exciting. It is an opportunity to discover new strengths and abilities, conquer new challenges, and solve new problems. Students will encounter situations that are wholly unfamiliar to students and will learn to adapt and response in effective ways. For instance, students will face communication problems when they speak to the native speaker in that particular country throughout the academic session, being often to speak foreign language, they able to speak as the native speaker without problems. Moreover, they can solve academic problems together even though the group consist variety of races. In particular, students can be edifying the situation after a while in abroad. Furthermore, students develop a better perspective on world affairs through international study and understand the depth and breadth of differences that abound in glob al community. This personal development broadens the students chances in the future. Most of all, study abroad enhances employment opportunities. Through employers eyes, a student who has studied abroad is self-motivated, independent, willing to embrace challenges, and able to cope with diverse problems and situations. Moreover, â€Å"study abroad reflects positively on resumes and increases the chance of employment with international and multinational organizations†. For example, nowadays, before hiring an employer, they will see the resumes first then interview the candidates one by one or grouping. In the resumes, it reflects the candidates capability and the potential to serve for the company but, the company will see which candidates study abroad and they will be given the priority to these candidates first for the job as they pass the interview sessions. In other words, these kinds of students have greater chances getting a good career than average students that study locally. An average student does not expose to the globalization. In addition, abroad s tudents not so stiff to get a job due to the degree acquired from those universities are recognize by multinational organizations. As well as experience of living and studying in foreign country, negotiating others cultures and able to speak foreign language fluently will all set apart from the majority other job applicants. In conclusion, study abroad has many benefits. First benefits are gain great growth experiences. Students gain and learn new things while in abroad about their lifestyle and social. Second, provides the opportunity to travel around the surrounding. They can learn more as the students travel around to gain more info about the foreign country and others. Then, develops students personal skills by adapt the situation and slowly to cope with the social life in foreign country. Finally, study abroad enhances employment opportunities that are by the value of education and reputed institutions to broaden the chances to get a good job.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Edward Albees Whos Afraid of Virginia Woolf Essay -- Edward Albee Af
Edward Albee's Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Edward Albee was an American playwright producer and director. He was born on March 12, 1928 probably in Virginia. He was adopted at an early age, which influenced him to write about characters that are different. His writings were characterized by realism; fidelity to life as perceived and experienced, and were considered to be absurd dramas. Albee, in Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, portrays a primitive sex struggle between a middle aged couple; the relationship between George and Martha is acted out in a series of games in which one sex dominates the other through unapparent love, weapons that each have mastered, and the most hurtful insult, the revealing of the hidden truth. The unapparent love for one another is one of the most interesting aspects of George and Martha's relationship. Throughout the play this point is brought out in some of the most memorable scenes. At the end of the play, when George triumphs in the battle, he shows sympathy towards his wife even though he has regrets about revealing the truth about their hypothetical son. Each understand and appreciate one another even though each is a tortured person. In Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, Martha states "George who is good to me, and whom I revile, who understands me, and whom I push off; who can make me laugh, and can choke it back in my throat, who can hold me at night, so that it's warm.... who keeps learning the games we play as quickly as I can... Edward Albee's Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf Essay -- Edward Albee Af Edward Albee's Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? Edward Albee was an American playwright producer and director. He was born on March 12, 1928 probably in Virginia. He was adopted at an early age, which influenced him to write about characters that are different. His writings were characterized by realism; fidelity to life as perceived and experienced, and were considered to be absurd dramas. Albee, in Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, portrays a primitive sex struggle between a middle aged couple; the relationship between George and Martha is acted out in a series of games in which one sex dominates the other through unapparent love, weapons that each have mastered, and the most hurtful insult, the revealing of the hidden truth. The unapparent love for one another is one of the most interesting aspects of George and Martha's relationship. Throughout the play this point is brought out in some of the most memorable scenes. At the end of the play, when George triumphs in the battle, he shows sympathy towards his wife even though he has regrets about revealing the truth about their hypothetical son. Each understand and appreciate one another even though each is a tortured person. In Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, Martha states "George who is good to me, and whom I revile, who understands me, and whom I push off; who can make me laugh, and can choke it back in my throat, who can hold me at night, so that it's warm.... who keeps learning the games we play as quickly as I can...
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Sir Isaac Newton Essays -- Biographies
Isaac Newton Isaac Newton was one of the greatest scientists of all time. He is best-known for his discovery of the law of universal gravitation and the laws of motion. Much of modern science is based on the understanding and use of his laws. Isaac Newton was born on Christmas Day, 1642, in the small English town of Woolsthorpe. His father, a farmer, died shortly before Isaac was born. When the boy was three years old, his mother remarried and moved to another town. Isaac stayed on at the farm in Woolsthorpe with his grandmother. After attending small country school, he was sent at the age of twelve to the Kings School in the near by town of Grantham. At first Isaac was a poor student. He cared little for school work, perferring to paint, make kites, write in notebooks, or invent toys. He made no friends. Silent and dreamy, he was at the bottom of his class. Oddly, it was a savage kick by a school bully that caused Newton's great mind to awaken. The mild, dreamy boy flew into a rage and beat the other boy thoroughly. Isaac determined to beat the bully in school work as well. Soon Isaac was at the head of his class. In 1656 Newton's stepfather died. His mother returned to Woolsthorpe to take care of the farm left by Newton's father. But she could not manage the farm by herself. Isaac was taken out of school and brought home to help her. As a farmer, Newton proved to be a dismal failure. He neglected the necessary chores and thought only of books to study and mechanical things to make. There are many stories about him at that time that show how absent minded he was becoming. One day while he was leading a horse, the animal slipped its bridle and ran away. ... called the Principia, after its Latin title. Many scientists think its the most important scientific book ever written. It contains Newton's famous three laws of motion. It also contained his law of universal gravitation. This law applies not only to heavenly bodies. It also explains why a baseball drops from your hand to the ground and why a particle of dust settles on a bookshelf. During later years Newton served his country in Parliament, as well as in other ways. In 1703 he was elected president of the Royal Society, and in 1705 he was knighted by Queen Anne. Isaac Newton died in 1727. He was burried in Westminster Abbey, among the great men of England. His statue stands today in the hall of Trinity College, Cambridge University. Bibliography: David C. knight. "isaac Newtons, Mastermind of modern Science" Groiler inc. Canada, 1969.
History of the Magna Carta :: essays research papers
The Magna Carta is often thought of as the cornerstone of liberty and a defense against unjust rule in England. The Magna Carta is also a type of constitution. Just like the English have the Magna Carta, the Americans have the Constitution. To better describe the Magna Carta I’m going to tell you some more about the line of events that led up to this famous document. First there was the landing of the pilgrims in 1620 at the Plymoth Rock â€Å"for the glory of god and the advancement of the Christian faith†. Prior to this happening, another course of events unfolded in England. In 500 (?)A.D., the Anglo-Saxons conquered England bringing Roman Catholicism with them. Only the new Latin Bible was available to the people and the pagan rulers had that in mind so the people couldn’t read it. Two important men, John Wycliffe and William Tyndale tried to translate this new Bible. The church didn’t like this and burned the translated Bibles and killed Tyndale. The idea of a limited government came from the Anglo-Saxons. Before-hand, the King’s counselors were called Witan, but when the Norman conquered they changed the name to Parliament. This is how the Parliament came to be. Another event that connects the colonist and the English together is the event of a hated King in England trying to take away freedom and go back to the old ways. The idea of how much power the King had struck Parliament. After that, the Parliament and the people made the King sign the Magna Carta, which limits the amount of power the King has. The Magna Carta also affected the rights of the American colonies. It practically took away all relationships between the King and the colonies. After the relationship was broken, America broke off from England. All of this happened because of the Magna Carta. The Magna Carta introduced the idea of placing the King under the law of the land.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
History project- religious development in India Essay
With the coming of the Mughals in India and the Turkish rule, there were many developments and changes in the Indian culture and religion. The Sultans of Delhi and Mughal tolerated different religions, especially Hinduism, though they were followers of Islam. This lead to the beggining of indo-islamic culture. Since dawn of history, India has been the cradle of religious developments. In the early medival period, two parrelel movements in Hinduism and Islam representing the Bhakti and Sufi movements emerged in India. The Indo-Islamic strands have been woven into the texture of India by intertwining Bhakti and Sufi traditions. Bhakti movement The Bhakti movement is a Hindu religious movement in which the main spiritual practice is loving devotion towards Shiva or Vishnu. Bhakti movement is also closely related to Sufism of Islam which rose in the same time period and both advocated ‘love of God’ as the easiest way to attain God. The Bhakti movement originated in ancient Tamil Nadu. The Nayanmars and the Alvars played a major role in the Bhakti movement. The Bhakti movement co-existed peacefully with the other movements in Hinduism. It was initially considered unorthodox, as it rebelled against caste distinctions and disregarded Brahmanic rituals, which according to Bhakti saints were not necessary for salvation. In the course of time, however, owing to its immense popularity among the masses it became ‘orthodox’ and continues to be one of the most important modes of religious expression in modern India. The world ‘Bhakti’ means devotion to God. The Bhakti movement had its origin in the Bhagavadgita and the Upanishads. The Bhaktas of God did not believe in any sort of caste distinctions. They advocated love and devotion to God and discarded all sorts of rituals and ceremonies. They preached oneness of God and â€Å"that all religions were but roads leading to the same goal†. Chief Principles of Bhakti Movement: The chief principles of the Bhakti movement were as follows: 1. It is Bhakti or devotion to God alone that can help man attain salvation. 2. It is important to follow a true guru for realizing God. 3. All men are equal and no one is superior or inferior. 4. Caste distinctions, rituals, fasts, etc. , are useless and lead to nowhere. 5. All men should be tolerant. Effects of the Bhakti Movement: The Bhakti movement had far-reaching effects on the people. Firstly, it helped a lot in removing the existing bitterness between the Hindus and the Muslims. Both became more tolerant towards each other. Secondly, the Bhaktas exposed the hollowness of empty rituals and ceremonies and taught the people to give up evils like belief in superstitions etc. This movement delta a blow to the superiority of the Brahmins, for it propagated the equality of all men. This also helped in checking conversions. Thirdly, the Bhakti reformers preached in the common language of the people, which gave rise to the vernacular languages such as Bengali in the east, Gujarati and Marathi in the west and Punjabi in the north. Important Bhakti Reformers Ramanuja : Ramanuja was one of the earliest reformers. His teachings were based on the Upanishads and Bhagwad Gita. he had taught in the language of the common man. Soon a large number of people became his followers. Ramananda was his disciple. Ramananda : Ramananda was the first reformer to preach in Hindi, the main language spoken by the people of the North. He was educated at Benaras. He preached that there is nothing high or low. He was an ardent worshipper of Rama. He considered God as a loving father. He lived in the 14th century A. D. Kabir : Kabir was an ardent disciple of Ramananda. He wanted unity between the Hindus and the Muslims. He preached that both the Hindus and the Muslims are the children of a single God. He had no faith in idol worship, religious rituals and ceremonies. The devotees of Kabir were known as Kabir Panthis. Chaitanya : Chaitanya, a great devotee of Lord Krishna, was a saint from Bengal. From his very childhood, he had showed great interest in education and studied Sanskrit. He married the daughter of a Saintly person. Later at the age of 24, he renounced the worldly life and became a sanyasin. His followers regarded him as an incarnation of Lord Vishnu. He helped the old and the needy. He was opposed to the inequalities of the caste system. He emphasised the need for tolerance, humanity and love. He spread the message of Bhakti in Bengal. He popularised ‘Sankritan’or public singing of God’s name. He was addressed `Mahaprabhu’ by his followers. Meera Bai : Meerabai was a Rajput princess. She married the Rana of Mewar. She was a pious devotee of Lord Krishna. Her songs or hymns are even today sung all over India. Her palace was kept open to people of all castes to join her Bhajans of Lord Krishna. She had lived for the most part of her life in Mathura, the birth place of Krishna and Vrindaban. There is a temple dedicated to Meerabai in Chittor, the capital of Mewar. Sufi movement Sufism was a reform movement within Islam which applies greater stress on free thinking, liberal ideas and toleration. The Sufis believed in the equality of all human beings and brotherhood mankind. The Sufi movement started in Persia. Some of the Sufi saints also came to India. They began to preach their liberal ideas and to remove the gulf between the Hindus and the Muslims and join them together. The word Sufi has been taken from the Arabic word ‘Suf’ which means wool. The movement may have been given the name Sufism because of the course wool garments they wore as a mark of their rejection of worldly things. Sufis have traditionally taken vows of poverty and celibacy. Sufism developed religious practices focusing on strict self-control that enable both psychological and mystical insights as well as a loss of self, with the ultimate goal of mystical union with God. The Sufi movement consists of fraternal orders in which leaders train and assist disciples in the mastery of Sufism’s philosophical principles and ritual practices. Such rituals and practices include writing and reciting poetry and hymns; some of the most famous and beautiful literature of the Islamic world has been written by Sufis. Sufis engage in a variety of ritual practices intended to help them realize union with God, such as distinct forms of ritual prayer including the recitation of God’s names, as well as bodily rituals such as those practices by the so-called â€Å"Whirling Dervishes,†a Turkish Sufi order that practices meditation and contemplation of God through spinning. Teaching of Sufism: 1. There is one God, the Eternal, the Only Being; none else exists save He. 2. There is only one Master, the Guiding Spirit of all souls, who constantly leads his followers towards the light. 3. There is one Holy Book, the sacred manuscript of nature: the only scripture, which can enlighten the reader. 4. There is one Religion, the unswerving progress in the right direction towards the ideal, which fulfills the life’s purpose of every soul. 5. There is one Law, the Law of reciprocity, which can be observed by a selfless conscience together with a sense of awakened justice. 6. There is one Brotherhood, the human brotherhood, which unites the children of earth indiscriminately in the fatherhood of God. 7. There is one Moral Principle, the love which springs forth from self-denial, and blooms in deeds of beneficence. 8. There is one Object of Praise, the beauty which uplifts the heart of its worshipper through all aspects from the seen to the Unseen. 9. There is one Truth, the true knowledge of our being within and without, which is the essence of all wisdom. 10. There is one Path, the annihilation of the false ego in the real, which raises the mortal to immortality and in which resides all perfection. The Sufi Movement there is no priesthood in the ordinary sense, the priesthood is only to conduct the service and to answer the need of a priest which always exists in our everyday life. Those ordained in the Sufi Movement are called Sirajs and Cherags. There is no distinction between women and men. The worthy soul is ordained; this gives an example to the world that in all places – in the church, in the school, in parliament, in court – it is woman and man together who make evolution complete. But at the same time every Sufi is a priest, a preacher, a teacher, and a pupil of every soul that he meets in the world. The Sufi prayers such as Saum and Salat are not man-made prayers. They have descended from above, just as in every period of spiritual reconstruction prayers were given. And there is every power and blessing in them, especially for those who believe. Sikhism Guru Nanak is the founder of the religion of Sikhism and is the first of the ten Sikh Gurus. His birth is celebrated world-wide on Kartik Puranmashi, the full-moon day which falls on different dates each year in the month of Katak, October-November. Guru Nanak travelled to places far and wide teaching people the message of one God who dwells in every one of God’s creations and constitutes the eternal Truth. He setup a unique spiritual, social, and political platform based on equality, fraternity love, goodness, and virtue. Nanak was born on 15 April 1469, now celebrated as Guru Nanak Gurpurab. Today, his birthplace is marked by Gurdwara Janam Asthan. His parents were Kalyan Chand Das Bedi and Mata Tripta. His father was a patwari (accountant) for crop revenue in the village of Talwandi, employed by a Muslim landlord of that area, Rai Bular Bhatti. He had one sister, Bibi Nanaki, who was five years older than him and became a spiritual figure in her own right. Nanak also found work with Daulat Khan, when he was around 16 years old. On 24 September 1487 Nanak married Mata Sulakkhani, daughter of Mul Chand and Chando Ra? i, in the town of Batala. The couple had two sons, Sri Chand and Lakhmi Chand. Inspite of his married life, he spent most of his time in the company of holy men. At the age of 29, he left his home to spread the message of faith far and wide. Sikh teaching emphasizes the principle of equality of all humans and rejects discrimination on the basis of caste, creed, and gender. Sikh principles encourage living life as a householder Sikh Religion and Worship: 1)A Sikh believes in, and worships only one God. 2)A Sikh regards the succession of ten gurus, and the written word of the Guru Granth, a channel through which divine light manifests as salvation. 3)Sikhs worship in the gurdwara, congregating with spiritual companions, and communing with God, by singing divine hymns selected from the Guru Granth. 4)Sikhs perform ardas, a formal prayer, and read from Guru Granth before embarking on important endeavors. 5)The uniqueness of Sikhism is upheld without any derogatory attitude towards others, or belittling of others faith. . A brief of the next 9 Gurus: http://www. sarabsanjhigurbani. com/ten-guru. asp
Friday, August 16, 2019
Internet Use Essay
Introduction Learning is a process of acquiring modifications in existing knowledge, skills, habits, or tendencies through experience, practice, or exercise. (Merriam-Webster Dictionary, 2012) Clinical education is a vital component in the curricula of pre-registration nursing courses and provides student nurses with the opportunity to combine cognitive, psychomotor, and affective domains. Various studies have suggested that not all practice settings are able to provide nursing students with a positive learning environment. In order to maximize nursing students’ clinical learning outcomes, there is a need to examine the clinical learning environment. (Chan, 2004) Clinical experience has been the vital part of nursing education. According to Dunn and Burnette (1995), it is the avenue for the students to utilize the theories that they’ve learned in their discussion. It prepares student nurses to be able of â€Å"doing†as well as â€Å"knowing†the clinical principles in practice. The clinical practice stimulates students to use their critical thinking skills for problem solving. It is where the student nurses enhance their knowledge in nursing concepts and principles as well as to develop and improve their skills and attitude towards rendering quality of nursing services. Internet is a worldwide network that connects millions of computer and rapidly transforming the character of life and work. Internet gives tremendous impact on the conduct of every aspect in life especially in education. Nowadays, most of the students rely in the new trends brought by technology. When it comes to education, internet is the number one sour ce of the students in making school requirements. However, there are negative aspects too with regards in using internet, but if we use it enough in the right way, it will be a big help and easier for us to learn something new in just a click away. The internet, or sometimes called â€Å"The Net†is a worldwide system of computer network at any computer can get information from any other computers. (Gaylah, 2010) Regular use of computers can have an effect on student performance on standardized tests, according to a new study by researchers at Boston College and the University of Massachusetts at Lowell. Analyzing test performance and computers uses of 1986 fourth grade students from 55 classrooms in nine Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment Systems (MCAS) English Language Arts Exam. According to federal communication commission, 97% of schools across the country had internet connectivity as of 2010 (FCC, 2010). Far fewer, were able to successfully meet the need from higher speed access, the FCC said, citing that demand as one reason it unveiled its National Broadband Plan in March 2010. A study of I. Kabakci, et al., about â€Å"Parents Views about Internet use of their Children†was revealed that parents consi der Internet as an important source that children can especially use to do research for their lessons and to do their homework. It was concluded that Internet influences the personal development of children negatively because children are exposed to physiological effects since they spend a lot of time on internet. The study of Kabacki et. Al., was all about Internet Use and Its Effect to Academic Performance but there was only limited study conducted about Internet and Clinical Performance of Nursing Students, thus, the Researchers would like to conduct a study about the Internet Use in Clinical Performance of Nursing Students to identify how student’s performance on clinical area would be affected with the use of internet and to fill the gap of the researcher’s curiosity about the said study. Statement of the Problem This study was intended to determine the effects of internet use of student nurses in relation to their clinical performance. Specifically, the study sought answers to the following: 1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of: 1.1 sex; 1.2 age; 1.3 year level; and 1.4 weekly allowance? 2. How often do student nurses use the Internet? 3. Is there a significant relationship between student nurses’ use of the Internet and their profile variates? 4. What is the clinical performance of the student nurse-respondents? 5. Is there a significant relationship between student-respondents’ clinical performance and profile variates? 6. Is there a significant relationship between Internet usage of student nurses and their clinical performance? 7. What are the implications can be drawn from the study? Hypotheses Based on the specific questions presented above, the following hypotheses were tested: 1. There is no significant relationship between student nurses’ use of the Internet and their profile variates. 2. There is no significant relationship between students-respondents clinical performance and profile variates. 3. There is no significant relationship between Internet use of student nurses and their clinical performance. Theoretical Framework Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning by Mayer where in the principle known as the multimedia principle states that â€Å"people learn more deeply from words and pictures than from words alone†(Mayer,1996 p.47). However, simply adding words to pictures is not an effective way to achieve multimedia learning. The goal is to instructional media in the light of how human mind works. This is the bases of Mayer’s cognitive theory of multimedia learning. This theory proposes three main assumptions when it comes to learning with multimedia: There are two separate channels, auditory and visual for processing information sometimes referred to as Dual-coding Theory; Each channel has a limited (finite) capacity similar to Sweller’s notion of cognitive; Learning is an active process of filtering, selecting, organizing and integrating information based upon prior knowledge. Humans can only process a finite amount of information in a channel at a time and they make of sense o f incoming information by acting creating mental representations. Mayer also discusses the role of three memory stores sensory (which receives stimuli and restores if for a very short time), working (where we actively process information to create mental constructs (or schema) and long-term (the repository of all things learned). Mayer’s Cognitive Theory of Multimedia presents the idea that the brain does not interpret a multimedia presentation of words, pictures and auditory information in a mutually exclusive fashion; rather these elements are selected organized dynamically to produce logical mental constructs. Furthermore, Mayer underscores the importance of learning (based upon the testing of content and demonstrating the successful transfer of knowledge) when new information is integrated with prior knowledge. Design principles include providing coherent verbal, pictorial information, guiding the learners to select relevant words and images and reducing the load for a sing processing channel etc. can be entailed from this theory. Experi mental Learning Theory by David A. Kolb emphasizes that the true play in the learning process. He states that â€Å"learning is a process is whereby knowledge is created through the transformation of experience†(1984, p.38). The theory presents a cyclical model of learning, consisting of four stages. One may begin at any stage, but must follow each other in the sequence: concrete experience (or â€Å"DO†), reflective observation (or â€Å"OBSERVE†), abstract conceptualization (or â€Å"THINK†), active experimentation (or â€Å"PLAN†). Kolb’s four-stage learning cycle shows how experience is translated through reflection into concepts, which in turn are used as guides for active experimentation and the choice of new experiences. The first stage, concrete experience (CE), is where the learner actively experiences an activity such as a lab session or field work. The second stage, reflective observation (RO), is when the learner consciously reflects back on that experience. The third stage, abstract conceptualization (AC), is where the le arner attempts to conceptualize a theory or model of what is observed. The fourth stage, active experimentation (AE), is where the learner is trying to plan how to test a model or theory or plan for a forthcoming experience. Kolb identified four learning styles which correspond to these stages. The styles highlight conditions under which learners learn better. These styles are: assimilators, who learn better when presented with sound logical theories to consider, convergers, who learn better when provided with practical applications of concepts and theories, accommodators, who learn better when provided with â€Å"hands-on†experiences, divergers, who learn better when allowed to observe and collect a wide range of information. Conceptual Framework Presented in the Figure 1 is the Conceptual Framework of the research study, a frame at the base of the diagram shows the study group or the research environment, 78 Student Nurses of Samar State University S.Y. 2012-2013. The said frame is connected to a bigger frame by a single arrow where it consist the research process. The aim of the study is to determine the relationship between the internet use of students and their profile variates, the internet use of students and clinical performance, and the relationship between the profile variates and clinical performance of the students. The frame for the research process is connected to the finding and analysis of the researcher and the implication which serves as a room of opportunity in the improvement of learning skills of student nurses.
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